Montag, 2. Oktober 2023

از جمله پی آمدهای غرب زدگی،بی محتوایی افراد غرب زده است. در فرازی ازسخنان ایشان چنین آمده است:«ای غرب زده ها! ای اجنبی زده ها! ای انسانهای میان تهی! ای انسانهای بی محتوا!به خود آیید، همه چیز خودتان را غربی نکنید.» (

I've taken several dozen photos, but I consider this one a special honor, an Ireland-Navajo mix mask for me, apparently I have these DNA strands too. goodnight, I'll send the rest tomorrow, maybe better photos😉

Vienna pursues judensau politics like 1920-1923 humorous street parades and funny anti-race actions, the world has received money so far. like back then

I have to go and come back at 10 p.m. with new photos, but this Austria is dirtier than 1920-1932. It distributes hundreds of millions of euros internationally for just one goal and preparation: final solution! Final annihilation of our race in Iran and elsewhere

Do you know why Kurt Waldheim symbolically places flowers on Khomeini's grave? shortly after the 88 massacre?10 years ago, Europe/America and all other countries refused entry and living space for Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. apparently he was the greatest dictator and murderer, everyone was ashamed. mohammed in our country? this murderer? The reason is: I'm taking new better photos today, maybe you'll understand it better with visual language

Vienna police fascism, 20,000 officers: either we continue to pursue our JUDENSAU policy or we quit the service, Barbad Farahani is a crypto Jew, a hidden Jew, he is a JUDENSAU with his sister, Austrians say to us, to me and my family: JUDENSAU

Until today I was supposed to have received an email from some international authority, or human rights organization, or international lawyer: you and your family are victims of atrocity and your life is in danger. Not even a letter came by postman. International judges are dirtier than Kurt waldheim

Vienna police fascism, 20,000 officers: either we continue to pursue our JUDENSAU policy or we quit the service, Barbad Farahani is a crypto Jew, a hidden Jew, he is a JUDENSAU with his sister, Austrians say to us, to me and my family: JUDENSAU

Not a single perpetrator was prosecuted by the police because just like in 1981 to 1988, Vienna stands in solidarity with Hezbollah and Ayatollah in racial murder. with american genes and DNA report files under arm: you are Jewish

4th generation Austrians walk past me and grin: we are what you think. These are young people of whatever political color, these young people of today were not yet born in 2002, but they are still happy about it: you are a Jew and nothing. I demand forced sterilization from God, why does the world need this racial growth? hate anti-Semitism and killer race, racial murderers

I have to go, and come back at 6 p.m., but: Vienna was always the killer because we are the master race with unlimited potential. We are spiritual and higher beings, that's why Vienna was always the killer and Berlin the cleaner

well, this one until I start bigger and greater projects

Someone told me today: your father has incurable pancreatic cancer, he may have 3 months left! Then I said to myself, there will be more flowers from Austria on his grave than Ayatollah Khomeini. LOL dirty Son of the bitch Nazis Austria

I live in a country where the government moved all the supermarket employees and cigarette sellers into our apartment and then spread the word: We kill such inferior people, think about it, we have no money for legal proceedings and compensation

Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2023

i have to go: vmat2 uterus and the big bang with the help of friends

This sick deep racial murder paranoia shows itself: I have been stalked and followed non-stop since 1998. hunted with secret cameras, the apartments illegally searched for tools and other material, everything is still controlled to this day, even my sex life, and the risk of a woman becoming pregnant is observed because of this cock. Take a good look at the cock until the afternoon, after several chemical attacks it is functional with 3 loads of sperm a day

Austrians and ayatollahs copy England 16th century with Iranian gypsy descent, gharib shams and Amiri family. I just say we are old and you are dirty Nazis, anti-Semite and race murderer...The fact that Iranian gypsy tribes were converted into the National Socialist Aryan Workers' Party, or into the nationalist Shiite movement is a sick paranoid behavior: they want to stand above us like Achaemids, and we will probably be taken by surprise geopolitically by the Iranians. (1979 revolution)

I have to go now and will sleep soon, I've been drinking this for several months, alongside other products, green tea, two pieces of garlic and 4 limes. Cost 300 euros per month. Without these things, no kamagra viagra or cobra helps, if the arteries are closed then a heart or cerebral infarction is certain because of insulin

In Paris, Disneyland I was stalked by these girls for 4 hours, who is yakuza? she caught me in 3d cinema michael jackson movie. well, she was yakuza and geisha both together, I was motionless for 38 hours, like a...

day dream

When I met a Japanese woman at the flea market yesterday, after a secondary touch I experienced a vision, the total head cinema day dream:
If you don't come to Japan we will kill you or your family! yakuza of course.
Well then I traveled to Japan and was welcomed into a yakuza villa, the first conversation: how many projects do you have? we want to do something that no one has achieved yet. I asked how many geishas do I have available? They laughed and sent me away with 12 women to a larger villa. Somehow I woke up and heard a geisha crying: you can never caress your soft hands over my skin again, you love of my life. well, I noticed that my hands and feet are missing, and the yakuza says: you just say what we should do, you don't do anything, we do everything, you're just the parrot between two worlds. and only this one stays with you until the end of your life

Well, I'm ready to go now, but apparently after my long relationship with a duck, another species of bird wanted to get in touch, Clara! lol slim, huge tits, tight pussy, and an angelic face like on olympus...C&F

in the spirit of a shitty love

The Ayatollahs (85% of European origin) are currently screaming: more animal than you Barbad Farahani doesn't exist in this world, only an animal can do something like that. Hence the takeover of power in 1979 and ethical cleansing in Iran?

many sources from antiquity often point to the Persian origins of magic. It is appropriate then to discuss this briefly. Persian priests, the magoi, were supposed to have inherited the lore of the Chaldeans. Chaldea was the name of a country (according to Genesis it was the home of Abraham), but a Chaldean could also be an astrologer or an interpreter of dreams, originally perhaps a member of a priestly caste that studied occult rituals and handed them down. Zoraster (sixth century BCE) was the greatest teacher, priest and magician (a figure comparable to Orpheus in some ways) in the early Persian Empire. He lived during the reign of the Achaemenids and wrote many works on magic, astrology, divination and religion. He is considered the creator of a system of daemonology that was adopted at various stages and in various forms by Jews, Greeks, and Christians. At the time of Plato, the Greeks already associated magic with Zoraster whom they considered to be a demigod, he was called "the son of Ahura Mazda." Another great Persian magus, Ostanes, accompanied Xerxes on his campaign against Greece (480 BCE), no doubt as an advisor to the monarch. After his defeat at Salamis, the monarch left Ostanes behind, and Ostanes became the teacher of Democritus (born c 470 BCE), apparently encouraging his pupil to travel to Egypt and Persia. Democritus is chiefly known as a great scientist to the modern reader; however, he may have transmitted Persian magic in one of his many lost works.[29]

The word magusmagicus and mageia were used with a variety of connotations - from the religion of te Magi of Persia to scurrilous, harmful magic or witchcraft. While the Magi were members of the priestly caste of the Persians and therefore could be considered honest religionists, the Greeks and Romans who viewed the Persian Empire tended to bring their own intellectual prejudices to bear against religion when they described it. Herodotus, Pliny and Plutarch tended at their hardest to view the religion as little more than fraud.[30] Furthermore, since Persia remained Rome's most potent enemy throughout the Imperial era, any religion practiced there was bound to be viewed as subversive and dangerous.

The genie from the lamp, for my honor, tribal honor

I think we understand Illuminati and Freemasons sign language better than they understand our sign language or visual language. didn't I say stop it?

هرچی شاشخالییه عن رو از گوشت کوبیده نتونسته تشخیص بده اونور حالا اومده اینور وضعیت ما رو دیده و بعد میگه حقت بوده، سرو وضع داشتی پس اینجا، جاکش بودی اینجا، پول داشتی پس، هر شب کوس و موسو کونو رستوران و جریان و... لول. یکیش محسن هرویین فروش تهران پسر عمه خودم، یکیش عباس کوسخرنه 20 بیکار عاطل و باطل، یکیش قاسم تریاک فروش: چهار سال زندان کانادا، محمود کون کلفت روانپریش آشغال... ناصر کوس لیس: زنم آدمه بابا، زنم آدمه، ورونیکا میدونه کی رو گرفته، منکه مثل این پسره پهن نبودم، آدم منو گرفته. لول... خوب من که میگم جنده ساعتی از زن تو آدم تره. شاشیدم تو روحت رژیم مادر جنده، آخوند اجنبی کثیف

there is no disenfranchisement even against pedophiles, rapists and serial killers,This isn't supposed to be a repeat of Nazi crimes and racial exploitation?

Häupl du scheiße, du scheißdreck, judengold judengold, i hob ma judengold geholt, judengold von barbad farahani, du scheiß SPÖ scheiß nazi bastardkinder

do you read the name? BARBAD FARAHANI There is only one owner, I am an Iranian native grall breed, you dirtiest animal you Nazi pig

Most inferior dirtiest scum in this world, blonde blue-eyed Nazi fascist, mass murderer

metaphysics photos are my property and I decide what people should see and what they shouldn't, valuable photos, my property you nazi you fascist you dirtiest animal in this world

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...