Mittwoch, 26. April 2023

In 1996, when my mother founded the company, I started my apprenticeship in antique textiles and international art. In 2002, I was fully wasn't a butcher shop, sausage and frankfurter and bakery shop that people exploited and ruined like in 1932

i have to go to bed, but see who is third world, in a "democracy and constitutional state". who is primitive monkey with stasi financial system?

i'm back for a tea and nap. but apart from hafiz and saadi and many other old masters, i also hear and read new poetry. this makes me think: only ahrimanic alien world system makes us into the third world, otherwise many are under our testicles

look at these statistics over the last 40 years, and hear what viennese greens and leftists are saying: we are anti vmat2 movement and fascists, austrian constitution, privacy advocates and police officers are sitting in chat rooms and declaring their full solidarity with social media networks, cyber terrorists and society

Dienstag, 25. April 2023

I have to go, But skin close sex variety, is a luxury that many wanted to afford without risk. well, more than half of the cyber terrorists against me in vienna are hiv positive with data protection

i have always had sex with love, insofar as i never asked joe black for a date, but various acquaintances from other dimensions. for example the sisters of avalon. most believed: he has sex with joe black, he gets sick

Pericardium Heart Shield

The pericardium channel links the energetic circuitry between the physical act of sexual intimacy and emotional experiences that happen during and after sexual activity, and as such the emotional devastation of heart break can be instigated during interactions with sexual partners. If the pericardium channel remains blocked it removes the sensory experience of heart based loving feelings that are generated by the opened heart, which should naturally occur during sexual intimacy. When engaging in sex without love, this greatly disrupts the emotional bond and heart connection made between lovers, increasing the energetic blockages around the pericardium. Essentially, this constricts the chest and contributes to numbing out emotions and sensory ability in those people that are having sex without heart connection or experiencing love. Thus, pericardial imbalances commonly manifest into destructive relationship patterns, that can shut down the heart center and can further escalate into extreme fears of intimacy and even sexual perversion.

As we navigate the challenges of earthly life, all humans have experienced great emotional pain at some point in their lives, and the result of the intense suffering felt from excessive negative emotions generates negative vibrations. These negative vibrations accumulate over time and when they remain unhealed, this blocks the true soul emotional body from expressing through the heart center, and this interferes with allowing the forces of love and the forces of God to enter our lives. The pericardium has a powerful influence on the quality of mental and emotional states that we actually experience, framing an interpretation of either love or fear that is based upon whether the heart complex is open or closed.

so olga, i have to go to sleep, good night

in 2021 i did an advertisement: read the page, nobody read and everyone watched the oral sex clips. nobody shows it to me because of fake material. does anyone know olga? has anyone seen olga on the clips? Her left boob was 4 centimeters smaller than her right one, very noticeable, if so that wasn't fake material

when i signed this contract azadeh amiri was old in the business, with 10 years stasi experience and training by secret society, secret services and police, with the help of the judges. in iran america, israel and vienna. the result was: his estimate is inferior, we have to achieve this. no one should buy except for less than 30% of the estimated price.

آقا این جوک رو شنیده بودید؟ یارو از بابل پاشد اومد تهرون و ایستاد کنار چهار راه ولیعصر، طرف هی داد میزد:من خرم، من خرم، من خرم

By the way, this is also a natural growth and formation from Wienerberg, Djinn and Pari Spirit signs. in modern times: venus and romeo stasi method. a ritual that practicing satanism in secularism currently performs for: "economic boom"

These are collected energy stones on the Wienerberg, I succeeded in combining and building them up, the proof is the full picture in the crystal, I've been writing about stone residual energy and building up energy chains since 2018, who laughed? people who illegally earned a lot of money through race trade and property: private life

today it was o.k.only a few people recognized me. lol

so in 19th century someone from europe was traveling around persia, he photographed multitudes of dervishe, he was looking for guards and gate soldiers. over the centuries that has evolved into permanent camera lens. what do you want from me asshole? the answer to root of cunt your mother? luciferian scum society

all green party members, including former members, are thieves, charlatans, murderers. These tribes like leftists and greens say to us bastard race and genes next to ayatullahs and israel, supported by the doctors community austria and academics networks. our elami roots are close to ARI tribe in ethiopia. which explains Israel's and Sorro's behavior. DAN tribe jews against ELAM AND LURISTAN

Montag, 24. April 2023

I have to go, but this nationalism, narcissism, black EGO, due to our genes and dna, made us the embodiment and history repeating of the occupation of persia, with secret cameras in our apartments. with the bitch. my mother and sister are also alexander's stasi camera hostages

in 2008 i said: i am elam and took a cell phone picture, in 2018 i delivered a tablet editing from her lip area, the mouthpiece of the fallen angels: i do everything for you, do you love me? i bring joy, show, amusing time and money. her chemically and manipulated tear sacks brought me poverty, the tears smelled of love: I cry and love you to death. alexander "the great" coin

Wesa Tunnel, Fake Aktivist UNO and Amnesty international. ELAMi rock art. 3500 B.C.

The Wesa Tunnel is the inorganic wormhole that was used by Black Hole Entities that used advanced AI technology to connect from the fallen parallel Wesa system by ripping black holes into the fabric of space and time in order to gain access into our Universal Time Matrix and the Phantom Matrix. The Black Hole Entities that originate from the Wesa system are the self proclaimed ancient enemies of the Christos races, and comprise the Anti-Christ Universal Shadow races.

These Phantom Fallen Angelic races that exist within the damaged areas of the reversal 11th dimensional fields connected to the Wesa Tunnel leading back into the Wesa black hole system, are Phantom Shadow Creatures. These Phantom Shadow creatures are extremely advanced in the use of technology such as brain-machine interfacing, and thus they have developed themselves to be extremely mentally sophisticated via consciousness assimilation with AI inorganic technology. These particular Phantom Shadow creatures are essentially black hole entities from a parallel fallen system, that became entwined with the Phantom Matrix system in our Universe when they entered the black hole that was generated from the Fall of Lyra. These particular black hole entities source from outside of our Universe, yet, when they entered the black hole which was formed from the exploded Lyran stargate, they were absorbed into the antichrist fields that make up the Metatronic Spiral and reversal polarity currents. As a result, the Wesa fallen black hole entities became extremely polarized into factions of antichrist hatred and warring, even fighting amongst their own factions while targeting the races existing within our Universal System. They appear to place blame upon founder race lines for their consciousness decline and the predicament of ongoing genetic deterioration without an option for Ascension. They hold the primordial seed of the antichrist gestalt’s seething hatred for the Christos in which they seek revenge by attempting to annihilate the diamond sun timelines and by targeting the Founders and Christos race lines.[1

the proponents of this system with the ayatollah regime are the greens in europe and then the leftists, otherwise this slavery wouldn't work, point two is: amnesty international and the UN and almost all human rights organizations are occupied by leftists and greens.

iran stuck like a donkey in a swamp, iran should never have accepted 15 million emigrants from dozens of tribes. 1.5 million are from just one tribe

Master-Slave Mentality

The controller guided institutional structures that model Abuses of Power by worshiping profit-based incentives and materialist Consumerism over the wellbeing of humans are broken and corrupt, they are designed to serve those with the master-slave mentality. We must first realize that the long-term intent of these massive institutions is for mass conformity into the slave mentality, while gradually introducing soft-kill methods of a pre-planned and controlled Genocide. The promotion of poverty, war, disease and human misery are all serving the master mentality that is backed by the alien handlers.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the corrupt systems which govern and control human culture have been socially engineered by the NAA and Power Elite for the purpose of consciousness enslavement in order to achieve these objectives. We have all been groomed to accept the controller pillars of the 3D narrative, and to accept Abuses of Power as a standard human behavior carried out by the self-proclaimed masters. Abuses of Power embedded in the system are not merely a random action or an honest mistake made by putting greedy and corrupt people in positions of power over others. Although this is a strong factor because most of the people in the higher rungs of power have been placed there due to their low ethics or have infiltrated through some larger agenda. It is the intentional design, in the way the societal structures have been meticulously built through secretive means to take control over and shape humanity into the slave mentality, to capture people’s thoughts and to influence them in the direction the Controllers want them to go.

Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed into the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the pillars running our society. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. Classified documents and non-disclosure agreements under penalty of total annihilation of one’s life and livelihood, keep many a potential Whistleblower’s mouth shut. This deeper knowledge will inherently change our world view and belief systems as we shed the slave mentality and begin to critically think for ourselves, in order to become a productive cause for improving the lives of all people, worldwide

this is the second national socialism with vmat2 and race, with the enlightenment: who is silent makes a career and becomes a house owner. the islamic republic of iran makes all its resources available to us, or shall we say it makes the jews armenians race available

Do you understand,even as a vegetable seller with intellect, after 5 years you can build a house, as a vegetable seller. the people are academics and say it is our right through racial exploitation to reach a dignified standard, without being proprietors we live in shame

anyone who has earned money through the stasi torture and murder system without success and despite studying still gives an opinion on the character of the victim: his education is minimal. animal origin or shall we say evolution is capable of learning, but one thing it never learns: exploitation will bring you to the gallows.


Ear infection: i felt this DAN 1 spirit in kefalonia, dozens of meters as a cursed merman trapped under boulders in a cage (sarcophagus), it begged me to dive and free him, he promised to free me from this stasi capture, i got an ear infection as I laughed at him, the curse was just a joke like his promise
adolf searched with himmler for a long time for their living dogson father, the primal father. With their black magician archaeologists, only the honor was mine with a black magical electromagnetic stab in the ear

خلاصه ما اینیم حاجی

Sonntag, 23. April 2023

before i go, this is my friend from greece, he checks my ears from time to time... can you hear me?


I have to go but: on July 15, 1992 I said: so I'm in Disneyland. and indeed out of the 100 passing visitors 38 knew me, they looked me deep in the face and showed annoyed demeanor. Not because I was there, but because of my arrogant smile at disneyland. apparently I was an attraction too. Today, 99% know me, so I try to satisfy curiosity as an attraction. although my projects only need 1% funding from what was invested in disneyland

Austria and Vaccinations. the Trust

Vaccinations are a medical treatment in the form of an injection for the purpose of increasing immunity that is to be administered to an otherwise healthy individual. Many people are waking up to the unethical actions of the medical-pharma-CDC corporatocracy corruption ring, that are forcing many vaccination doses in untested combinations to be administered to healthy babies and children. Many of these controversial legislations that are attempting forced vaccinations, violates the very clear language in the Informed Consent section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics. Informed Consent is directly related to preserving a human beings right to self-ownership, autonomy and the prevention of abusive conduct. Forced vaccination is designed to destroy the laws that protect informed consent and medical freedom, and all people should be mindful of this attack made against our human rights and our body. These actions are intended to return humanity back, to repeat the World War II timeline of the Black Sun Agenda when Eugenics, gassing undesirable citizens, and other crimes against humanity were perfectly legal and enforced by fascist nations seeking world domination, with the support of the NAA.

Different vaccines contain different ingredients that can include lab altered live or inactivated viruses and bacteria, chemicals, metals, proteins, antibiotics and human, animal and insect DNA and RNA. Individual responses to vaccinations are based upon the weak genetic link in the person, but adverse reactions can always be linked directly to harm the bio-neurology from the introduction of Neurotoxins to the bloodstream. Each person’s unique genetic makeup will respond to the neurotoxin with different physical symptoms that can be classified in a range of clinical diseases, but the attack against the BrainCNSDNA and Mitochondria are evident. Vaccinations tend to combine multiple metals in trace amounts, like aluminum and mercury, which exponentially increases its toxic impact to damage Neurons and produce brain dysfunctions. It is no wonder why the age for earlier onset dementia keeps dropping and Alzheimer’s is rapidly growing in the population. When the Bio-Neurology is damaged, it is harder for that person to embody their Soul or spiritual body, because the body repels the resonate frequency of their higher self

i have to go to bed, but before that a joke dessert for the upper class of vienna, a class that called me tarzan and established it in society: as a joke

secret photography and filming has become a mauhausen substitute, or let's say it was established by the state to burn livelihoods. It was an automatic psychic reaction by a green party eurgenics nazi and vmat2 fascists