Donnerstag, 10. August 2023

these eyes always follow you, everywhere. once they have scanned you and captured you with their eyes, you will never get rid of them again, in such a case a breakup and separation in a partnership has fatal consequences, a quick programmed assassination plan will be devised and will be carried out, because the exploitation has failed. because the looting has failed

روانپریشی اینها سر تریاک هم هست ها، حالا از سیاست گذشته. زمانی که خودت تریاک داری هی پا منقل تریاک بهت میتپونن، جون من جون من بیشتر بکش، بکش بکش، هست هست، شش لول دارم، تو بکش بیخیال. لول... ولی وقتی خماری خارکوسده تلفنش رو هم جواب نمیده.

they sting from behind and their tongues are still twirling: the blood is tomato sauce

1968-1982 iran


antisemitism and fascism in leftist costume is like parmesan wrapped in prosciutto, it's like in the french revolution: parmesano beheads partizano, like in spain or in iran and germany... LOL fucking austrian parmesano wrapped in prosciutto, they make tomato sauce out of us, our blood is apparently just tomato sauce. dirty inferior fascists

gestapo is defined as: political police. gene politics, race torture economics, genocide. political argument because of glorification

there is no alternative, except heavily armed cult formations against luciferian states europe, NATO states and occult networks america. nothing works, no law and human rights regarding the ancient race and vmat2.

gestapo is defined as: political police. gene politics, race torture economics, genocide. political argument because of glorification

that's all Gestapo formation,with the aim to establish vmat2 mass murder, i can only stop the unclean bastard animals with my facebook and my website. this is gestapo formation vienna and vmat2 murder repeat as in 1938

this is old fascism what the police and three secret services with judges are doing here, old fascism and cannot be described as neo-fascism

cyber terrorism, cyber torture, murder danger and torture murder danger is forbidden to be deleted from databases untreated. this is VMAT2 mass murder plan

i need equipment that costs half a million euros, but at 35,000 euros this photo would be hollywood sci-fi level

زبونشون هم تخمیه به خدا، میگه: آلس کونده در کوس میشه کرافت حات عر آوف کوس موس رآگیرت اوند زیش ارحولت

note this face, it's not sure if this piece of forest exists in austria, maybe in greece, be careful he can also dress up as a greek caretaker and move around athens. the greek secret service and police are alerted

The headlines: on 10th august at 10:30 am a man went to vienna carla and bought a fischer chair, apparently when digging up the ark of the covenant he needs an easily portable chair to rest in the woods, this piece cost 3.50 euros. the question is: where does he buy his shovel and pickaxe, we have to keep an eye on everything, it's an event that mankind has been expecting for centuries

i'm back, is the ark of the covenant hidden in carla? I'm being followed and spied on non-stop with state secret cameras. idiotic bingo bongos

Mittwoch, 9. August 2023

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین پسر حاجی، آقای گریگوریان، فرق بین جرم وارد کردن شیر خشک فاسد و خشک کردن شلنگ آب ما چیست، گاو فلسفی، بلدی جواب بدی؟

I have to go, but since the shaman man has been worthless for centuries, his smoke is worthless as well

it's this abominable fuck: pure race and monkey race! all international authorities, UNO, amnesty, human rights organizations, international courts are also infected with this fuck: who is human who is of ape origin! who deserves human rights? fuck off

the disrespectful treatment of iranian by the regime prompted vienna to reestablish an international race extermination program. mohammad reza pahlavi never once allowed an opponent to be murdered or humiliated abroad. today it's about gypsies and not gypsies iranian. indo romano race or native race. native race will not be tolerated

pure race means smoke and fire ritual

second world war ideology and religion related only to creation race and impure race. in the event of a victory in stalingrad, it would mean more than 10 million victims for iran. also what concerns today ukraine, 20,000 disappeared children ukraine

I keep buying stones, can you make these relif with today's technology? dozens of scenes with every rotation. sheep is the sign jesus christ, the sign sheep is vmat2 jews armenians race. lava stone probably from gabon

until I was 22 there were women and girls everywhere who wanted to have sex with me, from 1998 there was only hatred in vienna, from 2003 all over europe

today 60,000 police officers and hundreds of judges with viennese and austrian women are in VMAT2 sterilization politics, with hate propaganda, fake material and secret cameras


آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی یادم اومد بیست سالم بود و در ماسپالوماس جزیره قناری داشتم کنار ساحل نودیست ها قدم میزم، چشمم خورد به یک دختری دیدم آی دادم وای خیلی تیزه، یعنی نوکاش خیلی تیز بود، ما هم گفتیم خیلی خوب لخت مادرزاد شویم بینیم چی میشه، خلاصه چندی نگذشت و دختر خانوم با نگاهی ترش آمد جلو و سوال کرد: شما مسلمان هستید؟ بنده هم جواب دادم نخیر اسرائیلی، چرا؟ دیدم خانوم نگاه ترشش رفت و لبخندی عمیق زد و گفت شالوم، بنده پیش خودم گفتم: به امام حسین شالوم چون نوکش حرف نداره. خلاصه شالوم. چندین روزه آفتابی ایشون همپیمان ما شد، این فرشته ای بال و پر ریخته. فقط امیدوارم زنیکه حامله نشده باشه، بدبخت میشیم و میشه این دنیا


The main peculiar aspects of the Enochic Judaism are the following:

  • the idea of the origin of the evil caused by the Fallen Angelics, who came on the earth to unite with human women. These Watchers or Fallen Angelics are considered ultimately responsible for the spread of evil and impurity on the earth;

کونگشاد حالا استادیوم فوتبال راش نمیدن، خوب نرو به تخمم، رات ندن به تخمم، همه جا میخواد بره تو، خونه ما هم ول نمیکنه میخواد بیاد تو، فقط کار نمیخواد بکنه، به کیرم نرو استادیوم.. والا

that was the result of 10 hours of work, 18 years in iran and 15 years in vienna, all in all it could be three real estate houses, with work. since 1998 to this day, the ayatollah regime has been campaigning alongside vienna and berlin and israel washington for: prosperity without work, prosperity with vmat torture trade

خلاصه خدا بیامرز شاه هم کمی شوخ بود، هم با جشن 2500 ساله و هم برداشت اداره فرهنگ و هنر رو کرد باغ‌وحش حیوانات نجیب: آهو، آنتیلوپ، قوچ، بز، گاو اسب و شتر! مرغ و خروس و گوس و مرغابی ها و قرقاول ها و کلاغ های نانجیب فقط بیکار بودند، مثل افسر و افسانه و سرور شمس و سوسن شمس و عاطفه امیری و غیره.