Dienstag, 18. Juli 2023

we have the problem with a blond blue eyed evolutionary ape origin that still moves as a master race in human rights activism costume: do you see this iranian as a human? is he human? who wants to talk to us about their human rights?

In addition to Israel, the UN was directly involved in the Balkan war massacres (vmat tribes), this is also proven in Vienna with my person and family

dirty fucking animals in human rights activism costume


Frankincense and myrrh

Attacking Spiritual Immune System

Essentially our consciousness bodies and Spiritual Immune System are under targeted attack, as when our spirit is weakened and we are dehumanized, the conditioned masses submit without resistance to the blind obedience of the Controller’s orchestrated plan, for installing a global government for enforcing fascist tyranny. Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level

I am severely restricted in my freedoms, insofar as I have not even been able to carry a smartphone with me for 6 years, because of rich blonde children: ape origin evolution children, GPS, camera and microphone espionage, and because of the assassination plan of the Iranian secret service and Viennese eugenics fascism

Montag, 17. Juli 2023

I have to go, but in 2002 I was a vmat2 poet, with a capital of 600 euros I started a business with no goods, no bank credit and no help from relatives, family and friends.

the dehumanization and demoralization principle was implemented as planned in 2002 with a loan of 320,000 euros. homeowner dream with 1800 euros and 1200 euros salary. investments to date: 300,000. total 620,000

Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of Psychological Warfare and intentional torture used to break a person.

Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of Psychological Warfare and intentional torture used to break a person.

Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of Psychological Warfare and intentional torture used to break a person.



Demoralization: A process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale or dehumanize those perceived as the enemy. By intending to destroy their dignity and morale, it can encourage them to retreat, surrender, or defect rather than confront them or to defeat them in physical combat. Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of Psychological Warfare and intentional torture used to break a person. Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the Satanic Agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person.[4]

Dehumanization to Justify World Slavery

By consistently using Dehumanization tactics to invalidate the vital need for creating truly functioning and equitable humanitarian based value systems throughout society, this anti-human agenda successfully erodes the majority of an individual’s Personal Integrity. The psychopathic Corporatocracy running global society tells us that wealth and power are made King of the Throne, sitting in absolute power over any matter that is governed by Rule of LawHuman slavery is essentially made meaningless to our societal value system when there is no meaning or value given to life. As a result the tyrants stay in power and gross profits continue to be made on human misery.[5

it's an old programmed laugh for mass murder, 1928-1932

آقا ما بریم، ولی امروز داشتم فکر میکردم این خارکوسده چرا اسم دخترش رو نذاشت لیلا، به جون تو، سر لیلا هی شعر به سرمون و فکرمون میاد، سر اسم آزاده قفل کردیم چی بگیم و چه کوس شعری بنویسیم

dirtiest garbage pissed on me worldwide, uneducated people and intellectless academics, today they want to kill me without explaining worldwide why, dirtiest kind of uneducated garbage, psychopathic killer race wants to kill me

I want "Dr." Aaron T. Beck titles when it comes to "Cognitive Distortion." without having attended your "university". a title from many branches of science that i want. oing oing oing hua hua, LOL. two labradorite and one crystal. there are 180 jewish nobel laureates, i am iranian older than jews and almost similar bloodline, i want it without studying, a thicker tube

Cognitive distortions are thoughts that cognitive therapists believe cause individuals to perceive reality inaccurately. These thinking patterns often are said to reinforce negative thoughts or emotions. Cognitive distortions tend to interfere with the way a person perceives an event. Because the way a person feels intervenes with how they think, these distorted thoughts can feed negative emotions and lead an individual affected by cognitive distortions towards an overall negative outlook on the world and consequently a depressive or anxious mental state.

Shame on the UN, Amnesty International and all other scum masquerading as human rights activists

i have to go and will be back in the evening, but nazis also read onsori balkhi and hafiz, the painting is a psychosis

nazi art and painting, future vision, 3 generations after the second world war and persia. general lotus vmat2 worldwide

it rushes, the more technology advances, the more vmat2 danger as far as proving fairy tales and superstitions are concerned, kill us all mother fucker

instead of investing in an 80,000 euro camera lens, the state of austria says: we want to see ali gharib driving around in a porsche and mercedes S class....the money is earned black through our private life and intimacy

I have to go but almost all western societies are on chain murder mode, and focused on individuals and families: look at the apartments what they are doing and tell us what to do? ukraine was also on the agenda, poland and former yugoslavia are already inside in the chain murder system

Hollywood is constantly making movies for psychopathy and they still don't leave us in peace: Europeans were the most powerful and demigods

i went for a one and a half hour walk in the 5th and 4th districts, the nonverbal behavior of 8 out of 10 people passing by: we are all azadeh amiri. it was exactly the same in ancient persia with azadeh amiri: their children are all born as holy children with special abilities and after years of rituals they become even stronger, they are something better and we apes!? we are not human and we can't do anything? are we nobody? only those who live like kings and in prosperity. today it is addressed directly with race and genes: vmat2 race

Sonntag, 16. Juli 2023

and of course the islamic republic of iran gets its orders from the cia and the pentagon, without chain murders of the heads there is no survival

i have to go, but for 40 years the cia has taken the role of alexander, almost all opposition members get their orders from the pentagon and cia headquarters. no to nationalism, no to socialism, no to communism, no to water and the grail, the national sign great persia

national front and the conflict. apparently during alexander and daraio's wars, opinions were divided as well. because of azadeh's tribes from pakistan, indo germanic tribes

in any case, ali hindi was a hindu god gene, the last time i saw him was in karlsplatz, he came from afar and had a warm smile until he met me, as if we had been brothers for a thousand years.Shortly thereafter I heard that he had a cerebral infarction while brushing his teeth and died. the persian nationalist and friend died without founding the iranian national front with me.i thought as a gandi and his way of life you never had a chance, without a warm wet knife in your hand you die, haven't you found a pakistani family where the mothers sell warm wet knives?

یادت به خیر رفیق

آقا ۱۷ سال مون بود رفتیم دیسکو ایرانی بینیم چه خبره، دیدم ای بابا همه درسخون و اتو شده با کت شلوار و شیک وایسادن این گوشه اون گوشه. یکیش خدابیامرز علی. بنده خدا بهش علی هندی هم نمیگفتن باز قیافش داد میزد نوه گاندیه. خلاصه، اولین رفیق ما در دیسکو ایرانی شد علی هندی. زمانی نگذشت و علی شد رفیق شفیق ما و ولمان نمیکرد: باربد بیا با هم جنبش ایران ناسیونال رو راه بندازیم، بیا با هم به دنیا بگیم ما آریای ها کی هستیم، بیا جنبش ۲۰۰۰ نفره ایران ناسیونال از همین وین راه بندازیم، تو بلدی. لول
منم دیدم ول کن نیست گفتم ببین علی جون من درسخون نیستم، سواد تو رو هم ندارم، پشتکار تو هم ندارم، شورتهای بنده را هم با چرخ خیاطی ننم میدوزه خودم بلد نیستم، ول میکنی یا نه؟ دیدم ایول بچه جوون نوک تیزیه، یه بار داد زد: کوسکش هندی باباته، من ننم شورت واسم میخره، کوسخل، گاندی خودتی، پفیوز....با اون دوست دختر ریقو که داری لول

austria has over 400,000 multimillionaires that are treated with respect and fear in society, what police have taught society: we can only use this system against jewish armenians bloodline vmat2 from iran. the reason why it is possible: 15 million immigrants from pakistan india balkan countries like romania, albania, serbia and other regions in iran with iranian names. PHOTO 1995

i habe to go but: crazy people and psychopaths are now screaming: we want equal opportunities, equality and prosperity for everyone! well, why are they voting for the fucking governments everywhere? for prosperity or for a psychological war in ukraine? currently