Dienstag, 13. Juni 2023

جون تو، رشت هم یک چیز های گذاشتم، حوصله نمیکنم بیام ببرم حاجی، شکل مرغانه چیز میز هایست زیر خاک... از درونش میگه بیب بیب پیییییپسسسس بیبیب پیبسسس

i have to go and i think: science and research should be in the hands of the unorthodox independent reporter at least as far as history and archeology are concerned. I've got two doctoral theses in my pocket and four in my box drawer, and I don't give a fuck about the titles or medals awarded by the Ahrimanian state. you get some of it for free... YANG SIGN... PERSIAN Sarmatian ARTIFACTS

swastika water turns yin, and swastika turns yang.if mao zedong were still alive next to pol pot then they would reward viennese social democracy with french kisses for the successful establishment vmat2 espionage and mass murder plan

i have to go to sleep, but good news from archeology department willhaben.at: Elamite auspicious sign "cloud" or swastika, or SS CROSS refers to the water turning in the grail, pond, river, sea with the left hand. happiness and love from other side. Goodnight

himmler and adolf organized dozens of teams with the mission to hunt for phenomena on all continents. to find the aryan root race.... today they know the cause and say fuck phenomena we just want money

I had maybe more than 38 projects in life to reach the sea from a pond, the feminine goose the fellow passenger always has the same plans but only with one project: vmat2 emergency brake development and modernization. the song is good

چشم شاشیدم به هرچی مرغ پستون داره

the world is wondering why i keep talking about the holocaust system in this story, i answer: the first minute the girl opened her mouth and put my cock in her mouth it was a holocaust, it meant: i am the only woman In this world for you, the only partner and no one is left for you, only I am the only partner with a lifelong state contract, no children, no love, no feelings, no existence, no job, no business, no wealth


آقا 19 سالمون بود یه شب رفتم خونه آزاده، یه خونه دولتی دو طبقه، خلاصه رفتیم بالا نمیدونیم زمان چجوری گذشت و اومدم از راه پله بیام پائین دلم هوری ریخت پائین، دیدم زنیکه این عکس من رو قاب کرده گذاشته رو دیوار راه پله ها. جالب هم این بود موقع بالا رفتن تو چشم نمیخورد، زمان پائین اومدن به چشم میخورد. یه نگاه کردم بهش سوال کردم: بینم شما ها هرروز پنج نفره از خواب بلند میشین میایین پائین من رو نگاه میکنین؟ خندش گرفت و بعد گریه اش گرفت، گفت: باری من خیلی میترسم یک سره استرس دارم نمیدونم چرا، هی حس دارم باید از تو محافظت کنم. لول! 
گفتم پیش خودم جون تو امام حسین تورو میگرفت به جای(...) سرش برش بریده نمیشد. عجب دنیایی، کیری، عوضی، خارکوسده

dirtiest nazi dirt austrofascism says: we have to deal with exterminating iranian hidden jews, with hezbollah and sepah, these are our final solution soldiers. dirtiest country of fascist ideology and belief, before world war two and in post war. look at the situation of my mother and sister, mother and daughter

that's not what i'm saying, that's what the germans say: austrofascism was always dirtier, inferior and more animal than we are! and i say look at 80 percent of austrians today in the second, third and fourth generation

this holocaust denier makes statements for cia and nsa eugenics fascism: there is not a single perpetrator in iran that was involved in jew/armenian torture program finance business. for example israel claims that about israelis, europe about europeans, turkey about turks and america about americans. these are establishing vmat2 mass murder iran

ali gharib and amiri clan

ali gharib and amiri clan:
today a criminal passed me, a terrorist, burglar, stasi agent, stasi secret camera syndicate member, hezbollah and sepah member supported by CIA and NSA. ALI GHARIB. I laughed in his face, do you know why? cia has 30,000 iranian balkan gypsies army for mass murder, even in mexico and venezuella. apart from syria and iraq, lybia, egypt, yemen, lebanon. That's why the laughter is: He's waiting for his execution and wonders why he's still alive and I'm still laughing

I have to go again, this smoke ritual is a white magic "SEHR", a talent and ability from prehistory. many iranian own it without knowing it. ritual against black powers, spirits and black matter energy. a ritual for cleaning the rooms, people who oppose this white ritual are afraid, actually their black soul is afraid...

yahoo ali also has a deeper sense of mysticism and meaning, only since safavid times, shia religion has been converted to ahrimanic occult behavior: with a statement: we are all dogs of emam hussein... we are all....

آقا شانس اوردین ما آشپزخانه شیشه راه ننداختیم، والا، ده میلیون لندهور نعشه نادرست رو میکردیم مسلمان ناب محمدی ، یاهو علیییی هوووووو، یاهو علییی پووووو، یاهوووو علی هوووو، بریز توش، یاهو علییی هووو

Montag, 12. Juni 2023

azerbaijan is only one region and has tens of thousands vmat2 and vmat1 and erdoganista Saf meyman bilmiraaaaa?

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین ممد آمریکایی خیلی خارکوسده ای این یکی هولوکاست آمریکایی رو هم انکار میکنی:

before i go: the paranormality in vienna is: the secret sign again and again. the twins double eagle and the two twins, the women of today 2023. the state of austria

1983 until today it's 40 years where politicians don't want to pay taxes, stasinazi system was developed for this: Rana and Barbad let us live tax-free. today we will both murder for it. I have to go and will be back in the late afternoon

I have to go to sleep, but for centuries europe and the romano race, the indo-arian race have known us through artifacts and old texts, the enmity is a deep black hole without end

البته حاجی به آلمانی هم به دست ما میگن کوسمیشه هاند شما هم گفتید توکل به خدا جلق زدن ایشون را به امت نشان دهید، که بدانند دست چپ چجور تبدیل به کوس میشود

Originally, the meaning of cosmic father and cosmic mother had a different meaning or explanation or a different deeper meaning.

mythology is something soothing, even in children's books, why not in crystals? tablet photo raw

since 2003, many young students in paltalk called me shark man instead of jazz_man, you know why? My articulation, rhetoric, tribal behavior, dialogue and discussions had nothing to do with earthly political science, philosophy language, no earthly scientific background

i prove here iranian european, american israeli hostility in terms of genes race dna and ethnic origin, in whatever costume, even in amnesty international costume

my professional freedom, my business, my existence, i only talk about myself, my life. you dirty nazi pig

america, europe, israel carry out this anti-racial action with a country and population that carries on its shoulders 15 million gypsies, with hate against native iranian, and a 15 million that call themselves aryan and children of cyrus the great, romano aryan race

the reason for 9/11, the eugenics nazis themselves give the permission: kill as much as you can, our girls will get pregnant again