Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2023

there is no leftists in vienna, there is no leftists in vienna, only pure deep fascism, this charlatanism and fraud has been around since 1946

animal eugenics fascism is the second someone walks past me and shows non-verbal behavior: I'm not afraid you jews armenians race. so far it's been "leftist" and green, more "leftists" than green

i was born in tehran and i am waiting for the regime change so that i as a persian, an inheritance from the great persian empire shows the potential in our men and women. we the human rights race, the master race

many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down. Zoraster (sixth century BCE) was the greatest teacher, priest and magician (a figure comparable to Orpheus in some ways) in the early Persian Empire. He lived during the reign of the Achaemenids and wrote many works on magic, astrology, divination and religion. He is considered the creator of a system of daemonology that was adopted at various stages and in various forms by Jews, Greeks, and Christians. At the time of Plato, the Greeks already associated magic with Zoraster whom they considered to be a demigod, he was called "the son of Ahura Mazda." Another great Persian magus, Ostanes, accompanied Xerxes on his campaign against Greece (480 BCE), no doubt as an advisor to the monarch. After his defeat at Salamis, the monarch left Ostanes behind, and Ostanes became the teacher of Democritus (born c 470 BCE), apparently encouraging his pupil to travel to Egypt and Persia. Democritus is chiefly known as a great scientist to the modern reader; however, he may have transmitted Persian magic in one of his many lost works.[29]

The word magusmagicus and mageia were used with a variety of connotations - from the religion of te Magi of Persia to scurrilous, harmful magic or witchcraft. While the Magi were members of the priestly caste of the Persians and therefore could be considered honest religionists, the Greeks and Romans who viewed the Persian Empire tended to bring their own intellectual prejudices to bear against religion when they described it. Herodotus, Pliny and Plutarch tended at their hardest to view the religion as little more than fraud.[30] Furthermore, since Persia remained Rome's most potent enemy throughout the Imperial era, any religion practiced there was bound to be viewed as subversive and dangerous.

babababaaaaa, yek o seh, babababa, yeko seh, dabadabaaaa mische 4, mishe 4

i just don't believe it, the austrian even says right now: who do you think you are anyway? i was born in tehran and you in vienna, that's your problem you nothing, you eugenics fascist, you nothing. in smoke city

سه شد یعنی زرشک؟، سه شد یعنی زرشک؟ لول لول لول.. خاک تو سری رو ولش، ولش، ولش خاک تو سری رو ولش

Dienstag, 6. Juni 2023

is there any random principle calculated mathematically? you can choose any 6 stones out of a billion and put them together to form a logical scene. or combine 3 of these stones with 3 other stones chosen at random

ما بریم، پس کیر 14 تا 16 سانت خیلی جالب نیست، ها؟ هاها؟

Iran has 8000 women with innovative ingenious potential, more than half are afraid of cancer. She died in 2017, tara's and my formulas bring others to life, master race iran, a race from prehistory, creation

i have to go and come back in the late afternoon, but these are the consequences of EU fascism and austrofascism: alis azadeh's rahims and husseins, you european tribes, you are the higher race than native iranian! fucking eugenics fascists 21st century

austrian and german woman were from 1932 planned child murder commissioners for millennial empire, who are they today? what are you today? the police ignores all chat rooms with calls for mass murder. This woman says today: We need money more than anything else

the thing about the water grail is a scientific explanation necessity. insofar as the scenes correspond one to one to mythology

This society should be punished for damage amounting to 60 billion euros because of establishment: racial persecution, call for the murder of ethnic groups, mass murder plan with financial advantage

Child murders, 1.5 million child murders was a women's task in camps, with 500,000 adolfs whores, today there are over 5 million in Austria and Germany, just that with my family or maybe with our children if we had any: natural wonders

حاجی تا حالا فکر کرده بودی راجع به این جریان: از زمانی که جوراب شلواری سیاه و سفید اهریمنی اختراع شد خوار بزرگ مردان دنیا هم گائیده شد، خوارکوسده آخه این چه گوهیه داری با این جنده فاشیست ها میخوری...

this mother and daughter have iranian documents where is it compatible with iranian islamic constitution to film private life and distribute it worldwide..

This is CIA NSA support and order command to European tribes Iran, like in Vienna and elsewhere. even this action with my mother and sister there were orders to zargari ali gharib and zargari hussein gharib, and domari amiris and loulabi shams

we are under the yoke of people hezbollah and ayatollahs who shout: we are shia and hazrat abbasies but they (native iranian) have the old genes and dna. mother fucker did we invite you from balkans and india to become iranian?

since my childhood i saw this assembly as inferior shit, until 2005 i never went to vote. Today when a politician stands in front of me and demands: show us what we have done to you and your family with Hezbollah and ayatullahs, then I will break his nose, legs and arms. cheap inferior scum in suit


آقا بچه بودیم، عن آقا اومد خونه ما هم نشستیم نگاه کردن ببینیم برنامه امروزش چیه، دیدیم مستقیم رفت طرف پیپ انگلیسیش که رو کمد گذاشته بود، گفتم پس هیچی خود قوت و نعمت و عزت کارشون رو کردن. مرتیکه  سه قلو حامله سوال کرد این پیپ چرا داغه؟ من 4 ساعت میزارم خنک بشه بعد بکشم، این چرا داغه؟ گفتم ببین رفتم توالت ریدم بوش بد بود با اجازه رفتم اونجا روشنش کردم شما اومدی بری توالت ناراحت نشی. داداش 45 دقیقه ما کتک خوردیم برای این ریدن.
خلاصه منظور بر اینکه ما ۳ سالمون بود یک بار دروغ گفتیم و دیدیم زندگی با دروغ راحت تر است، بعدش جریان دروغ رو گذاشتیم کنار، دیدیم با ما و جریان ما جور در نمیاد...
از زمانی که اتریش اومدیم دیدیم این کوسکش ها تا دروغگو و خلافکار و خانم باز و لندهور نشی ولت نمیکنن.. والا به دروغ اهریمنی سوبسیت میدن و مارو هم که تا به امروز نکشتن. مادر قحبه ها

Montag, 5. Juni 2023

third eye

few people recognized me that day, maybe today too.To prevent this mixture and intrigue, up until the Sasanian era we had clerics and djinn hunters, drakonian catchers, anunnaki hunters, who wanted to infiltrate the land. a different kind of man in black


I have to go, but for decades Viennese people have been trying to give these perpetrators and criminal families a high value, with collective doctors and judges, because of their Aryan origins. from a country with 15 million balkan gypsies, 10 million sinti and roma from india and pakistan, and other european tribes. we the original are apparently worthless, they call us jews armenians

not everything that comes from the orient is as expensive as me, inferior scum. energy stone collection 10th district of vienna

i have to go to sleep, but i warn the humans in iran: even a street sweeper in vienna is eugenics nazi. educated and well read on the subject of race genes dna and ethnicity as in 1932. elam and luristan mix is mostly purity. pure creation race

monkey origin fascism is worse today than in 2016, austrian constitutional agents, police secret services, judges, politicians allow all freedoms: we are entitled to do business with race trade. A large percentage are the mothers in this society, the hyenas as Brecht describes it

Austrian assholes, we open gates and negative aliens eugenics fascists build mauthausen to close the gates with black magic and black matter. a matter won by mass murder

we are citizens the only thing that should work is the constitution, civil rights, and european human rights convention, ethnic laws, semitic laws. otherwise bombs and violence shit 4th Reich fascists

my statement and question until 8 p.m., are chemical weapons and dirty bombs an option for combating international fascism in the 21st century?

this is my mother's first apartment after the divorce, moving in day, the daughters of the bagher. i lived there for 3 years. These three years were full of wonders with light experience between 1978-1981. This light was then referred to as a UFO sighting by the Iranian military. i always said emam zaman sighting. the light moved negative aliens for drama islamic republic of iran and 45 years of mass murder with help vienna, israel, america europe. 20 years of the Viennese stasi system because of genes, dna and race are enough against a mother and daughter

vienna is more psychopathic than any other as far as iranian natives are concerned, it even proves it: indo aryan race and gypsies have a higher status in vienna and should never be punished as a criminal syndicate

the fact that both governments in addition to america and israel do not want to condemn the perpetrators because of aryan races of origin but want to kill or torture the victims is the establishment of darwnistic eugenics fascism in iran in europe in israel and america with the help of the ayatullahs