Freitag, 17. Februar 2023

is it a vmat2 joke: in vienna's 10th district there are certain trees where you can eat branches and roots and even make tea? who lives on his "own ground", and doesn't know that: holy ground, holy forest spirit, holy trees? photo just now

حاجی چی بودیم چی شدیم با این یه تیکه چوب..... 2020

who are you that you need houses and don't want to live in state-subsidized apartments? Who are you? who are you that rented apartment is below your level? what are you worth

science is an infinite ocean, current status ridiculous, physicists and mathematicians still in mongolid phase for next 1000 years

this race never gets rid of this feeling, what you see here, there are secret societies and governments, intrigues that make these creatures willing to die, in wars, in distress, in race wars. 85% are willing to die because they will never get rid of this feeling. millions have stood at the gates of persia for thousands of years.... behind alexander and others to create a way, to things, to tools and buildings, to feel even more miserable for himself. or to my apartment: what does he do when he thinks he's alone

5000 years ago the aryan race had no food and today no houses.... my race is responsible for evolutionary prosperity, like in 1932 in europe

کون لخت مادر قحبه، کون لخت چپ نمای کوسکش، فاشیست دهن گشاد جنده زاده، چپ نمای کونی

aryan evolution man the fascist is still a looter today, the fascist. it can take care of itself without our existence, then 5000 years ago because of food and today because of houses

in no case does fucking old fascism, fucking ahrimanism want to have seen that, himmler said: our actions have deep roots in history, I'll show you the story: evolution has not been able to take care of itself, and has always depended on our presence. prehistory man and aryan evolutionary man. this truth shall be erased away. you are sick, hideously sick beings

شعبون جعفری بی مخ بود، آره؟ ولی خدائیش کون لخت ولد زنا رو میشناخت. مادر قحبه های بی آبرو

iraj eskandari a high tudeh party member said after leaving the party: you have been fascists since 1920 and not communists... until today

tudeh party is an old fascist party, demonstrably turned into communists after stalingrad, into a secret service organization with the camouflage screen of the communist people's party. today members of the social democracy mafia europe and vienna, international solidarity in persian vmat2 target extermination. this is actually exactly what happened in vienna berlin: all nazi academics became social democrats in the post-war period. i was the only side event in vienna, "the hardliner"

Obwohl bis 22.00 Uhr angemeldet, wurde die Demonstration laut Polizei um 20.50 Uhr abgebrochen, da sich unter den Teilnehmern auch kleinere Gruppen, sogenannte "Hardliner", befunden hätten. Mit deren radikalen Botschaften hätten sich die Veranstalter nicht identifizieren wollen. Das Ziel sei zwar dasselbe, doch man wolle keine Gewalt, so Hashemi dazu. Trotz des vorzeitigen Abbruchs verlief die Protestaktion störungsfrei.

به علی قسم اگر من زر مفت زده باشم.. یا بزنم. از زبان ایرج اسکندری

آقا بیژن جزنی هرچقدر علامت داد که ما خودمون میدونیم کی هستیم، حزب توده با چند صد ارتشی کونی قحبه گفتند: همون جز عنی. به ما هم در پالتالک خبر فرستادند جاز عنی نه جازمن...

آقا بعدش فیلم بلوگا نگاه کردم، دیدم دااااو: ما هم یه چند میلیونی نژادمون قدمت داره، دست زن رشتی می افتادیم بهتر بود تا زن بابلی... جون تو

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2023

i believe that tara had a future in iran as a cleaning lady and i in vienna as a construction worker

I have to go and come back later, but: a hundred million toman was not collected because of Morteza's rescue, but 1% of the actual amount for his death. iranian police officers are worse than viennese police officers

The deepest thing that struck me while the criminologist was solving the case was his private life. his son did not want to study, his mother insisted that he study,and that he should get a title. he decided: if you want to see a title then i will only become an actor and i will study art. I am afraid for my future

From the second the university professor asks: what's your name you talented mathematicians!? the end of the film was clear to me, a secret society on a target search. after failed marriage. like a persian poetry and life. The film is based on a true story

i watched yesterday from iranian cinema manufactory morteza, a criminologist and a case. I think the hundred and seventieth movie, right now it occurred to me: from 2002 until now I was more a journalist, more a police officer, more a criminologist, more a parapsychologist, more a whistleblower, as far as child murders in Iran are concerned. race and gene target murder in the name: small mishaps at protest actions

with secret laboratory tests there is a stronger race struggle and massacres internationally than in 1932, the networks reach as far as azerbaijan, uzbekistan peru, nicaragua and lybia. see: everyone is under mind control because of vienna: europe is taboo for reporting human rights violations.

the cultivation attempt dictatorship rogue state iran and constitutional state and democracy austria: we women, we have to kill barbad and rana because of the stasi black money. we have to find ways with the Viennese medical community.

حاجی آفرینش به یه پیک عرق راضی بود، مهریش هم با چهار تا خرما حل بود، من ریدم به اون انقلاب که این فساد اخلاقی رو اورد ایران و دیگه درست بشو نیست. مارو آرپیچی ۷ بدست کرده.

Today we all have the same feet, legs, face and ears, the sick brain and sick existence says: I have to find out through secret laboratory tests what is not from our ranks: evolutionary history. go and buy stones from ebay. our history

this viennese disease doesn't leave us alone in tehran, in shiraz or in isphahan or ahwaz. regardless of whether you emigrate to vienna or not, in democracy and the rule of law. since 1998 until today

there is an organized criminal syndicate, also active in iran since 1952, with secret protocols and secret actions, secret plans, secret cell actions, with instruction and training: nobody calls us monkeys and primates origin, and to themselves human

vienna was adolf hitler adolf hitler was vienna: our youth and children are the last barricade, we will never stop with racial murders, who wants to stop us? In 1946 it was stopped. today it's the same with stasi target racial murder system: this time with judges collective: who wants to stop us? who wants to stop our youth and ayatullahs in vienna?

آقا ما بریم عصری برگردیم. ما با پدر بزرگ و طاهره تو خونه بری باخ میرقصیدیم، این دیوانه های اجنبی فکر میکردن ما دیوانه هستیم با خودمون تنها میرقصیم. گمشید بابا با دوربین مخفی هاتون مادرقحبه ها

ملوک، ننه ناصر

آقا وقتی پدر بزرگ بزرگوارم نصرت فراهانی فوت کرد دیدم زمان خاکسپاری ملوک عوضی بی شرف هی داد میزنه با خنده: سنگ رو دوبرابر میشه گذاشت رو نصرت که بر نگرده!؟ حاجی دوبرابر میشه گذاشت؟ حاجی هم نشست قرإن خوندن و وراجی کردن:
ما هم دیدیم اینها جفتشون با هم خار کوسده، این بگو اون بگو، از اینور بگو این از اونور بگو، ما هم در ماتم و گریه و سوگواری که پدربزرگ کجایی. آقا ده ساعت بعد از خاکسپاری دیدیم همه خواب هستن، بلند شدیم دویدیم طرف قبرستون  اِبنِ بابُوَیْه، زیاد هم دور نبود یک نفس دویدیم و رسیدیم سر قبر، گفتم خیلی خوب پس اینطور: الهم صل وحدته کونده بازی. بیا برون، بیا بیرون، ده بیا اینها همه لاشین. خلاصه با دست چپ چهارتا سنگ سیاه آنقدر کوباندیم به قبر تا نصرت جون ما احضار شد، یک نیمچه نگاهی به ما کرد و برگشت با عصبانیت به خانه