Donnerstag, 2. März 2023

This trade license was issued in 1996 after 28 years of work, antique carpet restoration 50 to 100 euros an hour and 10 hours of work a day. vienna police and viennese authorities have been responsible for the stasi torture system since 1998 with the iranian nazi mafia

i have to go to bed, but what america england russia and israel think about it: why do you take away our poorest evolution tribes illusion of being master race with ingenious projects... LOL

this Indo-Aryan family is only of value for austrofascism and international nazi networks because of the reintroduction of racial slavery and mass murder with financial benefits

Austria and Germany should be genetically deciphered, millions of people should be genetically tested, who needs mass murderers in this world?, again and again Germany and Austria. for whom is compulsory sterilization necessary? for peaceful race or aggressive mass murderer race?

ali khamenei is supreme fascist leader with austria as a partner in genetic and ethnic killings. even in vienna the fascist animal race 1932 is worse than before with the help of ali khamenei

With these methods, Austria with 80% anti-Semitism share wants to start murdering Jews again, with the intention: hahaha many Iranians don't know that they are Jews, crypto Jews and Israelis are our friends this time

austrian state says: we have international authorization and permission to earn money through iranian dna jews as secret camera slaves and secret pornography slaves, ali khamenei and his son of the bitches children with their contracts, whore children next to sepah, hezbollah and basij....


آقا یه بنده خدا رپ خون این ترانه رو گوش کرد، الان داره میپیچه به خودش که انگیزه ای بگیره برای رپ. لول.. 
ببین برادر جریان این شعر جریان خارکوسده و کار درسته است، سر همین هم مملکت به سوی گاییده شدن رفته، ای زاد و ولد حضرت کمبوجیه رپ خون: بیا: خارکوسده رفته تو نخ کار درسته، مثل یه قطره شاش تو شیشه آبش میفته، همون پسر فاطی پاچه کلفته متی قاطی کون کلفته... همونی که با وازلین لول اسکناس تو کون قاضی تپونده... تا همینجاش برادر... 

من مشاهده کردم اشعار فارسی و ادبیات بیشتر روانپریش پسند است، تا اینکه آدم سالم بپسنده، منظور از پسندیدن افراطگرایست، چنان ژست میگیرند و سرو صدا های عجیب غریب در میاورند که آدم فکر میکند طرف در عمق پایبند بودن به ارزشهای انسانیست. آدم سالم مثل خود بنده میخونه پرت میکنه به آنور، به این محتوا که: خوار مارو گائیدن از آن زمان که گردان یک و دو و سه ریده شد بهش و شد پشمک، ولمون کن نوحه نخون و ننویس تو هم گائیدی مارو با ناله...

جون من بگو جریان تو با رضا پهلوی و جریان او با تو چه شد...

i have to go, some voice said to me right now: go to styria to pan for gold on a river, you need money for our projects. i asked do you want to make me rich or the police? it laughed and said: do it and leave hans and fritz to me

neuropathy and live reporting: people get offended when you say you aliens and reptiles: we look like all other people? where is a reptile? monkey brains have a lot of space for the spirits many rooms and spaces...

this is what happens with capital fascists today, dozens of hundreds of multimillionaires and billionaires, one of whom has put the cane behind a glass showcase in his private museum for the benefit of others. this path continues

Mittwoch, 1. März 2023

the reason why nietzsche gave his cane to adolf as an inheritance is probably an episode when he was walking through vienna's forests and mountains and playing croquet with old stones. this psychopathy meant: with the blow on abraham stones i hit zarathustra stones, so we reach and break heart stone africa

Endlich, meine Brüder, hütet euch Unrecht zu
thun allen Einsiedlern! Wie könnte ein Einsiedler ver¬
gessen! Wie könnte er vergelten!

Wie ein tiefer Brunnen ist ein Einsiedler. Leicht
ist es, einen Stein hineinzuwerfen; sank er aber bis
zum Grunde, sagt, wer will ihn wieder hinausbringen?

Hütet euch, den Einsiedler zu beleidigen! Thatet
ihr's aber, nun, so tödtet ihn auch noch!

Also sprach Zarathustra.

Europe and America are in an economic predicament, with rising prices for all kinds of goods including electricity and gas and rents fascism is trying to limit the damage. but what capital fascism has is dozens of billions of euros in black money, not intended for economic growth or prosperity, but for mass murder, murders of those who the capitalists themselves are not genetically. natural stone vienna natural growth., schitzopherenia sign

if the austrian state shows my corpse nasser farahani and his brothers and his sister tomorrow they will all smile and say ok. the state of austria spent 5,000,000 euros on this event.

حاجی کله پدر خارکوسده تو و من، هیچکدوم آدم نبودن بفهمن ما کی هستیم، والا بخدا ایران ریده شده بهش رفته ما چوب پدرهامون رو هنوز داریم میخوریم

عکس امروز


I had 15 years of experience involved in political discussions with various groups, parties, organizations and sects, I had my own rooms as an admin with hundreds of listeners every day. In addition to this experience, I set up statistical tables for 10 years, studied at the Galup Institute and IPR Institute as an interviewer and managers. i noticed national socialism, racism, anti-race, campaign has around 20,000 active members in iran and around 80,000 sympathizers in exile networked with international, i.e. american and european networks. reza pahlavi talks about MEK terrorism and danger? mojahedin khalgh organization a threat to iran? which iran? an iran with active fascism and anti-semitism? involved in killing children at protests? ghahbe. that's the right word: ghahbe

آقا ما بچه بودیم موسی رو با نامردی کشتن، ما هم گفتیم پس زکی جریان سازمان آب زرشکی شد، از اون زمان هم تا به امروز مرز بندی شدید با این سازمان دارم، ولی ببین حاج رضا گابریل دیشب به خواب ما هم اومد گفت سلام من و خدا رو به گوگوش برسون، گفت بشین خونه پاتو از سیاست بکش بیرون

with new iranian women with 10%, empathy it is this case: why didn't you actually become a painter!? art is a bridge where we can share our loneliness, i would buy your paintings so you wouldn't starve, this bridge would never crumble

This is a different stone, the scene is on the stone and has not grown out of the inside like the lower stone. and only visible in sunlight. the behavior of vienna the aryan race showed in the last 24 years: with oppression and humiliation other races we are the master race and will live in prosperity., but our motto is: we don't behave like evolutionary animals we will live in prosperity with talent, gifts, healthy economy and trade

the important thing is: get genetically tested, get an idea of your ethnic background, your DNA and gifts, have many children. this development produces natural wonders after 3 generations, the master race, pure creation race if the choice of partner is correct. just as balthaser, casper and melchior did. we, the creation, are the master race, evolution only evolution

I'm still at home and haven't left yet, I want to leave right now, but first: three world religions bless women as saints that brought wrath in god's eye. they still do that today with millions of azadeh amiris worldwide. Saints with immunity and state pardons

Dienstag, 28. Februar 2023

حاجی نکشی مارو، ما محسن امیراصلانی نیستیم، دکتر هم نیستیم...

وقتی رسول خدا(ص) به معراج رفت در بازگشت، جبرئیل پیامبر(ص) را همراهی می‌کرد و رسول خدا(ص) فرمودند: در این لحظات جدایی و پایان این سیر و سیاحت، کاری داری؟ جبرئیل در پاسخ گفت: بله، کاری دارم و آن اینکه سلام خدا و مرا به جناب خدیجه(س) برسانید.لول.. "این نشان‌دهنده کمال اهمیت و ارزش است که کسی که در معراج مورد توجه خداوند قرار می‌گیرد؟" 

I have to go, but before that: the last prophet wasn't misogynist but a rational act ordered by god to stop mass murderers and genetic psychopathy

I think the whole town became an incinerator because at some point rational common sense said: what do you use this world for? what are you? Who are you? inferior origin, scum, dirt, worth nothing, nothing. but this pose

brecht boycott was a women's opinion: shut your mouth.That's how it happened: even 50 years after NS, the role of women in national socialism was a taboo subject in the media. the deeper meaning of the action, child murders, woman murders

حاجی ما بریم بخوابیم بینیم کی ایشون مرحمت میفرمایند یک کیف دستی آکبند هم به دست ما بدهند، والا بخدا بدون کیف دستی تهرون نمیام،.. شب خوش

this magoi is my special heart love insofar as he had a lot of experience, like in italy/pompeii.he didn't look long at what the bastards were doing with elamite and jewish and armenian prisoners, creation as slaves and state and city builders? art architecture and science with humiliation? See how the burned ones hold their testicles and penis in their hands before they died

We have an Austria, Germany and Europe, we have a 2nd and 3rd generation after the Nazi era that means: vmat2 human is state property and the Stasi torture capital is national property..