Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2023

actually i'm still a loner and politically active today, in 2002 i said go to him and leave us alone. then he cleared the shop and the apartment, he stole everything and i started to laugh. if you read persian history you will notice a lui define drama and charlie chaplain satire at the end of each epoch. just like torkaman chai agreement, the sadism of the father: i'll take everything away from you one by one, you nationalist

without constant psychological influence, manipulation techniques, mind control of baphomet race no murder ritual works. your children are higher beings and you are nobody

آقا ما برویم و بخوابیم، ولی لعنت بر بز بافومه لر و کرد و آزری،(خوشبختانه در ایلام به هیچ وجهی زاده نشد) این پدر بافومه سال ۵۷ ستون پنجم رژیم بود، امروز هم ببین دیگه...

A third of this society is waiting for family murder orders, no matter who it is, police judges, UN politicians, or secret services. the second group just wants to watch and have fun, and the rest say: nothing interests us in this crime anymore.

understand me, these perpetrators and murderers are also genetically invalid 30 generations later, genetically inferior invalids, that's what science in brain research confirms, murderers and mass murderers are mentally invalids, genetically

this international criminal syndicate all nations, also presented in UNO are only focused on VMAT HUMAN mass extermination, with the goal: the silence of the society, which as you can see in vienna was achieved with million euro pot intrigue

what israelis and austrians in vienna think and say loudly: we earn money with current mass murderers.Viennese Israelis are louder than Austrians

nasser farahani sits in front of the eyes and monitors viennese constitutional agents, police, judges and 3 secret service organizations in austria in chatrooms full of ayatullahs, premeditated murder and murder plan is the order of the day

آقا امروز رفتیم تو یک مغازه دیدم یک حقه گذاشته شصت سنت، ورش داشتم کمی نگاهش کردم، خوب دقت کردم جوری طرح آمیزی شده، این علامت آبه؟ پشمه؟ موجه؟ در همین لحظه یاد تنها ارثیه افتادم که از ناصر مونده، همه چیز هارو دزدید برد، این یک دونه چوب بافور واسه ما مونده و ما گاهگداری در دست میگیریم و نگاهش میکنیم. خلاصه چند دقیقه پیش دیدم دهنه حقه تناسب داره با سر چوب بافور... سلول انفرادی دهه شصت هم اینطور بود، لحظه های آخر خیلی ها سر این هارمونی و هماهنگی سرنوشت، سر همین اتفاقهای کوچک و بزرگ سرشون بهم میریخت... بابام بود با آخوند

i have to go again, but before that: if i give some new topics and works to a hans or franz today and push through the door: franz publish these things and topics, the new one in your name, then he would say the same thing: their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

read more deeply plato and the history, even then many persians fled from greece back to persia, melchior, balthaser, casper and zarathsutra race and tribes

In the centuries after Homer a number of individuals with supernatural powers emerged who cannot be labeled or classified precisely. They belong partly to the history of Greek philosophy and science, partly to the realm of Greek religion, but they are also magoi, or miracle-workers.

Pythagoras, through both his legend and his doctrine, had great influence on Platonism, but Plato himself says little about magical practices. That he believed in astrology and other forms of divination is strongly suggested by the Timaeus, and it is reasonable to assume he believed in daemons from what we know of the Platonic School tradition. In his Laws (933a-e) he takes healers, prophets and sorcerers for granted. These practitioners existed in Athens and no doubt all other Greek cities, and they had to be reckoned with and controlled by laws. Plato does add that one should not be afraid of them, their powers are real, but they themselves represent a rather low order of humanity

as far as technology and science are concerned, the austrians are dependent on japan, china, america, russia, indonesia, taiwan and korea or cuba as far as cancer therapy is concerned, but still it sits in an office and says: we are important, we need more money for life, by torturing and killing other races

i'm not the painter and master, but i agree: potential doesn't mean i studied at university, potential means i bring something new, something sensational, invention. potential means crisis solution, like in a country iran.. potential means empathy like nikola Tesla, progress

I've been writing for 5 years: I have 38 projects and several inventions, reduced penis and tongue existence race says: if we don't have it and can't loot it then it doesn't matter and is worthless

reduced existence is the reduction of life on the tongue and penis, i mean people who are willing to kill individuals and masses. unnecessary existence, despite studies and work. Officials, 5 people in an office and bureaucracy system that believes: the master race has no weaknesses, the sub-race lets us kill them. this is the aryan formula: there is no red line no one can stop us, we are the stronger

according to a study, one in five austrians believe in god and life after death.I suspect this one also because of money and opportunism. the motto is: live well, eat well, fuck well and travel until you die. others should suffer and die for, good food is a menu that few people can afford, price per portion: from a hundred euros to 500 euros. ahriman's kitchen offers thousands of different delicacies for the tongue

Dienstag, 21. Februar 2023

from 1946 to 40 years later, these officials lived in average prosperity, through robbery, art robbery, business and shops looting and theft of ideas, inventions. It took 60 years for damages payment and property recovery.

آقا این طایفه مادری ما خان منش بودند، و خلاصه قرن نوزدهم دیدند وضعیت کیشمیشی شده، باید صبح بریم سر کار و شب بیایم برگردیم خانه از دست این مردم، به این معنا که مردم دست از سر ما بردارند. بلاخره بعد از مدتی خان منش هم کردند صبح منش، بعد دیدند به اینهم حسادت دارند، سه شناسنامه رو همین بی پدر مادر ها صادر کردند به اسم فامیلی خنج منش... خلاصه دایی صبح منش و مادر ما خنج منش. حاجی وقتش شده باز فامیلمون رو بگذاریم درشناسنامه: خان زاده خان منش فراهانی... نمیری بیرون؟ میری؟ نمیری؟ چته تو؟

these are former leaders of iran, true nelson mandelas with one difference: they have a digestive system that doesn't fit any liberalism and neoliberalism intrigues, and the iranian parliament is full of balkan europeans in ayatullah uniform and without uniform...

i posted dozens of photos on facebook and on my website, i show energy in water with logical scenes. no attention or interest. viennese police: we have 100 million euros jew torture money in safe deposit box, state property and we only drink beer

the deeper the european race immerses itself in history and science, the more fascistic it becomes towards the native race. it's worse in iran than in the west. so it insults us as jews armenians and arabs or azeri turks

اینم ممد حیدری بندری

balkan iranians, european iranians, also sinti and roma from india and pakistan successfully lead vienna in murdering jews, with the evidence and report americans, they confirm our fears: we have been dealing with najes race in iran for 40 years. see the behavior of vienna and eurolean iranian, nazi judges, nazi officials and nazi politicians

please answer: what does electromagnetism have to do with image character codes?

we are dealing with a european race in iran that has insinuated itself and reigns in every function, even in iranian archeology and research, what do our artifacts the artifacts of native iranian and history have to do with you? should we hear our story from your lips? enemies of iran?

my stomach reminds me of elam and jiroft writing character research: why after a weight loss from 117 kg to 72 kg there is no extra hanging skin and streaks left..

mousa khiabani was located by america and CIA and not by gypsies from gypsy villages. they were never on this level and class. look what you do with my sister and my person because of genes and dna: finish vienna has never done anything.