Mittwoch, 9. August 2023


آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی یادم اومد بیست سالم بود و در ماسپالوماس جزیره قناری داشتم کنار ساحل نودیست ها قدم میزم، چشمم خورد به یک دختری دیدم آی دادم وای خیلی تیزه، یعنی نوکاش خیلی تیز بود، ما هم گفتیم خیلی خوب لخت مادرزاد شویم بینیم چی میشه، خلاصه چندی نگذشت و دختر خانوم با نگاهی ترش آمد جلو و سوال کرد: شما مسلمان هستید؟ بنده هم جواب دادم نخیر اسرائیلی، چرا؟ دیدم خانوم نگاه ترشش رفت و لبخندی عمیق زد و گفت شالوم، بنده پیش خودم گفتم: به امام حسین شالوم چون نوکش حرف نداره. خلاصه شالوم. چندین روزه آفتابی ایشون همپیمان ما شد، این فرشته ای بال و پر ریخته. فقط امیدوارم زنیکه حامله نشده باشه، بدبخت میشیم و میشه این دنیا


The main peculiar aspects of the Enochic Judaism are the following:

  • the idea of the origin of the evil caused by the Fallen Angelics, who came on the earth to unite with human women. These Watchers or Fallen Angelics are considered ultimately responsible for the spread of evil and impurity on the earth;

کونگشاد حالا استادیوم فوتبال راش نمیدن، خوب نرو به تخمم، رات ندن به تخمم، همه جا میخواد بره تو، خونه ما هم ول نمیکنه میخواد بیاد تو، فقط کار نمیخواد بکنه، به کیرم نرو استادیوم.. والا

that was the result of 10 hours of work, 18 years in iran and 15 years in vienna, all in all it could be three real estate houses, with work. since 1998 to this day, the ayatollah regime has been campaigning alongside vienna and berlin and israel washington for: prosperity without work, prosperity with vmat torture trade

خلاصه خدا بیامرز شاه هم کمی شوخ بود، هم با جشن 2500 ساله و هم برداشت اداره فرهنگ و هنر رو کرد باغ‌وحش حیوانات نجیب: آهو، آنتیلوپ، قوچ، بز، گاو اسب و شتر! مرغ و خروس و گوس و مرغابی ها و قرقاول ها و کلاغ های نانجیب فقط بیکار بودند، مثل افسر و افسانه و سرور شمس و سوسن شمس و عاطفه امیری و غیره.

iranian opposition is at enmity with ayatollah regime but this enmity also has compromises with the regime: racial hatred! there is unanimity on this point: hatred of race. it is not enmity, but profound psychopathic antipathy

طرف اومده مملکت مارو اشغال کرده، امروز هم میگه: ما رژیم رو سرنگون نمیکنیم، ما گرسنه ایم، خاریم ذلیلیم فقیریم علیلیم، برای همین نژاد شما رو از بین میبریم و پولتون میکنیم، ما با شما ضدیت داریم و با رژیم دشمنی، خارج از کشور هم میگه چی؟ میگه ما بیشماریم، بیشمار

i tend it to be aphrodite as there are abstracts: fire incense and goose. I looked at some lenses and cameras, for a perfect and expensive work, a camera costs 15,000 euros, below that there is no point. tablet camera is enough

Austrian Evolution Nazis and VMAT2. UTERUS ENVY

the nature of this woman still destroys others today, fascism anti-Semitism, racism, racial hatred is more topical than it was 90 years ago, austria alone has 500,000 nazi women currently networked internationally with other women of animal evolution origin. the problem with iran is: poverty at home and abroad. poor with a maximum salary 1800-2200 euros, more than 6 million exile iranian situation. in iran 100 to 200 euros salary


i have to go, but almost all the stones i bought in carla was a godsend, no coincidence, the problem i have is that carla is guarded and the basement keys are in save, this place in 5th district is worth it around to dig up to 10 meters, prehistory shaman tomb and technology, working with metaphysics left hand

i suffer from "paranoia" severe schizophrenia, depression and social phobia, anxiety. every stone i take home is a potential danger and attempted murder, so i consider everything with flashlight, tablet camera function conversion, and color change. this fallen angel or maybe aphrodite is a danger.... so it will be put in the water and covered with other stones and will be neutralized

being dirty ahrimanic blood means what is happening in vienna: my blood has the right to exploit vmat2 mother and daughter to create superfluous prosperity

since that time it has been about pure race and impure race, although when talking about impure race it meant leave us alone and stay away from us, there is no talk of racism, anti-Semitism and racial fanaticism. stay away from us with slavery ahrimanic capital and murder and torture. you are unclean. see vienna with its impure districts: secret cameras and cyber torture is a right, the torture money gods blessing

Stone bought yesterday

prehistory and its race has a shroud, it was torn into a thousand fragments and every country culture continent holds a fragment of it in hand, which is actually the case: you have to consider all religions, mythologies, developments, history, fairy tales and the wisdom tales pull and assemble as a fragment. smoke scene and the deliverance with myrrh and frankincense

Dienstag, 8. August 2023

خاک زیر پاتیم به مولا. لول🤣🤣🤣🤣

i have to go, but: without journalistic treatment in international media, international court will become a slaughterhouse, and a pillar in the vmat2 mass murder system. everyone is waiting for 9/11 ingenious action, so that these cases will be treated journalistically

international court of justice is a place where the nature of this ideology, religion, goal, visions and talent is known, with my 25 read books about woman and on top of that berrold brecht books, i don't make a clown out of myself and don't go there. 1998-2023

i have to go to sleep, but supported by viennese women the viennese police are ordering the society what to do with vmat2 women

20 years ago they ruined three businesses in vienna and nobody moved... then the music career of the daughter until today. cyber torture is isolation and fear. hide evidence is for street theater, for torture and for silent murder

A few simple questions are enough to know that international authorities and courts are more beasts than others: as EU citizens we are the owners of our private lives, where is a contract with our consent for financial projects?

this situation what the ayatollah regime and the state of austria created is worse than second world war on a global level: money worship. pure nazi satanism with vmat2 and ancient race sacrifice

i have to go through it and defeat these three too, all assholes are philosophers, not as bad as the cave of hades, but these hours of discussion fuck the brain. lol tablet photos raw

I bought massage stones in a secondhand shop an hour ago, 6 pieces, actually because of these two with interfaces for the thumbs. so i invited guests again, the liberation ritual for the little prince lasts a few more days, i have to destroy the demon and hostage-taker. I think the previous owner massaged himself with sorrow and pain, that's why he gave it away to Caritas

i have been politically active since 2002 and promote armed defense, the reason is that this statement has been relevant for 45 years: not a centimeter of iranian earth belongs to you, not even you, try to come to tehran. 15.000.0000 with other tribes

nobody looks at stone sets and water grail anymore, even if i start new bigger and more fantastic projects.because fear (caused by the promoter) built demonic houses in minds. these are primitive inferior demons, with the most primitive demands: money, house, existence, capital, future.

آقا ما بریم با این فعل .فاعل.مفعول

آقا یه روز یه زن رشتی به تورمون خورد گفت خوب بیا با هم، ولی: میایی میشینی خونم، سرم داد نمیزنی، فقط نازم میکنی، "دست" هم سر وقتش بهم میزنی. بعدش هم: موبایل از این جدید ها میخوام که با انگشت میره تصویرش اینو اونور. بعدش: رستوران رفتیم دوست دختر دوست پسر نیستیم فقط دوستیم، راستی اجاره هم یک ماه عقبم، خونه خرج داره! آقا این جریان 6 روز بیشتر طول نکشید، پیش خودم گفتم:، ما که تهرون فیل نداشتیم، رشت هم امکان نداره فیل وجود داشته باشه، همون هندوستان از کون فیل افتادی مستقیم اوردنت ایران، ولمون کن بابا به درد ما نمیخوری. والا، اینها دهاتی سیاسی هاشون هم اینطورین: آمریکا هم برن معروف رسانه ای بشن باز به درد هیچکس نمیخورن...جریان کون فیل هندیه: جنبش "ما هستیم" حالا شده" زن زندگی آزادی" حالا فردا جریان از این بدتر هم میشه، این میشه: "اتحاد فداکاری رفاء ملی"

the idiocy of the uneducated "iranian" in iran archeology is sometimes an eshak shot in the heart of eugenics fascism: we found something, the elamis had done something 5 thousand years ago.