Dienstag, 18. Juli 2023
اهریمنی های غیرتی
A mojiiii
vmat2 means minority in society, persecution of minorities, torture, murder plan based on genes and race is NS repetition, NS repetition does not only affect jews, but in general the persecution, stalking, espionage and murder of the races, murder of the ethnic groups and Semites because of their origin
Frankincense and myrrh
Attacking Spiritual Immune System
Essentially our consciousness bodies and Spiritual Immune System are under targeted attack, as when our spirit is weakened and we are dehumanized, the conditioned masses submit without resistance to the blind obedience of the Controller’s orchestrated plan, for installing a global government for enforcing fascist tyranny. Humanity is in a critical time of choosing the way we will evolve forward on the timelines at a global level
I am severely restricted in my freedoms, insofar as I have not even been able to carry a smartphone with me for 6 years, because of rich blonde children: ape origin evolution children, GPS, camera and microphone espionage, and because of the assassination plan of the Iranian secret service and Viennese eugenics fascism
Montag, 17. Juli 2023
Demoralization: A process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale or dehumanize those perceived as the enemy. By intending to destroy their dignity and morale, it can encourage them to retreat, surrender, or defect rather than confront them or to defeat them in physical combat. Demoralization and Dehumanization is the most important tool of Psychological Warfare and intentional torture used to break a person. Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the Satanic Agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person.[4]
Dehumanization to Justify World Slavery
By consistently using Dehumanization tactics to invalidate the vital need for creating truly functioning and equitable humanitarian based value systems throughout society, this anti-human agenda successfully erodes the majority of an individual’s Personal Integrity. The psychopathic Corporatocracy running global society tells us that wealth and power are made King of the Throne, sitting in absolute power over any matter that is governed by Rule of Law. Human slavery is essentially made meaningless to our societal value system when there is no meaning or value given to life. As a result the tyrants stay in power and gross profits continue to be made on human misery.[5