Sonntag, 26. März 2023

Like Plutarch Apuleius firmly believed in the existence of daemons. They populated the air and were in fact formed of air. They experienced emotions just like human beings, and their mind was rational. In a sense, then, the human soul was also a daemon, but there were daemons who never entered bodies.[62] In his treatise On Socrates' God Apuleius presented a complete, systematic version of daemonology that was acceptable to later Platonists.

2018, the whore wanted to kill me, probably in the hospital

as a therapy, i create this illusion for myself, among the voices there is a best elami friend, and that is this gentleman.

there are two kinds of ghosts one in front of your eyes the other behind. the ghost behind you says you are mentally ill, the spirit in front of your eyes says: you are normal and humane. Tablet photos from the previous nights

For 20 years the country even had to pay damages because of my wardrobe in this Stasi system, my new wardrobe and branded things: shirts from 100 euros, blazers from 400 euros, suits from 800 euros were ruined after bad treatment in cleaning shops. with prices from 10 euros to 40 euros. Today I looked at clothes at the flea market, shirts and suits, which had more shine after years of wearing than my clothes after a single cleaning

Sonntag, 26. März 2023

only absolute psychopathy says: iranian are jews armenians, and only killers shows evidence: laboratory reports. elam/luristan rock 4000 B.C.

Samstag, 25. März 2023

there are a number of austrian secret sects, syndicates, groupings consisting of wealthy families and wealthy children working together with the islamic republic of iran that want to make the meaning "worthless iranian" valid and a reality. the goal is to encourage indifference, indifference because of the repeat 1918 mass murder

بچه های با ارزش

آقا بچه بودم رفتم میدون بهارستان، چهار تا سیخ جیگر بخورم بعد از ساندویج مغز، وایسادم کنار دکه یارو هی میگفتم آقا زود باش آقا زود باش گرسنمه، یالا دیگه... لول. طرف یه نگاهی بهمون کرد و رخ اندام مارو نگاه کرد، سوال کرد: جنابعالی؟ شما کی هستین؟ این همه مشتری اینجا ایستاده و شما عجله داری؟ گفتم آقا زمانی که تایتانیک داشت غرق میشد گفتند اول بچه ها و بعد زنها، چونه نزن جان مادرت زود باش. ناگهان زنی که درصف ایستاده بود جیغ زد: انقدر زر نزن تخم سگ، برو گمشو پی کارت پدرسگ، تایتانیک تایتانیک راه انداخته اینجا. اه. ه. ه. کثافت
امروز داشتم به جریان مک دونالد نزدیک خونه نگاه میکردم دیدم یکسری رفتن کنار که چندتا بچه تازه از راه رسیده زودتر غذا بگیرند. به این معنا که ما با ارزشیم ولی بچه های ما با ارزشتر

dig down to a depth of 30 meters in vienna, there is no such thing as a jewish race or an armenian race, there is only creation and evolution

when i was born in tehran nobody said jew to me, not even in school, not even on our street, i was only bari the persian, born as a muslim. what, austria is doing next to america and israel: identifies jewish children at birth, in iran! and this in an anti-semitic sick society, ruled by 15 million roma and sinti

Freitag, 24. März 2023

the difference between my family me and iranian jews is: we are muslim. but we are same race. what the viennese upper class wants to hide: austrian basement fascism is always up to date in the persecution and torture of the jews. with blood laboratory test confirmation

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، امشب با ترامادول و چائی سبز و لیمو وسیر یه آبجو میخورم، اگه گفتی چرا؟ صبح باید زود بلند شم فشنگی... تا عصری هم مثل فرفره بدوم اینور آنور

I can combine 120 bricks into a wall, a full hd movie, it takes about a year of work. what is that good for? leave our race alone, leave our shops and businesses alone.

this is the honorary statue for the predecessor of azadeh amiri in vienna. found at pilgramgasse subway station: national socialism for peace in the world

if archeology in vienna finds this occult ahrimanic figure 20 meters deep, then it is reported: we found a figural lion in a roman irrigation well that was 10 meters deep, apparently in honor of the lions in the roman arenas in vienna. a child played with it and threw it into the deep well

austrian government is preparing for family murder in front of millions of people. with the reason: vmat2 man mass destruction is in the interest of the world, there was only evolution and no prehistory man. we don't let the third world humiliate us

his tribe lived in 12th district, LOL close relationship to 10th district elam

when i bought this stone from online auctions, it reminded me of a poem, even the gold from all over the world the greatest wealth does not bring him rest, as long as we live he finds no rest

this union of aryan tribes, coat of arms lion refers not only to barjam and ruining the country, but also against my family. No European government, Israel and America is willing to provide evidence of black business: cyber terror! and illegal money from accounts of the Ayatullahs, Sepah, Mojtaba Khamenei and other Iranian

مملکت سر برجام کیر خورده، ولی از قدیم مودب میگفتن: جریان شیر توش شیر شده... آخه اینها باید میرفتن سر مذاکره؟ این شیر با اون یکی شیر؟ آی خاک عالم

stay down and shut up is not anti-semitism or fascism, but as the hafez says: you are not mature enough to understand the mysteries of the world, you only ruin and trample

the whole thing is a joke, i say i want to find the holy grail these tribes with their ayatullahs say: we will find it, you are a nobody we will find the ark of the covenant you are a nobody we will do this and this you and are a nobody. we rule the country you are nobody

actually miscegenation was not an issue in iran until antisemitism invaded iran, a tribal hostile culture and struggle against native iranian

آقا 12 سال پیش رفتیم تو یه شیره کش خونه، دیدیم صاحب خونه میخنده به ما و مهمونش چپ چپ به ما نگاه میکنه و هی میگه: بیست یورو داری؟ بیست یورو داری؟ بهت فردا پس میدم. دیدیم صاحب خونه شیره مجانی میده، تریاک مجانی میده ولی مهمونش بیست یورو هی میخواد که بعد پس بده! به خدا ایران شیر تو شیری شده در طول تاریخ از دست این امت.. اون سرش ناپیدا..

what vienna is proud of: we have 2000 iranian sinti and roma families on our side in vienna, against native iranian: jews armenians

vienna is a city like any other, society has its daily differences, conflicts, opinions, compromises and events. but the austrian agrees on one point, no matter what social class or political opinion and ambition: we don't answer, we don't take responsibility for anything. in austria established post-war period general psychopathy: there is no evidence it wasn't us.

یگان ویژه یک، یگان ویژه دو، یگان ویژه سه، تو اون روحتون سگ برینه با اون ملی گرایی و زر مفت تمامیت ارضی. مملکت به گایدن رفته از درز کون ما پول در میارید حالا...

i have 38 projects, some inventions and i'm under judenboycott violence, and i'm looking for holy grail and the ark of the covenant. the blonde viennese bimbo talks about intellect and intelligence: we studied LOL we are the first world

building a house is a procedure in life, a system, a financial plan, a strategic plan, reason, logic, a rational way of life: where and how?

you understand, the fake standard is supposed to explain this with vmat2: you ape i human, just like in second world war. I have house you have nothing

all perpetrators and terrorists, fascists and anti-semites, the thieves looters live unpunished and walk around freely in the city, and in chat rooms it is speculated how much the victim kills so that we can keep the illegal real estate and houses