Dienstag, 23. Mai 2023

Nazi secret society vienna and UNO city

As a "secret nazi society" 21st century Austria has been involved in mass murders in Iran for 40 years. the proof lies in this: as a eugenics nazi perpetrator it claims: we know nothing, we saw nothing and we find nothing on the internet that means attempted murder and cyberterror. we have a liar and a terrorist, a paranoid that should be arrested.
with rank one friendship with iran and representing the interests of the iranian regime, austria is incidentally a foul-smelling murder machine drama as far as race semites and vmat2 in iran are concerned

Montag, 22. Mai 2023

I have to go and won't write anything until the afternoon, but read the page, this attitude, these poses, these non-verbal signs, this life philosophy and racial madness, this race struggle has its roots in prehistory, gene dna and alien mind control program, geme manipulation of the monkeys , baboons and gorillas.

This oppressive structure of tyrannical rule will never treat individuals as individuals, it will never recognize the divine right of the unique living soul expression to freely exist on the living soil of planet earth. The planet earth is the macrocosm of our human body and we belong to each other.


Austrofascism will be ended with a compensation amount of more than 500 million euros because of state nazi re-activation and reintroduction of the illegal Germanic plundering law, and not with 600 animal origin corpses on the streets. Israel knows that, Europe, America, Iran and Asia know that, even Russia knows it

abdolrahim amiri was and is made a concept for even arabs and turks, yugoslav immigrants 2nd and 3rd generation of workers: we are humane, we need money

abdolrahim amiri was and is made a concept for even arabs and turks, yugoslav immigrants 2nd and 3rd generation of workers: we are humane, we need money

i have to go to bed, but before that: there are secret codes in islam: if you don't get aids or hepatitis, you can eat a pork knuckle with 12 beers, or two bottles of tequila with it. it is halal for us

you have to imagine it like this, i'm more of a criminal and a terrorist than 8,000 imprisoned criminals in austria: i don't get aids. bastad nazis, eugenics nazi bastards

what americans want to say to me at the time: azadeh amiri was HIV positive from 2009, nobody wanted to tell you, punish azadeh, or criminal charges azadeh.

1.5 million murdered children were our children, but betrayed families and marked as jews, a tragedy of intrigue and perfidy throughout history. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were active as Wehrmacht soldiers in the murder of the children. between 1932 to 1946. our children are not israelis or zion children, our children are our children

i repeat once again: in austria there are less than 1% that already at the age of 24 know what to do for a successful life. dirty eugenics nazis.

looked for stones in the 14th district and found them: vmat2 contract and business with father, baphomet

there are less than one percent of austrians who know how life works, less than one percent. shit eugenics nazis:, photo 2001 with an iranian taxi driver 25 years old....

In 2001 I was 26 years old and paid around 7000 euros a month for advertising and advertisements in newspapers: serious purchase of old art, antique textiles and antiques, also Asian and Oriental things. it all started in 1998. at the end of 2002 i founded a company without father, mother, relatives and bank credit, with zero capital. the plan was to be active in the real estate business by the age of 30. everything ruined by a race that for 5000 years has been saying: (....)

Austrofascism will be ended with a compensation amount of more than 500 million euros because of state nazi re-activation and reintroduction of the illegal Germanic plundering law, and not with 600 animal origin corpses on the streets. Israel knows that, Europe, America, Iran and Asia know that, even Russia knows it

Sonntag, 21. Mai 2023

I have to go, but this stone is also evidence of Austro sadism, a virus and disease associated with torture tactics and long-term stasi financial strategies

Oh well: who pays almost 600 euros out of pure native naivety? the shipping costs for 5 kilos, the unpacking, and then who invests 480 hours of work for 7 models of the strategy, fight against aliens.

found today 5 kilos of labradorite, parallel evidence to the perian artefact from sassanid empire

False King of Tyranny

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Abbreviation - FKOT is the False King of Tyranny.

The Negative Aliens Archons group or the NAA do not want to heal thereby integrate into human society as an equal. They want to rule humans and earth as an absolute authority with an iron fist in the Controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny. This is also called Patriarchal Domination. The Power Elite are the group of humans that have been handed the control over the majority of the resources of the planet in order to carry out the Archontic Deception Strategy that the NAA has put into place to ensure the war Enslavement mind control programming continues to divide and conquer the human population on the earth. This is a self enforcing system of mind control promoted through all world organizations to shape ideologies and values based on the Archontic Deception Behaviors of the Predator Mind of the Negative Aliens. Those humans that feed the False King of Tyranny are rewarded monetarily or with status, power or fame over the rest of the underlings on the earth. The Orion Group created hierarchical Controller systems that operate behind every World Power or Pillar of Society. They use technological Mind Control, Suppressor Parasites SPE and have downloaded their Predator Mind to the people of the earth through invasion of the Planetary Logos in order to enslave and dominate the direction of human being affairs on the earth

i have to go to bed, but you hear from many iranians: we live in austria, we are austrians. this implication is: we are aryan, european origin and assimilated. I have to say: this is SPÖ Austria and Green Party Iranian and SPÖ Austro Iranian. for 79 m2 four hundred euros a month electricity and gas bill... as part of the stasi torture

ارق ملی نههههههه، آقا ما بریم سر دیگ آش رشته، شما هم این رو گوش کنید

my grandfather was elam, the other luristan, my grandmother sedighe arak, moluk the mother of nasser a mystery

آقا بچه بودیم تشتک پرت میکردیم به گوشه تیفار های تیر دوقلو بعدش هم هی میبردیم، یه روز گفتیم بیخیال با بادوم بازی کنیم بهتره، بادوم ببریم باز یه حسنی داره:مش باقر میشینه همه رو میخوره بهمون هم میخنده: من آخوند نیستم ها، ها، ها، ها ولی دستت درد نکنه، حالا از کی بردی؟ مغز تازست...


Mullah Nasreddin always sat upside down on a donkey in order to always keep an eye on the past and learn from it

Ancient Persian silver plate with traces of gold wash decorated with seven standing birds including roosters and an eagle to the center, framed in a ridged circular design. 500 BC

half the world has psychopathic problems with iran, "iranians" have become even more psychopathic. we need nuclear bombs and nuclear reactors. with so many men and women with DNA genes and potential. madarjendeha

rebuilding takhte jamshid costs a lot of money nerves and time, but more important than nuclear plants or atomic bombs. it would be a scientific work to set up a star gate. for a human DNA that few in the world possess it, but many iranian possess it. how many people in israel own it? ask the wailing wall, otherwise nobody will talk about this statistic, maybe the wall

i went to persian night club for the first time when i was 18. up to 19 most iranian girls asked me: are you persian? you look European, like a stranger. to this day i am a stranger... from iran under iranian as a stranger. we have actually become a minority. political, cultural, genetic

experimenting with evolution was romantic, like today: romantic socialist satanism/satanic feminism relationship as far as vmat2 is concerned

i found a similar music, the last days before the victory saushyant

schizophrenia sucks

bari's enterprise production accomplished something nobody has seen before, a composite stone set combination with dance scene, with audio boxes reflected in the mountain crystal. what he can't prove: this caused 5 minutes of doomsday music in his head. stones from 5th district, pilgramgasse underground station construction site, actually former DAN tribe headquarters during SAUSHYANT fight against ahrimanic darkforce.

Samstag, 20. Mai 2023

I have to go and will be back at noon

djinn interstellar

It's wonderful to get up at a time when demons are silent in dreams, I don't hear voices until 7 o'clock, 9 o'clock in the evening until 2 o'clock in the morning it's torture,
especially when demon spirits take advantage of the drunkenness of the human host and insult and laugh a lot. i'm stuck in demons stasi spider web, in everyday life and in my head, chat room conversations, the police djinn society is heroic, fanatical and free in the: open chat rooms and then erase the traces. stone water and crystal combination, djinn interstellar. tablet photo raw