Freitag, 14. April 2023

آتیش پاره

آقا 20 سالمون بود رفتیم جزیره قناری بینیم از ما زرنگ تر کسی هست اونجا یا نه. مدتی نگذشت و با یک دختره لباس فروش آشنا شدیم و رفتیم تو ادا اصول کوراسون با یک کتاب لغت معنی آلمانی اسپانیایی. خلاصه مدتی نگذشت یکشب دیدم هرچی به ما تا به امروز گفت کوراسون هیچی ولی امشب زد رو بدذاتی و نامردی، دیدم دو دست و انگشت رو دروازه مثلثی کرده وگذاشته رو شکمش و داره هی آواز کوراسون میخونه. منم خودم رو زدم به خارکوسده بازی و شروع کردم فارسی حرف زدن: نه تو بمیری، جون هرچی نامرده بیخیال، دیدم باز میخنده و هی میخونه. گفتم کوسکش دست بردار بیناموس نامرد! دیدم نه داره باز دست به شکمش میماله و میگه کوراسون کوراسون، آقا گذاشتیم در رفتیم بیرون. رفتم ببینم ازچند نفر شجرنامه در بیارم بیرون این کیه داره آیه های شیطانی واسه مامیخونه، والا سبک خوندنش و نگاه کردنش نمود مارو. خلاصه دویدیم و دویدیم تا به یک آشنا دبش هلندی رسیدیم، سوال کردم آلکس این دختره که میدون کاسپر لباس میفروشه میشناسیش؟ یک دفعه پوزخند زد و نشست خندیدن نیم ساعت بهم. 
گفت ببین او تپه رو میبینی!؟ اون بالا؟ تمام دستگاه هتل با 400 تا اطاق واسه بابا اینه، برو بینم چقدر زرنگی ایرانی خوش تیپ. 
آقا ما گذاشتیم از جزیره فرار کردیم، دیدیم همه رو آب میبره، یا شاش بچه میبره،یا آب لوله فاضلاب میبره، این خواب شرکت ذوب آهن بابا مافیایش رو واسه ما دیده، که بزنه مارو آتیش پاره کنه هوری بریزه سر مردم، هم مارو بکشه و هم مردم رو. گفتم به خودم گوه خوردی، بزن به چاک. حالا الان ببین: این دختره ورداشته مغازه خودم رو زیر ماتحت خودم کرده چراغ نفتی، که صبح تا شب به مردم بگیم: تو میمون من آدم، ای میمون مادر سگ

the next problem is the entire UN building in vienna, with this composure: if vmat2 and spirituality will be tortured and murdered because of our no act with amnesty then we will only be released, only released. not arrested

the austrian state has created a society that means: in the case of genes and origin, ethical origin, DNA origin, we will do everything if the economic plan is profitable for all of us. it's the same situation as in 1932: our actions are legal we have the same position as judge police public prosecutor and politicians, you even hear that from a street sweeper in vienna

As we undergo the bifurcation of time during the Ascension Cycle, it is supportive to understand that the current planetary consciousness shift radically magnifies and speeds up energetic forces that are governed by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. As we move into the next Harmonic Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect manifests much more quickly, more accurately with the frequency being matched, and with more intensity on the material plane of earth than it ever did before.  In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the energetic content that we send out will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us. This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our inner stillness in meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional love, forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible.

The third dimensional timelines to which we have been accustomed, are much more dense and infected with layers of artificial intelligence, subconscious mind fragments, phantom spaces and dark entities. As a result of the density, the return of the corresponding reciprocal energies that occurs in the process of Cause and Effect, is slowed down in the lower density, has less energetic concentration, and takes longer to manifest in the sequence of our personal timeline. It was harder for us to connect the dots between the causal event and the actual effect our thoughtforms and emotions had upon the environment, because it took much longer, required more energetic strength and willpower to bring it into manifestation.

i will be back for a short while for tea but you can hear soghati translation in spanish by yasmin Levi.

آقا الان میخواستم برم بیرون، گفتم چی قبلش گوش کنم!؟ نگاه کردم نگاه کردم و چشمم خورد به ترانه قاصدک از گروه پالت، خلاصه یه دو دقیقه ای گوش کردم دیدم نه! خورد به رگو ریشم. گفتم خفه شو بابا خارکوسده نوحه نخون، خلاصه الان دارم قربونش برم سوغاتی رو از هایده گوش میکنم، نمودن مارو با آه و ناله قاصدک قاصدک. واسه ما هم میخونن نه واسه خودشون.... دگری گوری های فلان بهمان شده. والا دارم میرم بیرون بینم چی گیرمون میاد، برکت خدا دادی کجاست، این میگه: بیخیال بشین خونه

Donnerstag, 13. April 2023

if you ask the opinion of 80% of austrians today, what concerns my family and three austrian secret services and the police, then you will hear: our people are economic geniuses and a miracle, the remaining 20% will answer: for people from the third world, 950 euros social system is pure paradise, what are you missing? what was damaged in your life? the post-war austrian, the good man and ass man

i have to go but the only thing that matters is the money! the police are insane, the only thing that matters is the looting money, the police are in NS delusion, with judges

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی خداییش شانس اوردیم این بچه های سازمان اطلاعات امنیت ایران تو پالتالک با ما اجباری پسر خاله و دختر خاله شدند وگرنه حاجی کشته بودی تاحالا مارو جون خودم

حاجی شوخی: حافظ » غزلیات »غزل شمارهٔ ۲۱۸

science has identified our DNA and genes through gene archaeology, we are not sure in the world, in any continent, especially not in iran. one visit to the laboratory and we are marked as: finance project with torture prosecution and stasi murder system

the guardian has been with me again since yesterday, it's come back and i'm feeling a little better. the freshness is good

so i have the problem with the jinns, the troublemakers who also talk non-stop when i'm awake when i'm asleep when i eat, when i go to the toilet, when i shower and when i go for a walk. sometimes they piss me into the grail too, when my protectors are traveling or on missions. The fact is they are also protectors in a certain way, they also emphasize this again and again: if we stay here then it is contractually secured that no anunnaki or drachian shadows are allowed to come in here!? should we go?

if you ask the opinion of 80% of austrians today, what concerns my family and three austrian secret services and the police, then you will hear: our people are economic geniuses and a miracle, the remaining 20% will answer: for people from the third world, 950 euros social system is pure paradise, what are you missing? what was damaged in your life? the post-war austrian, the good man and ass man

  • Before and during World War II, the Black Suns promoted German idealism into Mind Control via their Social Engineering experiments designed by their German academic counterparts that were the most revered and famous philosophers during that time. These guys were Black Suns connected to the Bavarian illuminati and were used to infiltrate the most prestigious academic institutions worldwide with deliberate misinformation that would eventually be spread as the standard curriculum in most colleges. Many of these social engineering programs got their start from the Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt School, which was used by the Black Suns and practicing Satanists to endorse and spread a faux communist ideology that was really designed as a Eugenics program. This Black Sun flavor of social engineering experimentation is being used aggressively today to target prestigious academic institutions throughout the United States, with the hidden agenda to attempt to destroy the American Constitution in favor of socialism or Communism, in order to rapidly enforce the globalist agenda for instituting the New World Order.

What we write in the 21st century was already addressed at the beginning of the 20th century and hinted at in the 11th century, in the 14th century conversations were conducted in poetic language, not addressed to the gene-manipulated alien host but addressed to the alien, to the shadows. Alfred Kubin, hafiz or suhrawardi it doesn't matter, they live among us

Black Sun Program. Alfred Kubin
The Black Sun DNA is a reversal base 10 genetic template that is sourced originally from Fallen Seraphim and the Orion Winged Draconian reptilians in the tenth dimensional layers as the result of the damage incurred in the Universal Time Matrix, which further generated several hybrid lines. The Black Sun genetic template does not allow for natural biological ascension or cellular transmutation of the consciousness body or organic movement into other timelines. This is the main reason they chose immortality through parasitism and control over humanity, which necessitated building the phantom worlds in the reversal base 10 template, and creating the blended reality system in order to exist in the three-dimensional consciousness on earth. The dark archangels are the fallen counterparts of the original Gold Order Seraphim, which became infiltrated by Orion Winged Dracs and the Azriel lineage of dark angelics. Throughout the lower dimensions, this contributed to proliferation of the Black Sun DNA in the Zeta groups and reptilian insectoid collectives, that over time digressed their DNA even further, unable to procreate in their race lines. Shortly after the Thothian Luciferians orchestrated the Essene Massacre and institution of hybrid breeding programs, the Black Suns infiltrated the material realm with the same goal to take over the earth stargates and gain control from the Belial group, which had just orchestrated their final takeover event after the Atlantian Cataclysm.

آقا ما بریم باز بیرون، بایییی

آن پیکِ ناموَر که رسید از دیارِ دوست

آورد حِرزِ جان ز خطِ مُشکبارِ دوست

خوش می‌دهد نشانِ جلال و جمالِ یار

خوش می‌کند حکایتِ عِزّ و وقارِ دوست

دل دادمش به مژده و خِجلَت همی‌برم

زین نقدِ قلبِ خویش که کردم نثارِ دوست

شکرِ خدا که از مددِ بختِ کارساز

بر حسبِ آرزوست همه کار و بارِ دوست

سیرِ سپهر و دورِ قمر را چه اختیار؟

در گردشند بر حَسَبِ اختیار دوست

گر بادِ فتنه هر دو جهان را به هم زند

ما و چراغِ چَشم و رهِ انتظارِ دوست

کُحلُ الجَواهری به من آر ای نسیمِ صبح

زان خاکِ نیکبخت که شد رهگذارِ دوست

ماییم و آستانهٔ عشق و سرِ نیاز

تا خوابِ خوش که را بَرَد اندر کنارِ دوست

دشمن به قصدِ حافظ اگر دم زند چه باک؟

مِنَّت خدای را که نیَم شرمسارِ دوست

آقا امروز رفتم یه فنجون ژاپنی خاص خریدم، بعد در آن واحد یاد یک شعر از حافظ افتادم، بعد یاد فنجان و پیک و شخص خودم افتادم، و گفتم اصلا بذار یک عکس بندازم از خودم برای یادگاری: آقا اگر مارو کشتن و ما مردیم رو سنگ قبر این عکس رو بگذارید و بنویسید: معصومیت خاص داشت کشتنش، معصومیت خاص. حالا بیشرف و لمپن و بی ادب بی پدر مادر رو صرف نظر کنید مادر قحبه ها، خر خودتونید

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023

I have to go, good morning asshole, apparently I've become a deformed body of light after all

Blacke sun, my case and iran case

  • The use of inverted systems in the non-profit organizations and religious institutions that are set up as storefronts used for international money laundering or criminal activities under the guise of humanitarian causes or charities, when the funds are collected for the express purposes to continue to enforce human misery and human suffering.
  • Transhumanism and Transgenderism are used to further promote the death culture’s intended agenda to destroy the heart and Soul, the compassionate and empathic divine human being, through the intended annihilation of the true essence of both the Masculine and Feminine. In order to disrupt or destroy the unifying potential of the androgynous lightbody in the DNA of the human being, the first directive would be to attack the inner and outer gender principle in all ways possible. The NAA promote counterfeit creations through inciting confusion in the death process, obliterate the knowledge of the Lightbody and Soul, spin confusion in sexual conduct and concepts of marriage and children, instill gender confusion in expected roles, and then start to blend human bodies with animals and machines
  • Before and during World War II, the Black Suns promoted German idealism into Mind Control via their Social Engineering experiments designed by their German academic counterparts that were the most revered and famous philosophers during that time. These guys were Black Suns connected to the Bavarian illuminati and were used to infiltrate the most prestigious academic institutions worldwide with deliberate misinformation that would eventually be spread as the standard curriculum in most colleges. Many of these social engineering programs got their start from the Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt School, which was used by the Black Suns and practicing Satanists to endorse and spread a faux communist ideology that was really designed as a Eugenics program. This Black Sun flavor of social engineering experimentation is being used aggressively today to target prestigious academic institutions throughout the United States, with the hidden agenda to attempt to destroy the American Constitution in favor of socialism or Communism, in order to rapidly enforce the globalist agenda for instituting the New World Order.

Dark Mother

Abbreviation for Dark Mother is DM.

Also called Dark Mother, Alien Mother or False Parent which forms itself into a complex field called the Black Madonna Network, which is a misogynistic field of mind controlled collective consciousness used as a Artificial intelligence grid network on this planet to feed the Thothian Grid or Black Magic fields on this earth. The Black Magic fields are used to power up Baphomet energies which is the frequency field and consciousness of Satanics, which use black force substance to conjure and call upon the demonic hierarchies and Negative Disincarnates in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Blood Sacrifice. The Black Madonna Network contains the core pillars of spreading anti-Mother consciousness in humanity and helps to promote the Patriarchal Domination and anti-God belief systems that are propagated by the many Violent Religions that are controlled by the NAA.

I have to go to sleep, but the statement no one deserves a prison sentence is absolute fascism. on the other hand, it is a strategic plan with the wish: with 15 deaths we can keep the jew torture stasi money, with 500 deaths we will lose the war. sick country and sick society

no one considered that hafiz the poet studied the original writings of shahab suhrawardi like no other, maybe goethe, no idea...

حالا این چی میگه خدا میدونه


تو بدری و خورشید تو را بنده شده‌ست

تا بندهٔ تو شده‌ست تابنده شده‌ست

زان روی که از شعاع نور رخ تو

خورشید منیر و ماه تابنده شده‌ست

the murderers of these children and the sympathizers are sitting here in vienna and loudly claim: we are the right against the iranian native race! right now we are being spied on by sound and image with the presence of viennese iranian, and with help of austrian women

در ضمن: به کوس ننه جنده هر کسی که کپی برداری کنه و به این معنا: ما نه باربد فراهانی رو میشناختیم نه چیزی از ایشون خوندیم و نه خبری از ایشون داشتیم. لول... به کوس ننه جندتون مادر قحبه های لاشی خارکوسده. جنده آپارتی های لکاته کونی با کوسکش هاتون

Solar Consciousness (eternal light forms) rockart Great Elam my mother's ethnicity

Lunar Female Demonic Forces

Thus, Lunar Forces also called Moon Chain entities have generated artificial false mother energy currents which have been utilized to run Sexual Misery mind control programming to promote the Archontic Deception Strategies that are used for enforcing human consciousness enslavement. These are collective consciousness archetypal forces that have been inserted into our planetary grid network and thus embedded in human consciousness to generate sexual distortions and gender reversals.

These gender distortions include blocks between the Mother and Child Bond, along with Anti-Christ lunar programming generating incestual overlays, pedophilic overlays and the narrative that genetic equals are brother-sister pairings rather than the correct spiritual marriage bonding that naturally occurs in a husband-wife genetic equal pairing.

During the Return of Solar Rishi and Guardian Host clearing happening in the planetary grids, we may come to face the clearing of these Moon Chain archetypal patterns and their entity attachments related to these Lunar Female Demonic Forces. The true divinity of the angelic human female is Solar Consciousness based on the Solar Feminine Christ, thus the Ascension Cycle will require us to explore the shedding of the Lunar Woman within, in order to transform our sacral energy centers from running lunar force to solar force to embody our highest divine spiritual expression.

the final decision was made at the beginning of the 19th century: we will not let ourselves be insulted as monkey origin, we will not allow anyone to tell us empty bottles, that's how the armenians and iranians were the first jews in the holocaust. 10 million holocaust victims

elam rock art 5000 B.C. Light bodies. As described by the sunni muslim shahab suhrawardi. so he also talks about the persian king and zarathustra as light receivers

Maji Grail King

The Indigo lines are referred to as Maji Grail Lines through the original 12 Tribes that were created as a part of the plan that became the Covenant of Paliador to rescue the lost Souls of Tara, which would be made easier during the Ascension Cycle. They have come to earth during the Ascension Cycle becasue they were asked to come in order to be the way-showers into the next age, and to fulfill their mission to restore consciousness liberation and spiritual freedom on behalf of the earth and her inhabitants. The 12 Tribes were designed as human guardians for this realm, and each tribe had their Maji Grail King and collective Indigo family to help embody and transmit the higher frequencies that were necessary to help support the planetary grid. The inner circle of the 12 Grail Kings and their respective missions were awakened in the first Ascension waves to begin the process of embodiment of the planetary ascension templates, shifting the timelines and these groups are the Ascension protoypers for the spectrum of frequencies included within all of the entire 12 Tribes together

Christos Solar Dragon Kings

Christos Solar Dragon Kings are also referred to as the Albion Kings or Maji Grail Kings that rule the constellations and star maps that make up the planetary grid system (Albion Lightbody), which have been intentionally designed to protect the 12 Essene Tribes and Stargates on the Earth. The Christos Solar Dragon Kings were placed in stasis sleep in the planetary body during the commencement of the Dark Aeon that began during the Luciferian Rebellion. Through the Solar Rishi return the Earth has reached the stage during the Ascension Cycle when the Christos Solar Dragons are being awakened through the transmission of Rainbow Dragon Breath carried into their Emerald Crystal Heart. They are being called into planetary service by our Holy God Parent, the Cosmic Founders of the Emerald Order. We have waited eons for the planet to raise her frequency to the level that activated the hidden Emerald Crystal Heart in the Albion Lightbody, which was only made possible in the mass reflection of the Spiritual Love that is being expressed and shared in the collective hearts of humanity.[3