Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023

ELAM luristan hate and ENVY

In 1919, the Thule Society's Anton Drexler, who had developed links between the Society and various extreme right workers' organizations in Munich, together with Karl Harrer established the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), or German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler joined this party in 1919. By April 1, 1920, the DAP had been reconstituted as the National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or National Socialist German Workers Party generally known as the "Nazi Party".

The inner core of the Thule society were Satanists that were practicing Black Magic. The sole intent was for them to, with help from magic rituals, bring Consciousness to a level where they could perceive the evil of the world and stay in telepathic communication with Negative Aliens who communicate on that level. With the help of this dark energy, the goal of the initiated would be to create a race of Supermen of Aryan stock, who would exterminate all “lower” races. (see Eugenics)

the denial of islamic government of iran and austrian government is satanic ritual lie, just like holocaust conference 2006 tehran, satanic lie ritual

satanism is today in america, europe and the entire west under the column religious freedom, what distinguishes satanism from fascism? the practices used today against race vmat2 and ethnicity are both NS repetition and satanism., fucking ALI KHAMANEI and ayatullahs, fucking MOJTABA KHAMENEI

This Stasi torture system action and psychological war against vmat2, race and ethnicity was introduced by the state from 1998, the evidence from the scum society is of no use to me, only what the Austrian government, parties and parliamentarians are concerned

i was asleep, and got up 20 minutes ago with stomach cramps, the news that was sent to me in my sleep is horrible, even your babies will not be tolerated any more, by the other side, apart from you.Corona vaccination also helped and contributed to this

آقا طرف میگه: به چه حقی آزمایشی کار میکنی؟ به این حق: اونی که واسه تو کیره واسه ما غاز هم نیست بدبخت بیچاره دوزاری فلک زده.. اوشاق عوضی


سفر به ایران

آقا سال ۲۰۰۵ یه بنده خدایی اومد به ما گفت: کوسخل بازی هاتو بزار کنار، برو پاسپورتتو بگیر با هم بریم ایران، همه رو باهات آشنا میکنم، مخصوصاً هنرپیشه های ایرانی رو. دو ساعت قبلش هم بحث پالتاکی داشتم و خلاصه با روانی بازی میریدم به رئیس جمهور آمریکا و سازمان سیا سر همکاری با قاسم سلیمانی در افغانستان، و بعد سر معامله سلاح های شیمیای و پلیسی و ارتشی اسرائیل و ایران در وین. خندم گرفت، گفتم پیش علی خامنه ای بلدی مارو ببری یا نه بیشرف؟ هنرپیشه سگ کیه مادر قحبه، اون بافور رو بده به من انقدر کوس شعر نگو جاکش نعشه تریاکی، کمتر از علی خامنه ای آشنا بکنی نمیام، کار دارم....

Montag, 3. Juli 2023

I have to go, but can anyone claim that the root of children's mass murders is in aryan skin flesh and bones? look in iran today and million aryan immigrants. my mother and sister were sitting alone in the apartment as innocent as these children

vienna has children mass murder history, viennese women, 1.5 million children, today vienna is trumpeting: we have sympathizers, iranians, in tehran and vienna and throughout iran for this system, as far as rana and her mother are concerned

who kills children in iran who are the clients? look at vienna: the inferior eugenics fascists, inferior origins do public work: we don't allow a family to be founded.we do not allow breed breeding and child production

Since 2017 I had no money to visit an erotic studio and I had not had a single contact with a woman, the result of 25 years of secret cameras from the Stasi, no woman approaches out of fear and shame. islamic government evin isolation prison in one million society capital

since 2002 the eugenics fascist whore has destroyed this business in austria with secret cameras, one minute of it is a claim for damages in millions of euros, to this day my sex life doesn't leave it alone with secret cameras. international authorities are deaf mute because of this international crime

i have to go to bed, at the moment viennese girls, militant nazis are sitting in chatrooms with UNO elite and get murder orders and the green light: we don't know any barbad farahani and rana farahani, do what you want, nobody knows these two. the women all carry pistols on the streets. fucking heritage, fucking genetic heritage, fucking killer race. fucking skin bones flesh and blood

no one wants to work in international authorities, this crap in the 21st century and vienna has a mass murder plan for vmat2 on an international level... this skin bone flesh blood is hereditary, this thought and hatred is hereditary and has always been supported by america, today by all of europe and nato countries

this filth was a traitor yesterday and a traitor today, red fascism has always been the traitor of the working class. they call us: unnecessary material, useless and lazy. corona vaccination advocates next to green party, vmat2 annihilation alliance with capital fascists. this dirt

The Roots of Ahrimanism in Persian History from before Christ to the Present is 12 volumes of books. socialism and god's faith is a death sentence for mazdak, even today when you talk about light, water portal and alien darkforce

جیز من پالتالک

آقا یه شب سال ۲۰۰۷ مست و پاتیل بودم رفتم پالتالک، گفتم بزار یکم گیر بدم به سلطنت طلب ها بینیم عفریته چپی میاد جلو تورش کنیم یا نه، کمی گذشت و دیدیم تیر خالی هوایی الکی در کردیم، آقا گفتم پس بریم روم مجاهد ها، مگه میشه حشری نشن، آقا رفتیم اتاق مجاهد ها ترقه در کردن و دیدم اوا اوا اوااااا او لالا ووووششش، پی. م. های عاشقانه عاطفی اومد: خیلی مردی، ما باهاتیم بپا فقط ما لو نریم، باهاتیم، خلاصه بعدش هم خودش شد: بلیت هواپیما اگر الان رزرو کنم واسه عید ارزونه، خونه جا داری با بچه ها بیایم دیگه، میایم. لول راستش جلو دهنم رو بد جور گرفتم نگم: خارکوسده جنده موش میدوونی، لاس خشک میزنی مادر جنده، اینهمه رفیق شفیق جنده وین داری، امشب کسی رو واسه ما سراغ نداری خارکوسده؟ لول لول کوسکش های روزا لوكسمبورغی جنده

Rosa Luxemburg is the woman sarcastically holding incense and myrrh husks, and Marx is the man cutting off his thumb. rosa was not as brutal as engels and marx when it came to bohemianism

the viennese women finance arab turks iranian, people from africa, asia and the middle east with millions of euros so that they continue vmat2 murders and genocides, and i show which type of race genes and dna and ethnicity is the goal, on an international level

this psychopathy is no different to face after dozens of millions of murders: can your children build a waterworks with a 25 meter gate!? 0815 abschaum

Just today, 38 women walked past me grinning, in the 5th district, deeply amused, grinning. this skin flesh and bones

Dirtiest skin and flesh and bones refuse to work today because the dirt insists: we did it with non-human beings, so no human rights, why should we work

this skin bone flesh blood is hereditary, this thought and hatred is hereditary and has always been supported by america, today by all of europe and nato countries

the intervention in the private life of a 22-year-old girl (Rana Farahani) as early as 2004 can only be an animal being because of a thirst for revenge on race

we have been attacked throughout history because of europe's inferior feeling towards us, so inferior that nobody believes europe feels so inferior

my grandfather nosrat luri and bagher was of pure elam descent, both grandmothers were siblings from arak malayer, also native tribes. just the mixture that can be read in my last post and what constitutes the master race

uterus envy and eugenics fascism are the same pair of shoes, but what has never been addressed: we have been attacked throughout history because of europe's inferior feeling towards us, so inferior that nobody believes europe feels so inferior

the intervention in the private life of a 22-year-old girl (Rana Farahani) as early as 2004 can only be an animal being because of a thirst for revenge on race: "we have ancestral spirits not you" we are the root race not you. so, also the nazi women in england: we envy vienna for this freedom

the only right thing for nazi animals was stalin's labor camp for inferior scum, england america and europe only showed sympathy, also the behavior in ukraine is the only right thing to do against nazi animals, even if atomic bombs will be used

so international courts will sentence me to up to 25 years in prison for accusations without evidence

austrian government is an EU country, this stasi racial torture program is more serious than the crime of iranian regime in EVIN prison.
insofar as sex torture, genital torture of political prisoners is not common or common method. in vienna even the sex workers in erotic studios have been ordered by the state: no sexual satisfaction only humiliation. the crime of the state of austria is a hundredfold violation of human rights because of NS repetition, so international courts will sentence me to up to 25 years in prison for accusations without evidence, because nothing can be found on the internet and databases. 25 years therefore: we will not allow terror and hostage-taking