Montag, 6. Februar 2023

very often iranian poetry (even lyrics) is in paranormal sarcasm, two tracks, three tracks, even in 4th dimension. the whole thing is an exchange of feelings between the aliens and elam and luristan. this dark sarcasm is disgusting: i destroyed you and will destroy you

آقا ما امروز سوزنمون گیر کرده بود رو همیرا.... هرچی کوسکش هم رد میشد از کنار ما میگفت این دیوونست، دیوونست، دیوونست. مادر قحبه ها

من از اونام که عشقم تو راه عشق فدا بشم
دستی بکش روی سرم که عاشق نوازشم
من از اونام که با کسی اگه که هم نفس بشم
فرقی برام نمی کنه زندونی قفس بشم
دل که بهت سپردم برات قسم که خوردم
دیدی که راست می گفتم وقتی که رفتی مردم
وقتی که رفتی مردم
دل که بهت سپردم برات قسم که خوردم
دیدی که راست می گفتم وقتی که رفتی مردم
وقتی که رفتی مردم
با یه قسم پوچ می کنم مال و منال دنیا رو
این روزها با تو دوست دارم بی تو نمی خوام فردا رو
یه روز نیای که دیر بشه عشق تو پیر پیر بشه
یا بمیره تو شهر عشق یا اون ورا اسیر بشه

i was in carla today, the purchase was 32 euros, everyone was very friendly, for a good reason: those who carry the gallows cord in their hands are always quiet, polite, elegant and never scold. so torture vienna for 40 years iran with iranian psychopathy, the spine of this psychopathy are several opposition parties and in iran active and ruling reformists with sepah

ok, now i have to go, it was on my stomach since this morning

i have a question for singer googoosh: when you came to vienna in 2001 to sing for the first time, with the help of the iranian secret service, did you know from my family what was going on from 1998? with faeze rafsanjani agents!?

حاجی هنوز نرفتم بیرون، ببین این دیگه چی خونده... مرده ایم از این همه کنایه.. آخه به ما چه تو فلانی

i have to go, but this time calls for rob wega and cobra units. you Viennese judge. I mean for eviction, looting and theft. also because of debts that vienna caused for us

that's my jewish blood share, starting capital from rana 4000 euros, for rana. 20 boxes

this sabotage extends to theft two thousand and eight, 280,000 euros were stolen from me with the help of the amiri family and viennese judges, without prosecution aggravated theft and attempted murder. i posted the voice of azadeh amiri, 2017. no reaction from wiener iranian or UNO and amnesty international. of aryan monkeys evolution law organizations.

Sonntag, 5. Februar 2023

I'll stop writing for today, but: i watch iranian cinema motivated, forced, tirelessly, just like europe has been reading iranian poetry for 1800 years. just as vienna has been reading onsori balkhi for centuries. for one reason: just as our lives generated hatred in 1998, or my business from 2002, these real but also surreal scenes of a happy life also generate hate, it attracts hate and envy, it attracts illness: why do you live like us, How many talents of non-Aryan origin do you have!? where can we find the 7 year old guitarist? where to find neda aghasoltan

we are genetically a crime in vienna, so also for viennese doctors and hospitals because we are the kids from bagher, " the negro jews"

what does swastika sign and root race have to do with evolution, proud jubilant linz vienna Berlin. Negro Jew is the master race, what the hell. proud mazdaki nazi... antisemit and fascist

Die NS-Herrschaft über Linz – mit viel Jubel begonnen am 12. März 1938 – war nach sieben Jahren zu Ende.

Well, my biological father was also taught to be an executioner by a Weiss family, mind controlled and educated to what? hangman?

today i bought old letters again, this time with photos, i've been doing that since 1998. private letters, letters from love relationships, letters from war, and death reports in letters. I read again today and asked hans weiß: what was between 1945 and 1947 so hard for you family weiß!? i always came to a logical conclusion: many people married englishmen and americans out of frustration between 1945 and 1947 and thus showed the russians their middle fingers. that was revenge. these comedians are absolute psychopaths

that's what we've always been, as goosh sings: old fairy tales

in my world you can turn a pear ice cream container into an oversized gate, closed door means closed gate. one can turn many things and objects into gates for demons and spirits, that what you see in the smoke. you only need to energetically close it with liquid. builds black worm holes in Switzerland, we do something different against you

جووووون ایطوری اوطوری نیگاه مکن، حشری، قاتل، بی پدر مادر تاریخی

a sufi dance free of pure heart in bosnian pyramids, ritual water bath and circle square and triangle walks. do you think that energy affects biology and genes? maybe i can prove it with old elam bosnia. what does life processes and cosmic rithms mean?

Leben braucht einen Umraum

In der heutigen Biologie weiß man bereits, dass man alle Lebensvorgänge auf bestimmte Rhythmen zurückführen kann. Alles oszilliert und folgt bestimmten Rhythmen. Eine innere Uhr reguliert nicht nur den individuellen Organismus, sondern synchronisiert auch die individuellen Lebewesen untereinander, auch Dank Sonne, Mond und Sternen. Alle Lebensvorgänge sind abgestimmt auf den planetarischen und solaren Umraum, verlaufen synchron damit (vgl. Lebensrhythmen: Das platonische Weltenjahr). Diese wunderbaren Biorhythmen zeigen, dass das Leben einen Umkreis braucht, dass Leben überhaupt nicht möglich wäre ohne einen Umraum, der aufgrund von geordneten Rhythmen, aber auch durch den ständigen Austausch rhythmischer Art in Ernährung und Atmung in Bewegung gehalten wird. Er verbindet das individuelle Menschenleben mit dem Leben aller Menschen auf unserem Planeten, hält aber auch die Beziehung mit dem Leben unseres ganzen Kosmos aufrecht (vgl. Natur und Kosmos: Grundlegendes zu den formgebenden Kräften).

Nicht nur das biologische Leben jedes einzelnen Menschen ist so weit gespannt. Denken Sie daran, wie gerne wir uns in die Sonne legen. Als Folge entwickelt sich mithilfe eines komplizierten Stoffwechsels zwischen Leber, Niere, Haut und Knochen das Vitamin D und stabilisiert unsere Knochen. Die Sonne, die das alles veranlasst, ist 150 Millionen Kilometer entfernt. Und von ihr ist unser Knochenbau abhängig. So wie auch der grüne Pflanzenfarbstoff, das Chlorophyll, und all unsere Nahrung. Die Weitung des Bewusstseins bis in diese Dimensionen ist ganz entscheidend, wenn man überhaupt anfangen will, die Lebensdimension zu begreifen.

if you ask the eu commission (since 2004) what that is supposed to be like in bosnia, then they answer: they were primitive evolution people that wanted to say with a few primitive stone scratches we were there, we were human

Keeping the roof and rooms of the human head barrier-free has many meanings, one: guests can come in and do what they can, two: freedom of action. and that in turn means doing what you want in the deepest swamp of crime. these minds are afraid of one thing: punishment, law, execution and years of imprisonment. vmat gene types are the barriers, empathy and compassion, mercy, compromise, peace.

Samstag, 4. Februar 2023

i have to go but how high is the pedophilia disease in aryan highlands!? isn't it xenophobia, genetic hostility, racial hostility? the silence about mass rapes of children in austria in the last 80 years has to do with what?

himmler trumpeted this on purpose: there are only two races in this world, the aryan race and the jews. what indirectly means evolution and creation, go and investigate. 50 years later vienna and berlin said: iran is liberated, iran rightly has a mahatma gandhi who ensures peace and order. and in fact khomeini, who was of indian origin, came and wrote immediately: sex with donkeys, sheep and camels is one thing, but sexual touching and sexual satisfaction with infants is permissible islamic behaviour. indo arian networks said: such a holy book! we native people and our infants have been raped and murdered by the tens of thousands.

I stop writing for today. good night

in the time of imam ali, "monafegh" had a deeper meaning, a distance. indo aryan sick islam uses this for xenophobic genetic psychopathy. what asghar farahdi and indo-arian race with vienna do with us is this: you are strangers and not from us, vienna also means the same: you are not austrian and not from us, so not iranian and not austrian. asghar farahdi makes us strangers with his celebrity gang and networks: we my mother rana and i were and never are iranian

these sick animals live in iran and are genetic xenophobia, iran is ours we are iranian and you are something different, iran was aryan today islamic aryan.......this crime in iran should have been stopped with 100 billion punishment islamic republic of iran, instead a UNO kurt waldheim flies to tehran and lays flowers at the grave of ayatullah khomeini

the man had seen genetic horror scenarios and genetic crossing. the result is what you see in vienna: 24 years of persistence, psychoptaic collective behavior, sociobiology: xenophobia. we smell different, our vmat2 and vmat1 chemistry stinks for some

death factory is murder, killer is bastard race, bastard race, bastard aryan race. this stasi system without evidence is death factory of aryan bastard race iran austria

i was especially popular in luristan as wired, wired to other dimensions and the guru

the aryan race in iran has been spreading justified hatred against race for decades, with the support of europe, america and israel. iranian leadership "rahbar" were genetically chosen before christ, like cyrus the great. also top military commands, generals and soldiers. even as children they were treated like raw eggs and educated and raised. as the honor and treasure of the land, the creation. today as underclass and unnecessary, many are with two dr. titles condemned to starvation. see vienna and wiener bastard psychopathy, with iranian bastard race in exile