Dienstag, 8. August 2023

i have been politically active since 2002 and promote armed defense, the reason is that this statement has been relevant for 45 years: not a centimeter of iranian earth belongs to you, not even you, try to come to tehran. 15.000.0000 with other tribes

nobody looks at stone sets and water grail anymore, even if i start new bigger and more fantastic projects.because fear (caused by the promoter) built demonic houses in minds. these are primitive inferior demons, with the most primitive demands: money, house, existence, capital, future.

آقا ما بریم با این فعل .فاعل.مفعول

آقا یه روز یه زن رشتی به تورمون خورد گفت خوب بیا با هم، ولی: میایی میشینی خونم، سرم داد نمیزنی، فقط نازم میکنی، "دست" هم سر وقتش بهم میزنی. بعدش هم: موبایل از این جدید ها میخوام که با انگشت میره تصویرش اینو اونور. بعدش: رستوران رفتیم دوست دختر دوست پسر نیستیم فقط دوستیم، راستی اجاره هم یک ماه عقبم، خونه خرج داره! آقا این جریان 6 روز بیشتر طول نکشید، پیش خودم گفتم:، ما که تهرون فیل نداشتیم، رشت هم امکان نداره فیل وجود داشته باشه، همون هندوستان از کون فیل افتادی مستقیم اوردنت ایران، ولمون کن بابا به درد ما نمیخوری. والا، اینها دهاتی سیاسی هاشون هم اینطورین: آمریکا هم برن معروف رسانه ای بشن باز به درد هیچکس نمیخورن...جریان کون فیل هندیه: جنبش "ما هستیم" حالا شده" زن زندگی آزادی" حالا فردا جریان از این بدتر هم میشه، این میشه: "اتحاد فداکاری رفاء ملی"

the idiocy of the uneducated "iranian" in iran archeology is sometimes an eshak shot in the heart of eugenics fascism: we found something, the elamis had done something 5 thousand years ago.

Montag, 7. August 2023

the behavior of the americans towards my mother and her daughter shows: it's impossible that they didn't kill tara in the 90s, since 1998 they have been spying on us

This happens vmat2 after double studies: my aunt was murdered with violent blows on the head, her corpse was put in her car and an accident was staged. state and police report and sarcasm: wrong-way driver. I will get 6 titles, DR. titles. in 6 branches of science.

I have to go, but: anti vmat2 movement mafia international is worse than NSDAP and WEHRMACHT, but the unemployed academics or below the poverty line salary: 1500 euros, are worse than Nazi edelweiss mountain troops

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی فرق من با منصور حکمت میدونی چیه؟ اون مادر جهودش شبها لالای صحیون واسش میخوند، مادر بزرگ جهود ما از یاروم علی سرورم علی روحم علی... حالا کونده احدی و جاکش تقوایی، و سوسول جوادی واسه ما شدن کمونیست حیدر عمو اوغلی. لول. مهندس بیخیال

why this mass murder of the vmat2 millions is possible: the states make it possible, and the animals eat hungry without ever being full. capitalism and nazi satanism makes pigsty out of god's earth

i'm talking about america and europe now : the chat room network of unemployed academics is worse than nazi edelweiss mountain troops. this teachable intelligent primate origin finds no work. no idea, concept, independence, no invention or revision potential of old ideas. no visions.

Dirtier than hate against Jews is the hate against prehistory and primal race, a cancerous growth and mafia formation worse than NSDAP and wehrmacht. with assassination plan on a global scale, it affects tens of millions of people, not 6 million

the interlocutors of international journalism and international judges are the viennese police: how much is the pot of the final result of death, how is the money divided and how much do we get


آقا سال ۲۰۰۴ دختر عمه ام زنگ زد: سلام باری اومدم وین کجایی؟ گفتم نشستم مغازه پاش بیا اینجا، گفت نه انشاالله دفعه بعد، خیلی دورم، دارم میرم ایتالیا پیش محمود فکر کردم منطقه یکی. یعنی حاجی کیری ما خوردیم از قرن ۱۶ به اینور، با این واردات عجایب کیری خوردیم. مادر جنده هنوز میگه: کوس عمه ات خندیدی اومدی کشور ما خارکوسده، مگه دختر عمه ات رو ندیدی؟ مارو کم داشتی؟ 

this envy is such an inferior existence, such dirt and rubbish this envy, that this envy has even murdered 1.5 million children, and today denies it. and now, today because of us: torturing this race is not important, we are a bit different, we are that, we are funny. you know what? Dirtiest evolution tribe, that's what's going on here

if you as a vmat2 (iranian origin) own anything, even a car, then you will be seen even more as a superior master race, even with a corsa. this little primate monkey originating in austria has such a scabby envy, envy and hatred that this primate origin even wants to cut up your brand new shoes or a suit. such a deep inferiority they ruin your shirts. austrofascism is so inferior

i will leave the country, everyone in vienna has let themselves be bought, hundreds of millions of euros have flowed into the state coffers through racial madness and terrorism, and the looks of more than half of the viennese are like animals: the torture money is a right, the money from racial torture and ruining one's existence is a right

a collaborator jew from ukraine came to me today and reported: your father flies to greenland with veronika, LOL.my first thought was: veronika puts him so dirty under mindkontrol program that he thinks: by fucking bagher's daughter i had energy exchange for decades and that's why i've become a mature shaman today

dirtiest liars, charlatans, thieves, exploiters, inferior origins with no special potential, actually meat unnecessary for this world says: this 12 strand of dna combined with vmat2 is unnecessary, we don't need this race in this world. dirtiest and unnecessary flesh claims: we have to clean the earth of this race

Sonntag, 6. August 2023

the traces of terror secret cameras are internationally up-to-date, it is vmat2 mass murder plan with masses, with all strata of society. this time: silent murders

karamba, harama shmaba, gamba rudama, sia kushamba😇

i have to go, but it's not new, it's been the case since the days of cyrus the great: everyone wants to dress up like vmat2 and smear ambition on themselves

the traces of terror secret cameras are internationally up-to-date, it is vmat2 mass murder plan with masses, with all strata of society. this time: silent murders

I have to go, but when I posted this page four years ago I thought: this is going to be like a scound hand shop ritual for these bastards. everyone wants to smear themselves with this ambition. lol for 22 years they have been watching my sister's panic attacks in hospitals and at home, they laughed about it, also over 5 years of therapy and medication and they still say today: we are christo body.


the criticism of greece and plato and his kind was: for whom do you develop this language? you are a crime, there is an even worse situation in living with these tribes in this language


آقا یکی ازمون سوال کرد: تو از کدوم دختر ها یا زنها خوشت میاد؟، گفتم اونی که خونه شصت متری داره. لول... سوال کرد چرا؟ گفتم زنی که خونش برای ده نفر جای مهمون داشته باشه به درد من نمیخوره.... خوار مادرت با این زن گاییدست. آزاده خانم شما رفتی خونه چند متری خریدی الان؟ کوسکش خونش هم اندازه ما خریده بود 20 سال، یعنی که یعنی... 

throughout history, vienna has always instigated wars and mass murders, however, it was always the others' fault. look at what 89% of them think today the more i talk about race. elam rock art

the whole thing will probably end with murder iranian and austrian psychopathy, chain murders. i won't do it, i have other tasks and have to fulfill them. but apparently other guardian groups. no one becomes human anymore, everyone wants to remain animals

depression is sometimes caused by someone else's fault, a touch, a look, or an exchange of money, conversation, a sense of taste in food, even a glass of water. this sunday i was influenced by a deep black power, hopelessness and a fighting spirit at zero point. the cause was: a deep friendly look from an old acquaintance who pretended: everything is fine like it was back then. a few days later, a deeper look into the grail brought me back to top condition

I won't write anything more until tonight, but "Najes" the word that ayatollah fascism uses for us only concerns the hatred of their origin and our origin, evolution and creation. more primitive eugenics fascism than american and english ones