Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2023
In 2009 I actually thought: I'm sick, what are these voices that I'm hearing? a woman says to me: you jew you bitchmama, your sister is a whore, what do you have against ahmadinejad, another: Mao, warned us about you too, proletariat dictatorship is not a monkey dictatorship you dirty jew. today i know that the voices were true perceptions and i have the bloodline
من اگر مستم به تو چه
we have enmity to iranian regime, and austrian state enmity to our race as in ghassemlou case: jews armenians race. vmat2 race
زنیکه نوکیسه بونجل
Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2023
i have to go, but i addressed this topic indirectly in 2009: the hezbollah and ayatullahs are whispering to the islamic world: we only kill hidden jews, these students and children are hidden dna jews. exactly what vienna has been doing with ayatullahs for 20 years: this family is not muslim but hidden dna jews.
everyone who has the potential is free to choose their profession in democracy, like the music business or principial the trade, the viennese government established like 1932: boycott of the jews. we don't give iranian jewish armenians any chance of prosperity and progress, go to work like iranian gypsies in mc donald or in supermarkets despite your potential
i was born in tehran and i am waiting for the regime change so that i as a persian, an inheritance from the great persian empire shows the potential in our men and women. we the human rights race, the master race
many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down. Zoraster (sixth century BCE) was the greatest teacher, priest and magician (a figure comparable to Orpheus in some ways) in the early Persian Empire. He lived during the reign of the Achaemenids and wrote many works on magic, astrology, divination and religion. He is considered the creator of a system of daemonology that was adopted at various stages and in various forms by Jews, Greeks, and Christians. At the time of Plato, the Greeks already associated magic with Zoraster whom they considered to be a demigod, he was called "the son of Ahura Mazda." Another great Persian magus, Ostanes, accompanied Xerxes on his campaign against Greece (480 BCE), no doubt as an advisor to the monarch. After his defeat at Salamis, the monarch left Ostanes behind, and Ostanes became the teacher of Democritus (born c 470 BCE), apparently encouraging his pupil to travel to Egypt and Persia. Democritus is chiefly known as a great scientist to the modern reader; however, he may have transmitted Persian magic in one of his many lost works.[29]
The word magus, magicus and mageia were used with a variety of connotations - from the religion of te Magi of Persia to scurrilous, harmful magic or witchcraft. While the Magi were members of the priestly caste of the Persians and therefore could be considered honest religionists, the Greeks and Romans who viewed the Persian Empire tended to bring their own intellectual prejudices to bear against religion when they described it. Herodotus, Pliny and Plutarch tended at their hardest to view the religion as little more than fraud.[30] Furthermore, since Persia remained Rome's most potent enemy throughout the Imperial era, any religion practiced there was bound to be viewed as subversive and dangerous.