Dienstag, 25. Juli 2023

Fucking Vienna

i was 18 and it was saturday and i was with some former classmates. "everyone was in love with my nationalistic oriental behavior and accent" , although i had more of a dutch german accent when i was 18, in any case a leftist from the group came to me and asked if i would go home with her: i looked her in the face and thought: you just gave alex a blow job in the toilet and secretly fucked flo in the garden, and that out of conviction. fucking the oriental after this ritual is pure sarcasm. So I left and did my thing: I looked for a slot machine, I put a 100 shilling note in the machine and made 4000 shillings out of it, I think I gambled red red red red black red and BANG, jackpot. 4 hours with susi in an erotic studio room was my conviction.

the more i write about ethnicity and race and dna leftists and greens and social democrats become more aggressive animals, the real fascists and eugenics nazis

the attitude of the police in vienna is unbearable fascism, of course it's unbearable for anti-fascists. this unbearable attitude towards women doesn't even exist in iran. only in dirty austrofascism country

Spirit of Entrapment and Enslavement

The Spirit of Entrapment is to feel a sense of being caught in a trap, being tricked and deceived into something that has grave consequences. Feeling abandoned by God.

The Spirit of Enslavement is a system in which principles of property are applied to people, where individuals own, buy and sell other humans as a form of property. As we learn about the Negative Alien Agenda, it is clear that hidden in our collective subconscious and psyche, all of humanity is aware at some level we are not free beings on the earth, and that we live in a global system of slavery. Facing how we were enslaved and what really has happened in human history, and reclaiming our truth is the only path to liberate ourselves.

The Spirit of Deception is a vital part of perpetrating psychological warfare in denial and dishonesty to entrap and enslave. It is the act of propagating beliefs in things that are not true, or not the whole truth as in half-truths or omission. Deception can involve disguise, propaganda and sleight of hand, as well as distraction, camouflage, or concealment. There is also self-deception, as in actions that are duplicitous.


حرومزاده فیلمساز میگه: آهنگ شبزده به چه معنا ای هم قبیله. با توام کوسخل جاده خاکی

right now hundreds of viennese and austrians are screaming in chat rooms:we want to build houses on our land with vmat2 racial extermination for our children. the foreigners living here in vienna are pointing pistols at me, that's a reason for military invasions and action from different countries.

elect these governments and live in poverty, with annual increases in prices, and then say: they will somehow save us from misery! scum society

hey monkey origin, psychopathy, poverty, beggar, scum, on that day i didn't buy a kebab but 1 volkorn roll for 70 cents and the six stones for 5 euros. goods and labor value 3 million euros. 24 system combinations possible, one of which is with kristal, the rest: elami secret

Montag, 24. Juli 2023

three austrian secret services simulated world war 2 within 20 years, from 1998 with land and real estate joy, today with a kebab or two bürek a day 5 euros

the black darkforce system of cyber torture is: if someone gives evidence, nobody earns money anymore, even 5 euros a day, because of these lost 5 euros, society kills this one. unless international authorities do that with evidence and reports

UN and international courts hold that cyber torture is not physical torture, apparently all illiterate when it comes to torture. psychological torture is not self-destruction? stress and insecurity does not cause intervertebral disc problems, pain, or cancer or other diseases for years? Ruining existence through cyber torture does not cause death, misery, and disease?

the symbol of wien energie is: there are more of us in SPÖ and wien energie

I have to go, but that's when the government and state system says: we decide what concerns eugenics, we decide what is bad genes and good genes. next to america israel, Türkiye, iran and other countries

the deep meaning of this knife and a message to me: alien invasion iran and alien hosts like anthills

the result: 27 years of blowjob out of conviction: i have to become a millionaire by murdering a native race from iran that everyone hates. a family with roots in a foreign country

nazi repetition happens with a country that even since the beginning of the 20th century until today nobody knows any emigrants, all names were changed to ali and hussein or alireza and husseini, like, iranian in vienna.... 15 million indo-aryan pure race and 35 million indo-aryan mixed race. Photo Tehran early 20th century. an event since the 16th century

cia, nsa, homeland security, fbi, mossad, mi6 worldwide the secret services are currently listening to what the viennese are trumpeting in chat rooms: we will arrest him because we are the higher race, higher based on evolution, higher because of our high collective power. DACHAU

what my aunt tara and grandfather bagher say to me today is: we lived traumatized, life hit you harder, fly high, it's your right as a race. did anyone get formulas from me? not until now

after 18 years of work in tehran my mother fled to vienna, her sister to america, the sister was killed there and my mother is confronted with it here: why do you come to vienna with your background/prehistory and open a shop, and your son opens an antiques shop? and why does your daughter become a music producer here in vienna?

these stones and art were made with more complicated methods in vienna than in jiroft, you understand nazi?

why is an elamite origin and semite in the middle east and iran and north africa responsible for the tribe having a prehistory in vienna?what does it have to do with my mother and my sister? what does that have to do with us?What kind of dirty psychopathic animals are you anyway

do you want to kill me? the jump takes 3 seconds into a nuclear facility, my rebirth lasts three seconds in a passenger plane, with this hatred

this country, austrofascism is dirtier than german fascism and with this attitude responsible for millions of racial corpses worldwide

This birthmark artifact, like the Elamite art object below, is the warning sign: sadistic ape origins shall bow before creation, sadism, psychopathy, anti-Semitism and fascism are ape origins, bend down, you sadist, you ape origin

In no case can it be the case that the live cameras have not shown 15 years of insulin poisoning and attempted murder

in may 2022 i reached a weight of 66 kilos, believe me by that time the street theater stopped and everyone was overly warm and friendly. Today I'm back to 78 kg and people are overly malicious and aggressive. That's because in May 2022 I was seen as a walking death: Mom, look at this fake friendliness, the whore smiles at me

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2023

This is the letter of divorce in which the Viennese judges sentenced Nasser Farahani to physical violence against my mother, theft from the shop, and exploitation of her livelihood. the judge pursued no stolen property, no damages, no alimony, no punishment. to this day, nasser is supported by the state, the police and the public prosecutor's office during this violence and tyranny. because of my mother's ethnic origin genes and race

i have to go have a nice day. lol

Space shuttle astronauts appearing in a million-year-old Stone isn't a phenomenon but it's science, well, the stasi revenue from the nazi state in 2020 when i took the photo was in the hundreds of millions. america has NASA and vienna BSA, do they need so much money for the nazi assembly?

before i go, imagine an austrian woman being sent up: we have a barbad farahani in vienna and he has been insulting and humiliating us since 2019, he scolds us for not being humane, our action from 1998 to 2017 had nothing to do with fascism and racism, he insults and is a creation fascist himself. have you already been in contact with him? please kill himLOL

I have to go to sleep, tomorrow I'll tell you what kind of message this stone set transmits with the help of the crystal, as far as "ASTRONAUTS" and travelers are concerned

the americans definitely want to bury me under the ground and send the other one up, the whole eugenics fascist comedy is: we will be the first contact.. first contact! with whom with what? jasmin reports that americans are pleasant good people and that americans are ready for any intergalactic conversation. comedian...