Donnerstag, 16. März 2023

i have to go

i have to go, but before that: bagher my grandfather was a butcher, and nosrat the other grandfather was a truck driver. i was a carpet dealer and later an antiques dealer without studying or graduating from high school. in any case, my company with 2000 academics under my hands would be an international event, i would only need 12 for spelling, grammar, and foreign languages. Jobs for labor market! lol

Mittwoch, 15. März 2023

we do everything, we will kill, we become criminals because of wealth and a life above our salary standard. no success and breakthrough despite studying, that is the story of evolution in the 21st century

science and genetic crossing, stone growth is a mystery like the existence of god austria...

Look at viennese girls, american girls, european girls, azadeh amiri and iranian aryan women in vienna and the case of my sister: we do everything, we will kill, we become criminals because of wealth and a life above our salary standard. the case 1990 tara my aunt in america

In 7000 years of Elamite heritage and culture, there are no child murders and political murders, or genocides, only in Aryan immigrant culture

there are 15 million iranians who always claim: they are not human. this scenario with the iranian embassy and emam ali mosque also exists in vienna with austrians, viennese authorities, network society and academic associations, police, politicians, judges and others such as amnesty international, ZARA, UNO

i have to go, i have to prepare for sleep, but tara's face is 7000 years elam and luristan next to other tribes

she actually studied 30 minutes a day for a double degree in order to know: does anyone need me? apparently area 51 said: no less than 8 hours study a day, we only take evolution monkeys as employees

hes penguins this is a photo before her death, tara had a car accident in america? Rana's aunt and Zari's sister?

This scene is Shakespeare's deal, a secret society of penguins in America today

since 1997 the ayatollah regime and the austrian government strategically focused international networks on us and targeted us..yes, we are old and you are of ape origin, our origin is europe, where is our fault and our crimes? guilty of what?

پروین اعتصامی میگه چیز، چیزه...

آقا بچه بودیم مارو بردن سخنرانی سعید سلطان پور، دنبال بستنی فروش بودم دیدم در دکه اش رو بسته و نوشته تا اطلاع ثانوی بسته است. سوال کردم: عمو بستنی ها چی شده؟ گفت برو از کمونیست ها بپرس.. منم  بچه بودم زدم تو ذات هرچی کمونیسته، شروع کردم به داد و بیداد و شعار مرگ بر کمونیست، مرگ بر کمونیست، ریدم به هرچی کمونیست، کونیست ه ه ه ه ه ها، کونیست ها. خلاصه فوری از پا مرا طاهره گرفت و از سر مادرم و با شتاب دویدند و رفتن به سمت خانه، طاهره شروع کرد در ماشین کتاب خوندن، و هیچوقت یادم نمیره، این شعر بود:

احمق، کتاب دید و گمان کرد عالم است

خودبین، به کشتی آمد و پنداشت ناخداست

ما زشت نیستیم، تو صاحب نظر نه‌ای

این خوردگیری، از نظر کوته شماست

and indeed who does a poet talk to outside the doors of boostan

حاجی جریان تخت طاووس میدونی چی بود؟ یا بگم؟ بگم؟ یا نگم

since 1997 the ayatollah regime and the austrian government strategically focused international networks on us and targeted us..yes, we are old and you are of ape origin, our origin is europe, where is our fault and our crimes? guilty of what?

in order to describe the scenes one should actually have memorized thousands of poems. our haji hedayat ershadi unfortunately died, how many hajis are still alive with this head: Marg, Atash, morghe sahar

آقا دستور از کادر رهبری فدائیان اکثریت رسید امروز به یک عقلیتی کوتوله جاکش: برو جوابش رو بده فلان چت روم، نذار بی جواب بمونه. کوسخل اقلیتی هم نشست فکر کرد، فکر کرد، فکر کرد، و به این نتیجه رسید، گفت ای باربد بیشرف خورده بورژوا:

آقا من کیرم تو دهن رفیق شفیق، کوسکش های خودباخته، برده های سرمایه

Dienstag, 14. März 2023

the depth is a saadi, the garden of flowering from the seedling

I have to go, but I'm wondering if I climb physically and spiritually, can I melt the metal ball in my hand? will I then become i-robot or Ironman?

on the first day he asked: should we kill you? why did you take us home, i said you have a cat and we anton shut up, that's what we have in common

that's the metal ball bought last year at the flea market, probably fell from space, the thing is pretty heavy. but it helps with meditation, especially the conversation with this family, it calms: schitzopherenia is not a disease, and reports about the stasi murder system no paranoia

Taking orders from Ajnabi meat, taking orders from psychopathy and inhumanity to protect oneself and the collective is a higher sin than eating pork meat, or pork liver leberkäse with sauerkraut

since the early 15th century islam has again been taken over by bad genes and bad origin, like before islam christianity and zarathoism. There is quite a bit of evidence of artifacts and poetry in Iran. a dynasty that can be traced back to the early 15th century

many have become muslims instinctively and innovatively. instinctive! christianity was and zarathustran religion was occupied and taken over by ahrimanism. til today. rock painting iran

it is called christian bloodline, jew armenian with vmat2, this type iranian instinctive in ring and collective they only experience fate blows, accidents, misfortune, disease, cancer, or parkinson, or other natural occurrences and misfortune. then it is said to her: it was god's will., exactly what the ayatullahs in vienna are doing with austro-fascism: god's will.

this cultivation and racial persecution establishment from vienna has reached a hundred million people, and vienna still claims today: we were the victims of national socialism and germany

The police are dangerous because of mass murder and torture, along with politicians, judges and secret services, insofar as society is on the side of the state because of illegal real estate financing, illegal house and standard acquisition

three world religion: kill the goat and keep psychopathy, that's god's will!

austria and its government are morbidly trying to say with hide evidence: you are nobody and you never had success because vmat2 is useless, psychopathically morbid