Freitag, 9. Juni 2023

i have to go, but in siberian forests there are also native women to get pregnant, vmat uterus. where is the ark of the covenant? where?

this is my last text for today: i had unlimited opportunities since 2002, no state can set my salary. that's why i was internationally frozen up to siberian forests

75 percent of austrians don't have the brains for building a house strategy. the state provides the level and status and intelligence/intellect: 1200 to 4000 euros salary. that's why the jews gold stasi system is created again for underdeveloped brains.

you know what that smile meant in 2002, i'll stay antique carpet dealer and antique dealer forever, well, nazi fucker, scum fucker, 0815 fucker i like it better today, monkey origin fucker, nordic ignorance fucker, nenaderthaler killer race fucker

do you know how easy it is for us to develop an operating system for this magoi and his bird, an operating system that works with a glass of water forever. with wrong grammar in instructions for use. lol

despite studying, literature, academic education you are 0815, salary people nazis

photo 2002 you 0815 dirt and nazi, you dirt

cheapest kind pedigree says: work sets you free, do you understand why? i never work for no-empath ape origin and fascist. Until 2009, I never asked for anything from this state, no state housing, no unemployment benefits, or health insurance. since 2009 i couldn't find any work for my potential, do you know which one? to fuck monkeys origin with 38 projects, or to do the work of 150 people. 0815 dirt. scum 0815

the money is nazi money, to be compared one to one with nazi gold crimes.

i hacked nsa and cia again: austrians will kill him for money in next 5 to 6 days. red alert

today i saw an old acquaintance, a bahai man of the same age as me, who looked like 60. waiting for real emam zaman keeps you young.was the stasi money from my ruined shop and business to bank account bahai society vienna halal? If I had a mole on my cheekthen I would be probably also become bahai, or mullah, or ayatullah, or...... LOL. I haven't

austrian military whispers in networks: we can already declare this racial degradation and racial madness to official law, insofar as the plundered money from 3 shops, from ruined careers and existence belongs to the people. Austria is an EU country with these statements.

آقا ما بریم تا عصری، میگم شانس اوردین حال و حوصله داریم ها، وگرنه خنگ و سربسته میموندین

حاجی میگم حال تکون مکون رو که نداری، ولی بیا: دو بار شونه چپ بنداز بالا سه بار شونه راست، حاجی بیااااااا هااااا. تو چرا هر روز میخونی صدات در نمیاد، گائیدی مارو با این مجتبی

Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2023

since the second world war and before the second world war the austrian german women are racially insane. because of ASIL, pure clean breed. asil has a deeper meaning: ability

this action with azadeh amiri is the pimping of iranian fascists, "protected and covered as party and democratic organizations" with evidence suppression, glorification, and NS repeat reward of the austrian state. austrofascism

I have to go, but the Stalingrad defeat was the salvation of Iran. until 1979. for 45 years we have been dealing with austrofascism and mass murder again

Mash us ebram became Wolf Messing. he helped in stalingrad and so saved us in persia with it

viennese police: jews/armenians/elam mix race wolf messing is forbidden in europe and america

Wolf Messing was a magician, hypnotist, prophet and telepath. He was hunted by Hitler and admired by Stalin for his accurate predictions. What the secret of his gift was has not been clarified to this day

fucking killer race austria I have to go to sleep but:

 the survival of this race, which was contractually secured by the English and the Americans in 1946, had this according to: mass murders worldwide, and for 45 years in iran and the near east. look at the wild women today: vienna should remain clean from the original race, ASIL

murder plan was actually beginning of 2010 after 2006 a chemical poison attack failed, self-healing. cancer tumor in left lower leg. the doctors in the hospital kept the files secret from me. no therapy just painkillers

In 2009 I actually thought: I'm sick, what are these voices that I'm hearing? a woman says to me: you jew you bitchmama, your sister is a whore, what do you have against ahmadinejad, another: Mao, warned us about you too, proletariat dictatorship is not a monkey dictatorship you dirty jew. today i know that the voices were true perceptions and i have the bloodline

Asil has a deep meaning in Persian and Arabic, also referring to Prophet Muhammad. europe and america israel turkey morbidly search for ASIL for forced pornography, nudity and dishonor, arabs are also with some tribes. I'm going to watch a movie until 8 p.m

من اگر مستم به تو چه

آقا داشتم مصاحبه مهناز افشار رو میخوندم، نوشته بود سازمان اطلاعات بیشرم ایران من رو لخت کرده بود... گفتم ببین لعنتی تو رو هم اینور مثل گلشیفته لختت میکنن کلوچه گردو نارگیلی تحویل مردم میدن، حالا مارو لخت کردن چی تحویل مردم دادن؟ اگر گفتی؟ طلاییش رو گذاشتم سر پیشونیشون... تو چی میگی...، جون تو امروز یاد استار گیت افتادم، از یه در گند و گوه فرار میکنی از اون یکی در میای تو گیر آدم خوار میفتی... میگم حاجی شش ماه شد ما آب درست نکردیم، حافظ هم آخه میگفت دائم الخمر نشو.... در میکده به رویت باز است  اما ولی.... فلان و بهمان مشو

we have enmity to iranian regime, and austrian state enmity to our race as in ghassemlou case: jews armenians race. vmat2 race

Born in UrmiaWest Azerbaijan, Iran to a wealthy feudal family, his father, Mohammad Vesugh Ghassemlou (b. 1875), was a landowning Kurdish nationalist Agha and Khan from the Kurdish Shekak tribe. His mother was Nana Jan Timsar, a Christian Assyrian.

they ruined my mother's business and claim: they are not human, they ruined my business and claim he is not human, they ruined rana's life and career and claim she is not human. these are nazi animals like 1932, the mass murderer who claims that

Austria is guilty after 6 million racial murders to establish racial murder again, this time with network society and gene database and publication of genetic data

we have ethnic groups in iran, like boyash, also researched by UN ethnic groups،ethnic group that say to us (people like me) jews armenians,a kind of anti-Semitism that established the word NAJES from the 16th century. today, we (persons like me) are muslims but by laboratory tests najes race

زنیکه نوکیسه بونجل

آقا سال ۲۰۰۵ بود نشسته بودم بیرون مغازه سیگار میکشیدم، نگران این هم نبودم سرطان بگیرم بلکه بیشتر نگران این بودم امشب کسی رو بغل نگیرم، والا بخدا مغازه به این بزرگی با یک دفتر پنهون، ضایع میشه اگر از اون شبها امشب نشه
خلاصه مدتی گذشت و باز همان زنیکه نوکیسه بونجل از اونور خیابون رد شد و با نیشخندی عمیق رفت. تقریباً ده ماه میشه کار روزانش اینه: هی رد میشه به ما نیشخند میزنه و میره زنیکه نو کیسه.
آقا برنامه شب چیده شد، سریع تماس گرفتم با بنگاه شادمانی: سلام خانوم شما زن هندی دارید؟ گفت بله؟ گفتم دختر هندی دم دستت هست یا نیست؟ طرف کمی فکر کرد گفت:، ما شبیه زن هندی داریم ولی از مجارستان! گفتم خیلی خوب ولی 26 سال بیشتر نباشه، گفت چطور مگه؟، گفتم زیر ۲۵ نباشه بالای 26 هم نباشه، میفهمی؟ پول میخوای یا نه؟ خلاصه سرتون رو درد نیارم از عقده گشائی این  نمایشنامه وحماسه هم ما برای خودمون اجرا کردیم و انتقام خونین 1357 را گرفتیم، والا، کی اومد و چه زری زد و کی امروز از در مغازه ما هی رد میشه و نیشخند میزنه، مادر قحبه های نو کیسه

خلاصه حاجی درد مشترک داریم، ما جهود ارمنی ها با شما و احمدی نژاد، والا، جریان از این قرار شده: هر کی شکل منه مثل یه عنه