Samstag, 6. Mai 2023

rana has been paying taxes since 2005, from 2004 she worked in flex club, next to my antique shop. i will find illegal nazi clips from that time. I never work and never start a project without a concept and evidence.

uterus envy and uterus problem, the targets of black madonna networks

In his book The God Gene, molecular biologist Dean Hamer blamed VMAT2 for human religious sentiments. The validity of his theory is still disputed. [8th]

adolf was also afraid of that and went to germany to announce the master race: there are billions of stones lying around in vienna and the viennese want to discuss the random prince and grow

these stones lie around in vienna, inexplicably grown with a multitude of logical scenes... so much for the topic of misogyny

stasi jews boycott: The Black Madonna Network is designed to spread Misogyny and anti-female belief systems for mind controlling the Collective Consciousness.

we have suffered from debt and race boycott since 2002. I tried to pay back my mother's debts because of constant harassment from bailiffs who wanted to take everything, furniture and apartment items. 2002 to 20012. we still have the debts because of oppression, stasi racism, stasi fascism and stasi anti-Semitism

I have to go, but before that: the plan was for German fascism to control, guard and hold back Austro-fascism and keep it on a leash, it failed.

there was a reason why adolf hitler emigrated to germany to talk about the master race and german honor: austro-fascism is the cheapest rubbish, even for hitler it was uncomfortable to implement his plans from vienna.cheapest kind of garbage, thoughts, biology and spirit

Freitag, 5. Mai 2023


یوسفِ گُم گشته بازآید به کنعان، غم مَخُور

کلبهٔ احزان شَوَد روزی گلستان، غم مخور

ای دل غمدیده، حالت بِه شود، دل بَد مکن

وین سرِ شوریده باز آید به سامان غم مخور

گر بهارِ عمر باشد باز بر تختِ چمن

چتر گل در سر کَشی، ای مرغِ خوشخوان غم مخور

دورِ گردون گر دو روزی بر مرادِ ما نرفت

دائماً یکسان نباشد حالِ دوران غم مخور

هان مَشو نومید چون واقِف نِه‌ای از سِرِّ غیب

باشد اندر پرده بازیهایِ پنهان غم مخور.... 

iranian artefacts, wall reliefs, and rock art means ethnicity, semite and thus ability, potential, genes/DNA, race. fucking nazi satanism and eugenics nazis, dirty black magic (DAN) world intrigue

I have to go to sleep, but everything that has happened to us, everything about crime and mass murder, has a background, deep belief and long-term strategic goal, it has its roots in history, layer by layer of patina

The epicenter of the Black Madonna Network is the Austro-Hungarian Empire which includes; Austria, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Romania.

The Black Madonna Network and the Baphomet symbology represent the enslavement and torture of the true Christos-Sophia and Mother of God principle on this earth. Until the Mother of God and Sophia's Holy Spirit are freed to be embodied in matter, women all over the earth remain enslaved through the Baphomet and Black Madonna Networks. How the Negative Form is "passively" manifested physically in human beings to feed the Sophianic negative form is to think of Muslim women covered in black sheets with their face/identity shrouded from head to toe. If they show a body part they may be killed, if they are raped by a man, if they desire to be educated or have basic human rights, in certain circumstances, they may be killed. This is the physical symbol of Baphomet Lunar Matrix distortions or the Black Madonna archetype, the enslaved Black Madonna female in the earth impregnated without her choice to give birth to deformed or deviant creatures. To physically express that is to unconsciously feed hatred into the Black Madonna and Fatima network of which continually ensures Christos Sophia's enslavement and hatred, violence to be directed towards the females on the earth, and to control female breeding cycles.

3800 carpets were from the: ten hours of carpet restoration a day, seven days a week. 1998 was the beginning of fascism's world domination, nothing other than alien invasion. the establishment of vmat2 destruction despite work

so water and stone was an achievement and worth nothing, but i think the ark of the covenant is only a sensation for ethiopians. nowhere else

For 24 years, the Austrian government has ruined our lives with 3 shops because of our bloodline, and says today: maybe Santa Claus will give an answer to dozens or even hundreds of human rights violations, terror and attempted murder, we don't

vienna is charlatanism: azadeh and ali and the iranian anti vmat2 syndicate will never be punished, because fascism wants the same rights as ali and azadeh, as equals, absurd: we are not racist and fascists we just want same rights as wiener iranian

PHOTO: 03.03.2023

can anyone imagine that this melchior was my grandfather?

the stasi criminals, iranian austrian anti vmat2 agents have been living for 6 years in absolute luxury, prosperity and have the most expensive medical care, as perpetrators, guaranteed by the state.the state has refused me personally an apartment with 30 m2. where can not be seen antisemitism, racial fanaticism, fascism and vmat2 mass murder campaign

i never write or talk about anything without proof, fucking iran gate

Hyksos lines were a race of Jehovian AnnunakiDrakonians that were mixed with human genetics that were used by the Luciferians to attempt to conquer the middle east for stargate control, such as the Iran Gate, and were the main groups behind the Luciferian Rebellion.

nice package

i really liked this one scene, when the matador seduced a girl in tehran, an iranian employee in the austrian embassy. after a while he gives the girl jewelry, two presents. but she should promise that she will open the second gift at home alone and that she must keep her promises. Oh well,
she was rescued and the bomb never burst.
it would have been different if he had fallen in love and given up the terror business: she would marry him, after two years she would have a child and then he would be fucked in the head from the 3rd year with austrians in the audience

sometimes i think that the subway extensions in vienna are secret archeology and knowledge extensions. two stones found at station pilgramgasse. homeland and war in prehistory

Hyksos lines were a race of Jehovian AnnunakiDrakonians that were mixed with human genetics that were used by the Luciferians to attempt to conquer the middle east for stargate control, such as the Iran Gate, and were the main groups behind the Luciferian Rebellion.

Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2023

in iran, iranian cinema produced a movie called matador, matador "non-empathy" and "crime" has roots in history. look at what the ayatullah government and vienna have achieved strategically: vmat2 is a humane financial project for your prosperity

Zeta Drakonian Agendas

The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta Drakonian Rigelians. They are extremely dangerous to humans as they endorse aggressive genocidal and eugenicist agendas to takeover the earth, and present themselves as Guardians or benevolent humanoids in order to seduce earth humans to further their invasion and hybridization agendas. They generally prefer to use a Nordic blond fair skinned human body, or Tall White when they are masquerading as a human being. Therefore, they are known to be one of the most hostile of the NAA intruding entity groups, they can shape-shift into appearing human like and are referred to as H.A.V.'s, placed in the category of Hostile Alien Visitors

مادر جنده ها، خارکوسده ها، ماتادور ماتادور راه نندازید، فیلم واسه ما درست نکنید، درسته یا نه رفیق نسترن گیاهی؟ کونده کونی ها فیلم ماتادور واسه ما درست میکنن

i have to go to bed, but vienna is charlatanism: azadeh and ali and the iranian anti vmat2 syndicate will never be punished, because fascism wants the same rights as ali and azadeh, as equals, absurd: we are not racist and fascists we just want same rights as wiener iranian

this honor, namely to make oneself visible to someone, belongs to the master race. god genes and human rights race, cyrus the great race

1917-1922 Iran and fritz the witz ha ha ha

the joke is: vienna, berlin and parts of europe don't carry anything from the prehistory, in their body biology, so that they can claim that they are the master race, because they always refused against miscegenation (my blood and flesh is the salvation of the mankind). the only thing that remained was this policy: let asia, africa, america, eastern europe starve, let them be dumbed down, steal resources so that we become master races in the west.
Currently, the goal is to achieve the situation in Iran as it was in 1917-1922

The Controllers and the intelligence community have established an assortment of secret military programs that act in explicit cooperation to carry out the NAA objectives for bio-spiritual consciousness enslavement, through mind control and genetic engineering. These many covert operations are carried out against the public to gain access to the frequency pattens and then have control over human brain waves. To control human brain waves intentionally is to shape brain cognition, thoughts and behavior, and to limit perception and intelligence quotient (IQ) in the masses, in order to harvest earth-based genetics and continue to modify gene expression in humanity.

This is a type of bio-warfare genetic engineering that has been conducted through a variety of technological, medical and pharmacological experiments, hidden behind covert military backed operations that have been exploited by the Controllers since World War II. Many of these hidden military and bio-technology experiments such as chemtrailing, vaccinations and the incorporation of Genetically Modified Organisms into foods, are visibly seen in the outer world and are marketed as sustainable practices. Yet, many people are still not aware of the global enslavement agenda that includes controlling the genetic expression of the human population, in which viruses are introduced and experimented on within the masses in a variety of ways. Many of these viral mixtures are patented under the classification of biological warfare agents for military application, and some research to see who actually owns the bio-warfare patents is quite informative.

a country with this stasi nazi system and then denying it, then it also has criminal secret "gene therapy" methods as soon as one can steal and copy the keys for years. my facial features, facial expressions and weight are back in the normal range for vmat2

it was staged based on seconds of movements and coincidences, something the aliens don't understand. the same is with genetic resistance and recovery after gene manipulation or dna manipulation

Ya emam zaman

I live in a city with tens of thousands of shadow figures, all guilty of crimes and illegal business. today i looked around the hall and said: ya emam zaman, they're back. the funny thing is that these shadows think i don't have eyes on the back of my head. one of them looked at me angrily through the shop window glass, one stood at the back on the corner and looked at me with four eyes, and another held a glass and looked at me over his shoulder. all because of a single suspicion: do you know us? does he know what we did? can he read us? i called ya emam zaman three times, ya emam zaman help me because of these idiots. suddenly there was an optical illusion and everyone ran away. I don't know why the man swept everyone away with his angry look

every critic of islam should be aware that hundreds of thousands in iran and millions of people in the near east, asia, africa became muslims of their own free will, Back then, people were more enlightened than they are today