Dienstag, 4. April 2023

آقا این هادی خرسندی هم دیوانست ها، داره فکر میکنه چی واسه دختر چتی هاش بنویسه:

رفتم از شرم از چت روم بیرون
پرنده مردنیست چرا باید بماند بی ارزن و بی دون
ارزن ارزش ندارد او، آن مرد
ای دل پاکیزه، ای خرد، ای مکر
مکر به او که رسید ما هم شدیم پکر

i am a breed molesterbecause nobody knows what will happen to my children, how will they walk on water? or become magoi, the zaratsutan magoi the unnecessary

austrian governments were and are from the time of the founding of the second republic wounded sick creatures until today, it was shown in balkan war by representative kurt waldheim in UNO, today in ukraine

fascism and anti-semitism of the red and green vienna is so strong that tens of thousands have illegally enriched themselves through national socialism financial system, and I as a Jew/Armenian and a victim of terror, don't get a small apartment from the state.... despite severe depression, paranoia, schizophrenia and psychosis

do you know who mr ebrahimi is in tehran? an email from austria is enough, and he jumps up like an athlete, he shows a hitler greeting and says to his wife: write back nastaran ebrahimi, write warm greetings to the children of dear adolf and we will hold the last wall in tehran, our children defend the last wall in the only true democracy and the only free country

in austria there is practicing satanism and arianism, active anti-semitism with racial economic plan, no one helps a political colour, a deception, smeared as a good person: i am green, i am red, or silk red. fuck fascism from which country nationality and skin color

unpunished nazi criminals of whatever nationality will be shot in the head, criminals that still proudly make ethnic groups and races into illegal financial transactions and celebrate their deaths

I have to go, but a feng shui like the one Barbad built consists of various sets, 3, 5, six and 7 sets. the energy chain should ensure the opening of the gate, for the supernatural supply of energy

تیکه برای من است، باربد خر نشد ولی قصر شیرین مال من است

روزگاریست که سودای بتان دین من است
غم این کار نشاط دل غمگین من است
دیدن روی تو را دیده جان بین باید
وین کجا مرتبه چشم جهان بین من است
یار من باش که زیب فلک و زینت دهر
از مه روی تو و اشک چو پروین من است
تا مرا عشق تو تعلیم سخن گفتن کرد
خلق را ورد زبان مدحت و تحسین من است

دولت فقر خدایا به من ارزانی دار
کاین کرامت سبب حشمت و تمکین من است
واعظ شحنه شناس این عظمت گو مفروش
زان که منزلگه سلطان دل مسکین من است
یا رب این کعبه مقصود تماشاگه کیست
که مغیلان طریقش گل و نسرین من است
حافظ از حشمت پرویز دگر قصه مخوان
که لبش جرعه کش خسرو شیرین من است

this statement: if i die, i don't want to die in someone else's bed or someone else's apartment or house is a deeply genetically programmed ahrimanic behavior, see vienna: we are ready to kill for financing houses because we want to die in our own house! with which way of financing? what money? what property? where is the money from?

I started the business and shop without having the desire or the need to buy a car or a house, I don't have a driver's license for the car, and I don't feel any deeper meaning or need for the house. pocker is more fun or roulette. fuck yourself evolution

Montag, 3. April 2023


I have to go but: you have to imagine this deep desire and psychopathy, many come or came to us with the names angelina and sara, in any case fifi, fafa, fufu, or goran and zoran and daniel and call themselves with a deep illusion: muhammed ebrahimi, or ali abdollah ebrahimi, kokab or nastaran ebrahimi. in this deep illusion and euphoria they kill us as kafirs and jews armenians, respectively us as not iranians

in any case i said in 2009: ebrahimi clan am i a jew, or was my race insulted? with this designation?I was lucky, the insult published it, unsurprisingly. I think they knew that too and laughed at me


the first time i heard i was jew was on paltalk in 2009 during iran protests. ID saeed chicago called me jude in all the rooms, what ID jazz_man_ has to do with jude was a mystery, but the reason was: saeed was a distant relative of saeed jalili and close friends with shahid ebrahimi

national socialism and racism antisemitism has to admit: you nazis are race third class, israel second class and grearpersia the master race, human right race. vmat race, god genes race

i broke off all contact with nasser farahani from 2002 onwards, by phone and in person, today the ayatullah and austrian government are again offering him hundreds of thousands of euros: work together with viennese judges, declare your son crazy. let the judge imprison him and then kill him

My father's family, the brothers and the sister are genetically ill on the part of the mother, somewhere somehow there is a psychopathy crossroads. mansour is sick, gassem is sick and mahmud is sicker than nasser and his sister is more depressed than all of them. peycholathia genes, imported killer genes. afsar and afsaneh erschadi on the part of the mother: not persian descent

i was just now listening to a conversation: bring my best regards to mr ebrahimi, we will be in touch. who is mr ebrahimi? a government functionary? Sepah or Hizbullah member? member of parliament?, no idea. the conversation referred to 120 found prosperity jews, dna jews, muslims called jewish bloodline. the austrian is a demon and a member of a sect, that's why i hear this man, he is a demon in human form. the 120 were found in labs and iranian killer networks are linked to vienna

Sonntag, 2. April 2023

I have to go, but sometimes I'm afraid that I'll get up in the morning and I won't see anything in the water or in the smoke, no sign, no message, no respect, no appreciation or respect for my life. well, so far so good, there is no blood on my hands or attempted murder out of greed

good night

از چرخ به هر گونه همی‌دار امید

وز گردش روزگار می‌لرز چو بید

گفتی که پس از سیاه رنگی نبود

پس موی سیاه من چرا گشت سفید

this is atefeh amiri, aunt from azadeh, court interpreter and family friend of dozens of judges. a thoroughbred indian, indo-germanic race, below the grandmother from azadeh, a thoroughbred roma also from india. the reason for endurance and durability 27 years. ritual strategic torture until he kills himself or us

آقا نمودن مارو، میگه چرا تاریخی و ماقبل از تاریخی برخورد میکنی، کارهای اشتباهی میکنی و به سگ پلنگ میگی گوز پلنگ، بچه مسلمون مفسد. شما مسلمانها رو باید فلان و بهمان کرد. لول

nazi austria and germany also had enthusiastic fans and supporters during the second world war, should that be a justification today: we had enthusiastic spectators and fans worldwide!?

is this a normal person with a healthy brain? since 1998 he has been spying on our lives with anti-semitism and fascism with a salary of 1800 euros: i have to buy houses, i'm a human being, with a salary of 1800 euros million euros real estates, including 3 in austria

My father's mother married my grandfather with extreme hate and produced children out of hate to humiliate Farahanis. when he died she laughed in my face, for 3 weeks when i cried. she was genetically ahrimanic and sick

My father's family, the brothers and the sister are genetically ill on the part of the mother, somewhere somehow there is a psychopathy crossroads. mansour is sick, gassem is sick and mahmud is sicker than nasser and his sister is more depressed than all of them. peycholathia genes, imported killer genes. afsar and afsaneh erschadi on the part of the mother: not persian descent

Beatings in elementary school, beating children bloody as early as second grade in elementary school, is animal and bestial hatred. as a child i saw ramin, his feet were tied to two wooden sticks, he was laid on his back and the teacher hit the soles of his feet with full force with a water hose. torture without political activism. the photo below: dwarf tribes in iran, hussein and ali gharib tribes, zargari descent

Samstag, 1. April 2023

I have to go, but: I had thousands of hours of discussion between 2002 and 2012 about armed freedom struggles to stop mass murders, and I was always firmly convinced: Iran is suffering from ethnic cleansing, supported by Austria Germany, Europe America and Israel. hide evidence is a special service for the regime to arrest and execute political activism abroad. ambitious serious activism

i have to go, before i go to sleep i will probably do a ritual with water, i will show the photos tomorrow


آقا امروز نشسته بودیم شنبه بازار داشتیم به اسرار زمانه فکر میکردیم، همینطور داشتم فکر میکردم، یک دفعه دیدم یک زوجی از پشت سرم آمدن جلو و رد شدند از کنار ما رفتند. یه نیمچه نگاهی کردم و دیدم اه اه اه اینکه خودشه که، ژست استاد رو به خودش گرفته و دختره هم ژست ملکه، جوری هم دست هم رو گرفتن که پادشاه فیلیپ هم زورش میومد دست زنش رو بگیره. آقا گفتم استاد رد شد خوب ما هم حالا یه چوسی بیایم، داد زدم: میلان این گوبلن آبوسون رو چند گفتی به خانوم!؟، گفت چی؟ به کی، به کدوم خانوم؟ گفتم هیچی بابا خفه شو خنگ خدا دیر شد. خسرو رفت