Samstag, 1. April 2023

I have to go, but: I had thousands of hours of discussion between 2002 and 2012 about armed freedom struggles to stop mass murders, and I was always firmly convinced: Iran is suffering from ethnic cleansing, supported by Austria Germany, Europe America and Israel. hide evidence is a special service for the regime to arrest and execute political activism abroad. ambitious serious activism

i have to go, before i go to sleep i will probably do a ritual with water, i will show the photos tomorrow


آقا امروز نشسته بودیم شنبه بازار داشتیم به اسرار زمانه فکر میکردیم، همینطور داشتم فکر میکردم، یک دفعه دیدم یک زوجی از پشت سرم آمدن جلو و رد شدند از کنار ما رفتند. یه نیمچه نگاهی کردم و دیدم اه اه اه اینکه خودشه که، ژست استاد رو به خودش گرفته و دختره هم ژست ملکه، جوری هم دست هم رو گرفتن که پادشاه فیلیپ هم زورش میومد دست زنش رو بگیره. آقا گفتم استاد رد شد خوب ما هم حالا یه چوسی بیایم، داد زدم: میلان این گوبلن آبوسون رو چند گفتی به خانوم!؟، گفت چی؟ به کی، به کدوم خانوم؟ گفتم هیچی بابا خفه شو خنگ خدا دیر شد. خسرو رفت

on a scale of one to ten, this painter is a 2 and hafiz is an 8. both have been sentenced by the state

خلاصه اینم یکی به نعل و یکی به تخته و یکی در ماتحت ما، حالا کدومشه خودش میدونه

حاجی بیگی منوووو، این خارکوسده های وین میرن تظاهرات یا میرن سیزده بدر با شما

in vienna the sects and freemasons, arianism sects and luciferian sects are unimpressed by what i can or what i can set up or build, the reason is: secret libraries, and especially that from the vatican about prehistory and human origin. so genetic research therefore

Heinz Klarmüller

yesterday i happened to meet a bulgarian and a ukrainian, just as a nazi whore was passing by and noverbal the woman made herself aggressively conspicuous. In any case, they came straight to me with a folder and then asked: Do you know Heinz Klarmüller? he was forcibly sent to a psychiatric ward by the state, these are his paintings. lol I asked costs? both said not for sale, so i only got photos

see what vienna is proudly doing next to iranian government? there has been ninety percent genetic and ethnic cleansing in iran for 40 years, politics and religion is a pretext and deception, enemies of islam in word and writing travel carefree to iran and return to europe or america, as is well known, so do monarchists and leftists. there are genetic and ethnic targets, and the networks are eagerly awaiting the wrong word, sentence or statement

already in paltalk 2004 they called me nostalgic

Freitag, 31. März 2023

i have to go, but before that: religious minorities in iran and islamic laws were and are an intriguing conspiracy and ahrimanic darkforce. it has been supported by israel america and europe since 1979. and vienna a global lobbyist for the regime

What the University of Texas reports on the worldwide wave of fascism and anti-Semitism has been firmly manifested on Elamite and Lurian rocks for 5,000 years: we are different, close to jews armenians and genetically unrelated to evolution

i have to go to bed, but: for decades, religious minorities were the target, and austria says what does religion mean, the genes and dna are decisive for us, the race, the jews armenians race, the special vmat2 type

exile "iranian", get here in austria a minimum of one thousand and fifty-four euros a month, the only thing you've heard for years: give us money and we'll do everything for austria

this work is a composition of crystal stone and silver mirror photographed with tablet linked to google photo gallery, by a genetic and ethnic minority from iran....

i have to go now and will be back in the evening, but since muhammed reza pahlavie left iran, we, the religious minorities and genetic minorities, the semites are no longer human. That's why I never got a post-revolution Iranian document, birth certificate or passport.

what does we are human mean and we need houses and prosperity and you are not human and don't need anything? also no sex after stasi camera action

i believe what jesus did too was hold his face at 48 to anger demons

they fucked the great empire of persia for alexander from the inside, inland, with the solidarity and community work of the aryan race. as you can see in vienna today: azadeh and thousands of aryan iranians in vienna

fact is: israelis hate native iranian more than austrians hate israelis. elam freed jews from babylon with cyrus the great, elam! it did not affect the enmity. the ark of the covenant can only be opened with elami left hand dna, noha's legacy

fuck boycott

i went to a supermarket today and was surprised, israeli dates in austria for 9.90 euros. I thought I'd take two for 20 euros, boycotting Israel is a joke, although exporting to racial madness Austria is also a joke, which Austrians are familiar with Israeli goods? after 1.5 children and a total of 6 million people were murdered. it is only intended for us foreigners, in the hofer supermarket. when i went out i saw a young man, i looked at him and realized he was waiting for two euros, he didn't look like 50 cents or 1.50 cents, no he looked like two euros. In a prosperous country, nobody waits in front of a supermarket for 50 cents, they follow you and kill you. So you can't boycott the young man with 50 cents. i looked at the ground and up at the sky and thought: the israeli is boycotting you, the young austrian, the state and city, the israeli in vienna is also thinking of murder, because apparently boycotting is a modern human thing because you are older than everyone . born in tehran iran

Donnerstag, 30. März 2023

I have to go, no comment

I have to go to bed, but before that: what bertolt brecht wrote refers not only to the Thirty Years' War, but to a 5000 year old story about an Aryan race that cannot feed itself, or afford decent real estate today

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“1 dargestellt und auch so tituliert

آقا جریان چشمه علی و شهر ری و اصطلاح زاییده گائیده تهرون قدیمیه.، والا یه جنده فاشیست اونو یجور گائیده مارو این جنده فاشیست بابلی یجوری دیگه. اون مغزش گوزیده ما هم زخم معده داریم میگیریم

this industry is bitch mama, the silent society is bitch mama, animals of whore babylon

آقا الان داشتم از حافظ میخوندم، گفتم بزار بینم دکلمه صوتیش جریانش چیه، یک دفعه خندم گرفت، گفتم مشتی این داره من و تو رو کیر میکنه تو چرا مثل لطیفه ها شکوفه بازی درمیاری

They wanted to see what the artifacts mean, I mean ajnabi secret sects iran next to europe, america israel