Dienstag, 30. Mai 2023
خیلی با شخصیته
جنده عروسک های کوکی و رنجبر ها
Setting up this furnace for racial incineration is the sign of the lower race, inferior race, judging other races because of potential, ability, supernatural is because of a feeling of inferiority, the feeling of sub-human beings, nevertheless the incinerators in Austria were converted to cyberterrorism, for existence incineration
Montag, 29. Mai 2023
Victimizer Programming
In Victim-Victimizer or VV programming, the
In Victim-Victimizer or VV programming, the unfortunate result is that unstable people who have not done much mental or emotional clearing and have built up hidden pain and trauma, are easily controlled and manipulated by dark forces to play out their fears in the 2D or lower mind. These kinds of people go unconscious and flip out very easily, are very weak spiritually, have low Impulse Control and are at high risk for dark portal use or Possession. The NAA and dark forces will groom and manipulate these unstable people to attack you directly. We all must be aware of this and take steps to defend ourselves by not allowing these kinds of people to get too close to us or into our home (when possible). The problem is Imposter Spirits or dark forces will find ways to infiltrate peoples weakness and slowly work them to flip out, without any kind of apparent reason
before i go to sleep: eugenics fascism and its inferior lackeys attack gene dna and race. from 1998 to 2019 it was not a question of alta magia, metaphysics, ritual or prehistory, but because of suspicion of hidden talent and abilities. until 2017 the lackeys were busy with the international boycott system: no business, dealings, projects, ideas, inventions, there is only work at the gas station
Between 1998 and 2017 anyone should have written, reported or protested, not a single journalist wrote, not a single official in international authority reported anything. the threat, blackmail and dictatorship is UNO. today is 2023 and the police report: we can't find any traces on the internet. this agreement relates to luristan elam vmat2 mix.... israel is worse than all
Sonntag, 28. Mai 2023
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...