Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

national front and the conflict. apparently during alexander and daraio's wars, opinions were divided as well. because of azadeh's tribes from pakistan, indo germanic tribes

in any case, ali hindi was a hindu god gene, the last time i saw him was in karlsplatz, he came from afar and had a warm smile until he met me, as if we had been brothers for a thousand years.Shortly thereafter I heard that he had a cerebral infarction while brushing his teeth and died. the persian nationalist and friend died without founding the iranian national front with me.i thought as a gandi and his way of life you never had a chance, without a warm wet knife in your hand you die, haven't you found a pakistani family where the mothers sell warm wet knives?

یادت به خیر رفیق

آقا ۱۷ سال مون بود رفتیم دیسکو ایرانی بینیم چه خبره، دیدم ای بابا همه درسخون و اتو شده با کت شلوار و شیک وایسادن این گوشه اون گوشه. یکیش خدابیامرز علی. بنده خدا بهش علی هندی هم نمیگفتن باز قیافش داد میزد نوه گاندیه. خلاصه، اولین رفیق ما در دیسکو ایرانی شد علی هندی. زمانی نگذشت و علی شد رفیق شفیق ما و ولمان نمیکرد: باربد بیا با هم جنبش ایران ناسیونال رو راه بندازیم، بیا با هم به دنیا بگیم ما آریای ها کی هستیم، بیا جنبش ۲۰۰۰ نفره ایران ناسیونال از همین وین راه بندازیم، تو بلدی. لول
منم دیدم ول کن نیست گفتم ببین علی جون من درسخون نیستم، سواد تو رو هم ندارم، پشتکار تو هم ندارم، شورتهای بنده را هم با چرخ خیاطی ننم میدوزه خودم بلد نیستم، ول میکنی یا نه؟ دیدم ایول بچه جوون نوک تیزیه، یه بار داد زد: کوسکش هندی باباته، من ننم شورت واسم میخره، کوسخل، گاندی خودتی، پفیوز....با اون دوست دختر ریقو که داری لول

austria has over 400,000 multimillionaires that are treated with respect and fear in society, what police have taught society: we can only use this system against jewish armenians bloodline vmat2 from iran. the reason why it is possible: 15 million immigrants from pakistan india balkan countries like romania, albania, serbia and other regions in iran with iranian names. PHOTO 1995

i habe to go but: crazy people and psychopaths are now screaming: we want equal opportunities, equality and prosperity for everyone! well, why are they voting for the fucking governments everywhere? for prosperity or for a psychological war in ukraine? currently

Actually, the earth only needs half a billion people, just because of this belief, philosophy of life and radicalism and statement that leads to genocide: I can't afford wealth and luxury despite work....

over 65% of austrian chatrooms visitors in cyberterror and stasi murder system are women, next to family amiri, family gharib and other iranian, as darkforce force they promote murder and call for murder. with the reason: we don't let ourselves be punished, nobody will punish us and that's why he (barbad farahani) will kill us. we have to react faster to get rid of him and his family to live in peace and prosperity

برای بی غیرت ها

for 15 years i not only criticized the regime's system of government, but also the "teaching Islam" made by the ayatullah himself and nonsense since the Safavids. everything that vienna police, austrian government and secret services including judges do, have done or intend to do is eugenics fascism, disguised as "ayatullah's friend and business partner

Samstag, 15. Juli 2023


Die ganze Welt von Pol zu Pol in einem Mörser reiben,
Neun Himmelsphären mit dem eigenen Herzblut bekleiden,
Und hundert Jahr gefangen hinter Schloß und Toren bleiben.
Ist besser als nur kurze Zeit Genoß von Toren bleiben.

آقا ما بریم، ببین هندی آریایی دست از سر ما بر میداری یا نه؟

خلاصه.. حاجی میگه چیز: این انقلاب شما انقلاب فلان زمانه بود، گائیدی مارو...

pablo escobar (the terrorist) was a VMAT2 scientist, i swear to you a scientist in chemical genetics, chemical biology, and biochemistry, he wanted to fuck american eugenics fascism. do you understand the connection? I already: The field of chemical biology is utilized for the purpose of exploring eugenic theories and directed evolution, which is one of the moving parts of the controller machine pushing the transhumanist agenda.

this is what you look like when you accept black magic money for 15 years, azadeh? do you have money to buy (buy whores) carpets? well at 1000 euro daily salary was the answer"yes my darling" a matter of course. from a state stasi whore. hour hundred euros for other whores? no problem.

Black Magic Money

today i left the apartment at half past five in the morning, when i got up i came back from a long journey and was eager for a predestined meeting. i recognized the undercover agent by her finger toes at the flea market, extraterrestrial. really extraterrestrial the toes. in any case, the energy exchange worked, through the banknote change. I only got sick for 3 hours and got stomach problems..

Freitag, 14. Juli 2023

I have to go, but 18 billion business for senseless Eurofighters is not hostile to Austria, or annual expenses, tens of millions for fighter maintenance, I am the enemy because I know that the illegal secret camera stasi pot does not belong to the country, but to private life owners and citizen

austrian military is just an eating machine and non-stop shitty machine, clueless, unemployed and bored all day long, what they need with their intelligence office is strategic enemies in town or country: vmat2. austria is threatened by vmat2 because it finds the ark of the covenant in austria? it does illegal archaeological work and at the same time it makes us apes? and it turns itself too human?

who goes to military and says: i fuck your mothers for stupid orders! barbad farahani the mentally ill persian

did you lackeys drag me down with hide evidence and attempted murder, attempted silent murder? i piss on lackai character and existence, i hate lackai since my childhood. ali khamenei needs you i hate lowly characters. I mean you political activists abroad and opposition.

a positive rating on positive alpha is: self-critical attitude, so for 15 years i had no lackeys and servants to maintain my chat rooms as admin in paltalk, i did it confidently, proactively, instinctively, dedicated, independently and self-critically, without lackey or belittling of other

I only talk to my former social contacts: you are worth less than shit, that's how you felt, and with hide evidence in your hand you feel a sense of power, because I repeat again: compared to me you are worth a piece of shit, can you achieve equality by hiding evidence? are you worth more?

I live in a society with daily social interactions in society, nobody has known me as a victim since 2016, there was no verbal argument but only non-verbal aggressive behavior. which actually started in 2002 with the opening of my business. the aggression was and is since then: don't buy anything from him, or pay the minimum of the value. it led to ruin and bankruptcy and a psychotic way of life in that as an alpha person i was always oppressed. psychological torture is an aggressive stasi method with worse consequences than physical torture.

I have to go, but with the roman siege, a race has returned that was driven out of Austria, the DAN tribe and its gene-manipulated creation

cambyses the great was in egypt for years to put an end to this race, he was also in europe, also in vienna/austria

Materialism and Consumerism

Materialistic values powering up consumer cultures glorify and breed narcissistic personalities that have little to no empathy for other people. People that are materialistic tend to equate their value, worth and esteem on their accumulated wealth, status and possessions. Hence, they will also constantly measure others on a similar class scale in order to equate other people as lesser than or greater than themselves, dependent on how much external wealth or power that person has. Materialism is used to maintain class systems of control and the hierarchical structure of power that is based on who has all the money, power or perceived value. People that are materialistic tend to have highly ambitious, competitive, arrogant, and aggressive behaviors and are deeply concerned with issues of personal adequacy. Thus, they will compromise ethical and humane behavior in order to accumulate the wealth and possessions they want, in order to feel more powerful. That is the big set up on the earth, a person that highly desires wealth and external validation of self-worth, will have to play with the power brokers in the NAA game in order to get it. This means they must make the deal or Faustian pact to give up personal sovereignty and many times prostitute themselves, because of who is really controlling the financial structure. The first thing these dark forces do is find that ambitious person’s pressure point and work to compromise personal integrity and derail spiritual actualization, in order to exploit addictions and weaknesses through psychological and emotional blackmail. An addicted person is a weak minded person that is easily possessed, therefore is easily manipulated by their uncontrollable impulses until they become so fully corrupt, their physical body is used to satisfy the whims of dark forces that are controlling their addictions. This is the main reason why so many materialistic people become incredibly insecure and desperate to maintain their wealth and power, they fall prey to their personal addictions and indulgences which lead to their rapid spiritual decline, which exacerbates even more unethical and criminal behaviors.

Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2023

some ayatollahs, i mean the ahrimanic dark force forces, had a dream with viennese police judges and politicians, with vienna's upper class, a longing for this ecstasy: we will watch him hang in a cell on the gallows, while we pull his legs down tight so that he does not suffer for long and free him from earthly life. suicide in a cell

حاجی:،ممممممممممممممن لالالا لالا خالی از عاطفه و خشم....... لول

the chalice ritual in the middle of vienna and attempted murder by the judges state and networks. I say rightly in Austria: "I am" ..... and fuck you

i have to go, the protection and defense of the great persian frontiers and expansion, emigration, geopolitics, gene politics was the protection of the creation code.


و اما وظیفه اصلی چمروش که اهوره مزدا بر او محول کرده یعنی دفاع از سرزمین ایران هر سه سال یکبار بیگانگانی به خاک ایران هجوم می آوردند و ایزدان سوار بر چمروش با آنها به مقابله میپرداختند.
در متون مختلف آمده است که ایزد بُرز سوار بر چمروش، این مهاجمان را مانند دانه هایی از زمین بر می چیند