Sonntag, 13. August 2023

Energy healing, magic, selling energy and black magic, protective shields and bracelets, amulets, and other things are free trades in the west, recognized trades and crafts. Sums from 100 euros to 500,000 euros. only if it is black, "SEHR" white magic is vmat2 humane and forbidden

the water grail smartphone photo is raw, in every rotated position editing is necessary, in every version a poetry, story and prophecy

آقا ما بریم، ولی ببین به جایی رسیدیم عقاب اهورایی هم اومد پائین همه چی رو دید و گفت: باربد همون بگو کیر تو اون روحتون و جد و آبادتون، گفتار و پندارو کوس شعر نیک رو بذار کنار اوضاع تخمیه...

Iran has so many foreign tribes with a different genetic behavior culture that this system, cybertorture system, will lead to mass murder, not by the government but by masses of foreigners

جریان نصف نصف میدونی چیه؟ تو چقدر میخوای در بیاری که من در نیارم!؟ لول... اول بگو نصف نصف بعد. الفبای اقتصاد جامعه ما با این ها شده این! با اینها و اونها


آقا سال ۲۰۰۰ از کنار یک مغازه رد شدم، دیدم دو تا کنتر باس قدیمی گذاشته برای فروش، رفتم تو و سوال کردم چند؟ گفت صد هزار شیلینگ! گفتم هم خودت خوش خوراکی هم اونی که الان میاد پولش رو میده. زنگ زدم به مهران مینو، سوالی که از ایشون شد این بود: میخوام دوتا عروسک بخرم، هستی با صد تا یا نه؟ جوابی که نمیخواستم بشنوم این بود: نصف نصف! یعنی سود نصف نصف! گفتم خیلی خوب بلند شو بیا،. آقا بعد از سه ساعت ما این دوتا عروسک رو فروختیم ۳۸۰.۰۰۰ شیلینگ، البته جلو چشم ایشون 130.000 شیلینگ فروش رفت، خلاصه، 15.000 شیلینگ نصیب ایشون شد در عرض ۳ ساعت.  کار ارزش داره، اینو کسی نمیفهمه که شعور نداره و به ما در سن 25 سالگی میگه چی؟ میگه چی؟ کلاهبردار. الدنگ های درپیتی دوزاری. رستوران داری هم کار بنده هست، البته یکی از کارهای بنده، گوه بخور منطقه یک رستوران باز کن دوباره

the quality of work with two labradorite stones and crystal is a sensation, how and where do you put a crystal on it? this scene needs art knowledge and art study, the imagination is god's gift: spirituality and vmat2

the nazi satanists fuck humans worldwide with vmat genes with this fucking terror system and then people complain about 9/11 and charlie hebdo case.

rational behavior: are you psychopathic? we are worse psychopaths, nice two buildings mother fucker

whoever talks about the massacre of islam and is anti-islamic laws is exactly the proponent of this system today: i'll fuck you with jezebel to death, and organize worldwide spectators. I lead you to psychosis and suicide, to isolation, to dishonor, to a person without dignity, but if you don't kill yourself, then we kill your family first and then you

Drugs are forbidden, but spying on private life, turning it into finance, making it into drugs and addiction is allowed even in Islamic states, fuck your mothers!

haji, Lord abuzar also had half a kilo of mushrooms, hashish and opium with him on his camel trip in sahara and mountains. today meth, cocaine and opium are a matter of course to find god and gabriel. after the last global nuclear catastrophe, the nerve tracts are no longer what they should be. are we going to sahara? are you the man for everything? we need the cleanest stuff

my mobile photos are original and raw, the photos are saved directly to the gallery and internet with a click, as well as from the water. the stasi whore collective can't talk about fake, everything is provable

do you understand?.... if a franz fuchs had met me, these events would not have happened, his letter bombs and our ruined existence. the luciferian state made him a bomb planter and made me a whore fucker LOL.these dragons and serpents draconian and anunnaki system with jezebel leads to psychosis

the murder of franz fuchs (metaphysician) was an occult ritual VMAT1/vmat2 murder, the viennese journalist writes: after a brilliant idea, a man strangled himself without hands,

criminal psychological crime scene analysis in the ass LOL. assholes, franz fusch was a target individual, his first girlfriend was an azadeh amiri. and you an asshole nazi with SPÖ. the sender of the letter addresses and names were fictitious, but we scientifically found the culprit LOL

Samstag, 12. August 2023

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

I have to go, but: disease of genetics, sick social behavior, evolution brain disability was answered with the help of national mazdakism: ya emam ali

if an entire city has been refusing the victim any help for 6 years, refusing evidence, and ignoring the existential destruction, psychological and physical destructiveness of the stasi system, then it has a meaning: vmat2 mass murder like the beginning of the extermination in 1938


آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی خدا رو شکر مشکل سازمان مجاهدین هم با دادگاههای بین المللی حل شد، زنیکه بجای اینکه ازدواج سومش من بشم و شوهر سومش ممممممنننننن، بیشرف رفته دادگاه گفته: ما ضروریت شکایتی نمیبینیم، ما هزاران بازنشسته بالای شست و پنج سال داریم و مخارج ما بسیار سنگین است، خسارت را به حساب ما پرداخت کنید.... والا، از بس سر ما بلا اوردن دختر مختر دیگه خبری نیست، پیرزن کش شدیم اینم چوسی میاد واسه ما، نمیام، نمیگیرمت، نمیام. زنیکه گوه


آقا ما سر مبارزه مسلحانه نصف اروپا و آمریکا معروف شدیم، کسی هم نیست جازی رو نشناسه، فقط یک پیغام واستون دارم: سند از جنایت و ترور جلوتون گذاشتم و واینسین 4 ساعت اقتصادی برخورد کنین و سر توسعه و آینده ایران حرفی نداشته باشین سرتون رو جلو چشم مردم میبرم، یکی تو رضا پهلوی. 35 پروژه معرفی میکنم، یکی نتونی معرفی کنی خوارت رو میگام

خرید نیم ساعت پیش: هم‌اکنون سورهٔ فتح بر من نازل شد»

I look like this today, something that.... LOL something with an extended 17 centimeters, all it's possible with cosmic power

i found these stones in the 10th district of vienna, the extent of this catastrophe: today state psychologists and state political scientists of governments like austria and america are writing emails in the name of azadeh amiri, and sending it to global women's networks: we are women, we are one, we are together, we are solidarity, we are me together, we are the limb, we defeated something that... LOL

i believe my underground cave research will not be tolerated like the research of dr. Kusch and mr. habeck, it will even be ended militarily by force of arms, indiana jones pandora's box and the nazis LOL. where are your wives from? let me prove it to you

Freitag, 11. August 2023

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی این دو پهلو حرف زدن ما یه کیری همیشه به این آخوند و سازمان اطلاعات ایران میزد، زرتی میزدن تو سر خودشون، ببین خارکوسده این عن اگر تو گوه خور نبودی چوس تر از تو نمیشد کوسکش.. دست بالا سر "عن زندگی آزادی" نگیر... جاکش

i have to go, before: anti vmat movement is a deep filthy evolutionary psychopathy and disease, with hundreds of millions dead on its shoulder

this woman this race poisoned and killed or shot 1.5 million children in the head, it killed millions of girls and women. this is a genetic and psychological development that has evolved over millions of years. or do you think it ended with the defeat of the second world war? or this psycholathy has been cured? genetic relationship tribal relationship iran germany austria

for more than ten years the women have their hands and thumbs inside, VMAT2 mass murder plan: worldwide chatting and sending messages with their thumbs: Rana is not important, the mother is even less important, we want freedom, long live freedom

Classifying VMAT2 as a worker and then killing VMAT2 as an inferior object is a dream, ecstasy, like fucking a woman with no hands and four tits for these animals. a nazi fondness and erotic dream is a woman without two hands. the men never wanted to burn and kill children, it was the women