Freitag, 28. April 2023

what i have observed in my political activism for 20 years is: human rights activism, political activism is tribal culture within culture conflict with the emphasis: iran was aryan, iran is aryan and iran will always remain aryan. this probably means: we romano aryan from the balkans, india, pakistan, georgia and romania

my mother and sister were disregarded in the ahrimanic sadism system that calls itself democracy and the rule of law. two women not in islamic state. stoning was intended for dragon mother collectives or female demons collectives, also women against vmat2 women. These two below are murderous for black stasi money. Also as far as hide evidence is concerned, both are for punishment of the victims

Disenfranchisement of the Iranian "Jewish Armenian" race in Europe

we are iranian my mother even has an iranian passport and my sister a birth certificate, i have one from before revolution.
what europe and vienna do with israeli and american support: with oppression and disenfranchisement of the native iranian, the jew armenians we lead the indo aryan race to prosperity. by disregarding all human rights and constitutional requirements

I have to go and will be back late afternoon but before that in line with the report: stored implanted psychopathy and ritual concerning native tribes. pure elamit vmat2 breed children

I have to go 😂

The brown-skinned warriors could have belonged to the mountain Elamites, who bear a strong resemblance to the present-day Lurs living in the north of Susiana, and to the Faili-Lurs living in the east and southeast of Bakhtiaria. Lurs are overwhelmingly black-haired, with brown skin tones. They are a strong breed adapted to life in the mountains, somewhat taller than the inhabitants of the valleys. But they also reveal an admixture of foreign blood, so that they cannot be ranked among the "pure Elamites." However, impurities in them are felt less than among the Elamites of the plains, and their mixing occurred not with the Semites, but with the Indo-European peoples, mainly with the Persians.

This mixing with the Persians ultimately led to the fact that the Elamites-Lurs have been speaking since the Middle Ages in one of the Iranian dialects. Back in 1000 AD. Arab geographers met in some places of Khuzestan a completely incomprehensible dialect. "Khuzi" was apparently the last remnant of the Elamite language. The name "Khuzi" dates back, by the way, back to the ancient Persian period: Darius the Great (522-486) ​​no longer knew the name Elam, but only Khuja[9] . The Khuzians probably belonged to the Elamite tribes, known to the Greeks of Alexander the Great as the Uxii, who caused them a lot of trouble. Mountain uxii inhabited the land between Behbekhan and Fahlian and thus controlled the Susa-Persepolis road. When, out of habit, they demanded that the army of Alexander the Great pay a toll for passage along this road, they were refused. Although with great difficulty, the army eventually managed to force its way through this area.

Donnerstag, 27. April 2023

I wrote for 6 years, we have elamite bloodline through bagher, my mother's father, hence the hate against my mother, sister and myself. Viennese secret services, police, judges, politicians are still 20th century fascism. racial madness with secret cameras on the hunt for phenomena

On the thorny path of elamistics, special merit belongs to F. Weisbach (died in 1944), F. Bork (died in 1962 in Paderborn), Georg Huizing (died in 1930 in Vienna) and Friedrich Wilhelm König (Vienna ).

i just woke up and started translating russian into german, first i thought: not another romantic stalinistic story about the empire of persia, then i saw: it is based on research by many viennese, elam researchers: elamis have secrets, something special, mystical, special capabilities. that explains the secret camera stasi action for 24 years

ما بریم بخوابیم، لول

حافظ ساقی نامه:

فریب جهان قصهٔ روشن است

ببین تا چه زاید شب آبستن است

The Bible (Genesis 10:22) claims the region is named for Elam, son of Shem, son of Noah but this has no support outside of the biblical narrative

Back to the subject of racial madness and forbidden Germanic law: persecution of Christ's body, his meat and blood. rock art great persia, Great ELAM

Austria has thousands of cases of pedophilia a year, 90% of pedophiles are repeat offenders and are a potential danger for children and society, where and when was there a secret camera in one apartment? or tracking with state cameras? or non-stop surveillance. all enjoy data protection law as citizens

iran has dozens of concentration camps, kahrizak was one of them, for recognized genes, dna and race.The Austrian government sets up concentration camps with live cameras, secret camera isolation techniques, physical torture and psychological torture, for daily street thater and mental suffering, because of genes, dna and race, and because of vmat2


Empaths vs Non Empaths

When we look at the larger Galactic picture of consciousness enslavement, we see the NAA's many pronged agenda to target the brain, CNS and thought forms of every person on earth. Through the agenda of Transhumanism, we see the promotion of hybridization and synthetic integration with artificial neural networks for control over the CNS and Brain. What is starting to surface with more clarity is that our human Neurobiology is wired for empathy, which connects us to higher consciousness and has a spiritual function. The NAA and their minions of soulless AI infected synthetic beings do not have the bio-circuitry for empathy. We are in essence, in a struggle between human EMPATHS, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are NON-EMPATHS[3]

the police are chasing, abusing, stalking and torturing indigo children with vmat2. If the family and relatives don't accept the bribe, then they kill the children. the clients are capital fascists, secret sects and the luciferian state., persian artifacts

these two ruined everything in the life of the vmat2 rana by order of the state and spy today with bugs and with vienna networks in the apartment, with the intention and mental wanking: how the VMAT2 rana suffers in poverty.

Mittwoch, 26. April 2023

. The NAA seek to gain full domination of earth and beyond, through gaining unrestrained access to all of the Emerald Founder Records, Ancient Builder Technology and all related sacred knowledge that is ultimately the divine birthright of every angelic human being.[1]


i really have to go now but mazdak was a prophet and healer as much as cosmas and damian with access to ancient sacred knowledge and technology as was abuzar emam ali and others. but anything Persian will never be addressed or sanctified

چند نفر به یک نفر؟ کونی ها من خوشگلم، خارکوسده ها

مادر کونی به کوس ننه جندت خندیدی هرچی مزدک رو میخوای بکشی، ننه جنده خوارکونی مارکسیست لنینیست، کونیست جاکش

Satanic Ideology of Marxism

i have to go, but ethnic cleansing, eradication of "negative eugenics" only works with social democracy, socialism and communism. Viennese marble stone cube

Cultural Marxism

i have to go to bed, my organization says: show them the stones that we put in front of your path, you deer heads and goats are human, and this origin, these fascism evolutionary monkeys and alien hosts. killer breed

this organization has absolute freedom of action in iran and is strongly present in the state apparatus and offices as a pillar. also in vienna, active in all austrian networks, especially in viennese hospitals as doctors. the only thing missing on the poster is: we hate armenians, otherwise everyone else is addressed

من این ارمنی

آقا الان داشتن چهارتا ارمنی عرق میخوردن کنار حوض خونه میاشائل، یکیشون داشت حرفهای کلاب هاوز رو گوش میکرد، یک دفعه یکی از دست من رم کرد و هی داد میزد: ما آریایی بودیم، ما همه آریایی بودیم، اینها کجا بودن، ما همه آریایی بودیم. طرف گفت دا میشائیل شنیدی؟ میاشائیل هم خندش گرفت و گفت بله باغچه کورش کبیر هم اینها آب حوض میکشیدن ما که نبودیم همه آریایی بودن. لول

28 young people were secretly murdered just today, the whole of austria is of the opinion: we have to protect the ayatullah regime and our people. that means mass murder participation

because of the three of us alone, 160 human rights violations should be reported in vienna. 160 times! also against islamic republic of iran. All international and regional authorities including AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL are staffed with the Luciferian race

بهش گفتیم برو با ایران ایر تهرون بعد میبینیم جلسه گذاشته خونه ما، انگار گفتیم برو کون بده.. بیشرف بهش برخورده: بنی آدم فحشم داده

آقا این جن من هاو مرغ و پری ها هم تجزیه تحلیل کرده بودن که پسره بهرحال دیوونه میشه و می افته دنبال ما اینور اونور مثل درویش دیوونه آواز میخونه و یاهو یاهو میکنه، دیدن نه اصل جنسه. انقدر ما به اینها فحش خوار مادر دادیم دهنمون کف کرد، خودشون هم خندشون گرفته... مادر جنده ها. حالا دراکونی و مرغ زیاد منفی هم خداییش زیاد نیستن ولی دست به کمکشون آب رفته بیناموس ها.. ایران به باد رفته میگه بیا بریم ددر حال کنیم. کونده ها

آقا الان داشتم فکر میکردم: مگه من سال ۲۰۰۵ گفتم با فشفشه برید تو خیابون بجنگید؟ دیدم نه نگفتم، گفتم تظاهرات راه نندازید، شبح بشید. حالا اینها میگن بچه های کف خیابون از گاز اشک آور نترسید مترسک بشید. جامعه مخفی در ایران فقط از شبح میترسه نه از مترسک....یه جن اومد چند شب پیشم، سوال کردم: با ایران ایر میری ایران یا نه؟ خندید گفت خفه شو خارکوسده، خر خودتی

In 1996, when my mother founded the company, I started my apprenticeship in antique textiles and international art. In 2002, I was fully wasn't a butcher shop, sausage and frankfurter and bakery shop that people exploited and ruined like in 1932

i have to go to bed, but see who is third world, in a "democracy and constitutional state". who is primitive monkey with stasi financial system?