Sonntag, 9. April 2023

آقا جریان چاقو و سر که میدونید چی شده، هندو آریایی اومده میگه با تیزی چاقو بزن تو سرت، برای جریان خون خوبه، یا امام حسین. قدیم ما میگفتیم آقا با پشت لبه ی چاقو چهار تا خط به فاصله 2 سانتیمتر از گردن تا پیشونی بکش، بلافاصله هم 4 تا خط از طرف گوش راست به سوی گوش چپ، با کشیدن چاقو بر روی سر و پیدایش این جدول روی سر جریان خون بهتر راه میافتد و انرژی منفی تحریم و مهار میگردد. بیناموس اومده میگه: با لبه چاقو بزن رو سر بچت. آخه مادرقحبه سرمایه ملی کجاست؟ چرا دروغ میگی

Vienna/Austria: Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham),

Many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down. Zoraster (sixth century BCE) was the greatest teacher, priest and magician (a figure comparable to Orpheus in some ways) in the early Persian Empire. He lived during the reign of the Achaemenids and wrote many works on magic, astrology, divination and religion. He is considered the creator of a system of daemonology that was adopted at various stages and in various forms by Jews, Greeks, and Christians. At the time of Plato, the Greeks already associated magic with Zoraster whom they considered to be a demigod, he was called "the son of Ahura Mazda." Another great Persian magus, Ostanes, accompanied Xerxes on his campaign against Greece (480 BCE), no doubt as an advisor to the monarch. After his defeat at Salamis, the monarch left Ostanes behind, and Ostanes became the teacher of Democritus (born c 470 BCE), apparently encouraging his pupil to travel to Egypt and Persia. Democritus is chiefly known as a great scientist to the modern reader; however, he may have transmitted Persian magic in one of his many lost works.[29]

The word magusmagicus and mageia were used with a variety of connotations - from the religion of te Magi of Persia to scurrilous, harmful magic or witchcraft. While the Magi were members of the priestly caste of the Persians and therefore could be considered honest religionists, the Greeks and Romans who viewed the Persian Empire tended to bring their own intellectual prejudices to bear against religion when they described it. Herodotus, Pliny and Plutarch tended at their hardest to view the religion as little more than fraud.[30] Furthermore, since Persia remained Rome's most potent enemy throughout the Imperial era, any religion practiced there was bound to be viewed as subversive and dangerous.

as a race, i actually only do what the ancient greeks also knew and called the persian tribal ritual typical. Magoi spirits LOL

to show the private life and sex life to women worldwide with secret cameras is forced sterilization, the destruction of sex life apart from the destruction of standard work and profession. actually all points of european human rights convention.and these acts are of animal or shall we say evolutionary origin

I have blood history as an elami/luri, black and white race, called from, americans: jews armenians resemblance, what does the white aryan race have to show? or israel!?

to show the private life and sex life to women worldwide with secret cameras is forced sterilization, the destruction of sex life apart from the destruction of standard work and profession. actually all points of european human rights convention.and these acts are of animal or shall we say evolutionary origin, a race that for 80 years has not shown any benefit to the world, at least 98% of it

Samstag, 8. April 2023

nobody reports terrorism, or human rights violations, or anti-Semitism and NS repetition. Austrian government politicians do not get prison sentences for crimes against humanity. OK.

i have to go to bed, but it is interesting that many iranians from vienna proudly claim: austria says we are human, barbad and his family are not. and that after 40 years of ayatullah dictatorship. are they really iranian? or european immigrants and today exiliranian that today live in their homeland: europe

nobody reports terrorism, or human rights violations, or anti-Semitism and NS repetition. Austrian government politicians do not get prison sentences for crimes against humanity. OK.

what i read out of hafiz was: he was blocked for a while because of darkforce attacks, then he wrote:(.........) ! who knows what?

Swadhisthana Chakra – Stein

anyway, i was in tenth district to collect stones, for jabe production LOL energy bundles against rays and darkforce, counterintelligence and against attack

معنى «تولد» در آیه (لَم یَلِد و لَم یُولَد) چیست؟

Freitag, 7. April 2023

ما برویم بخوابیم

آقا سال 2001 بود داشتم فکر میکردم یه سانحه ابلهانه متافیزیکی میتونی درست کنی یا نه، خلاصه گفتم شاید بشه، این ناپدری ما با یکی تو بازار تهران مشکل پیدا کرده بود، طرف هم سید بود، این هم صبح تا شب راه میرفت میگفت: چوس فلان، چوس فلان.. گفتیم خیلی خوب پس چوس فلان اونه و ما هم چوس پهن فلان. چندی گذشت و زنگ زدم به رضا ملاحی، گفتم ببین رضا تو مگه از بچه های الله کرم نبودی؟ معرفتی، عشقی، رفاقتی؟ ! گفت چطور مگه؟ گفتم چایی سرد مگه جلوت گذاشتیم دم مغازه ما دیگه نمیای گپی بزنیم و حال و احوالی بپرسیم؟ گفت چشم چشم الان میام. چندی نگذشت و آقا رضا از راه رسید و ما هم چائی داغ گذاشتیم جلوش و گفتیم حالا بشین کارت دارم. در همان حال یه دادی زدیم: بابا بابا سید باقر زنگ نزد؟ اونم از خدا خواسته داد زد: به گور بابای چوس باقر مرتیکه جاکش، به گور بابا هرچی سید گوز مشنگ، زنگ نزنه بهتره چوس باقر لول
آقا دیدیم رضا پرید بالا، نشست زمین، چپ رو نگاه کرد بالا رو نگاه کرد، دیدم جدی جدی اسهال روحی مغزی گرفته و ما هم منتظریم. 
هی پیش خودمون میگفتیم: میکشی یا نمیکشی جریان چیه، گوه زیادی میخوری ما از شر جفت تون خلاص شیم یا نه، مادر قحبه ها!؟ 
حاجی نشد که بشه، این یکی بچت تو زرد از آب در اومد. ببین امروز جریان چی شده، هم اون هم این

آقا الان یک صدا دختر از ایران اومد: اگر این سنگ هارو به بابام مجانی ندی میکشیمت مادر جنده! بعد حوزه علمیه قم میفرمایند که چی؟ ما به جن، مارمولک، مرغ و اژدها ها عمامه نداده ایم. خارکوسده باباش آخونده، خودش هم....

there were also austrians who claimed: evil is from four different dimensions and worlds, the reptile, the bird (anunnaki) , ahriman and lucifer

Wherever I go, I always find signs, even under tons of stones, or in a flea market where there are tons of stones. I placed this large sculpture in the water, illuminated it with four different flashlights and photographed it, the tablet photos are unedited and raw. i assume older than abrahamic creation story, persian old

Moharebeh are satanists in islamic clothes that want to dissuade iran from islam and belief in god, there are fewer muslims in iran than before 1979. at 85 million people

i have had a death sentence from iran since 2004, for armed defense announcement, as a moharebe it is allowed to do everything with me and my family. austro fascism and austrian government uses it as vmat2 concentration camp program and extermination camp with secret cameras

بخدا هم امبل هم دنگل هم شنقل هم اسکل همه به ما میگن بلبل... مادر قحبه های بی خاصیت، اجنبی خارکوسده محاربه جد و آبادته مادر جنده

حاجی این روانی های صنعتی دور و ورت رو جمع و جورکن، هر چی جنابعالی میل فرمودید و پس دادید اینها جمع کردند، به چه جرأت به بنده میگویند بلبل محاربه؟ خلاصه زرد و نارنجیو قهوهی و.... بیگی منو روانی

Donnerstag, 6. April 2023

there is a pond in the 10th district on wienerberg, there i get stones worth all my breath... LOL

i have to go, but i don't know what i should do, i should be active in sports every day because of my diabetes, the problem is the viennese police, when i reach 200 kilos weight lifting after five months the police officers convince the networks me to kill, with the reason: he plans an assassination attempt on us

my demeanor, articulation, and goals were political, with maybe thousands of fans. my daily rooms were full of ploitically ambitious academics, well-known faces with political combat experience. Between 2002 and 20010 my activities were popular. organizing and mobilizing, founding, breaking through and defeating atrocities is a genetically stored behavioral pattern.... the dagger in my back was not only financed by black capital, but racially and genetically convinced: you are not original, he is pure

آقا ما بریم، ولی حیفم اومد این رو نگم: کیر لا آستر پستون ننه جنده اپوزیسیون، این رژیم چهل سال مارو غارت کرده، حالا نشستی خارج از کشوز هم پیمان و هم عقیده رژیم شدی درغارت انسان؟ سازماندهی شده و تشکلاتی کوس مادر هپروتی؟ همه با هم؟ مادر جنده ها

آقا سال 2012 داشتم اسباب کشی میکردم، خسرو فروهر اومد یه میز برداره ببره، چشمش خورد به این کتاب آبی ها، گفت اینها چیه چپ بی‌غیرت بده به من کتاب هارو. منم پیش خودم گفتم خفه شو بابا این کتاب کونی هاست، خوب بردار ببر، بعد به زبون اومدم گفتم تابلو رو هم بردار ببر، گیتار نمیخوای؟ بردار ببر، مجسمه رو بردار ببر.... چی بگیم دیگه آریایی میاد خونه ایلامی فقط باید گفت بردار ببر..... مگه 40 سال به رژیم شما نمیگید بردار ببر؟

in the last two blue books there are hints with caliber 8 when there is talk of a "dirty society", do you think social democracy socialism and communism didn't know what it was doing? in vienna there is no left-wing anti-fascism movement, only anti-semitism that means: i don't work for less than 5000 euros. i am worth a lot

society is dirty and scum, it says we laugh we have fun we enjoy life but we only have three people who disturb our peace, the government, the state doesn't force society to make these statements, society is dirty. the whole thing has a reason: international courts, UNO, amnesty and all others, the international authorities only have one thing in mind: we have to protect society tactically and strategically and in a planned manner.

fear of vmat2 elam and the third eye is more morbid today than yesterday. elam rock art, ahriman, lucifer and vmat2 ritual

i never talk without proof, wolfgang Schüssels government was the downfall of my mother's company, and the start of ruining ranas and my life. politicians from golden uterus. artifacts, museum pieces

تخم سگ دیوانست، بر روی کوزه آب ما تخم طلایی زاییده و میگوید منم، این منم هم جریانش اینه: