Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2023

I am hidden Jews, Jews DNA and blood, confronted with Wehrmacht Jews 3rd and 4th generation. the majority of power in Israel, fascist women and men in sect formation against old race and vmat2, jeroboam's race. I posted hundreds of smoke photos from 2019 until today. The reaction of the Israelis: inferior mumbo-jumbo stuff

When Israelis in Vienna cry for victims in Israel, then I show this photo: Stopthebomb Mossad, Israeli cultural community Vienna and Zionist women. what was wrong? what about my sister and mother? you race trader, you vmat2 business

From 1998 to 2017 this was a serious crime against citizens. Repeated National Socialism because of genes, race, DNA and ethnicity. As of 2017 there is serious suspicion of attempted murder, manslaughter and silent racial murder

The proof: Vienna and Wehrmacht Nazi Mossad Tel Aviv have their racial murderer rates everywhere, including in Iran, also many emigrant tribes in Iran. They do anything for money

Austria is a network and channel of bastards, no better than 1932, a bastard that never stopped with racial murder and mass murder. today internationally networked, in Israel and also in Gaza or Lebanon and in Syria

Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2023

louvre museum future vision, aqua gate and all fucking cities...

I have to go and come back at lunchtime, but the stone found in Vienna's 10th district shows the root of psychopathy: the floor plan of all mass murders.The natural growth of the stone is two-dimensional. LOL

Wars and rocket fire are caused by psychopathy, humiliation psychopathy... no matter whether it concerns individuals, families, groups or entire society

Dr. Alice Jill Edwards (Australia) is the seventh – and first woman – UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment appointed by the UN Human Rights Council. Her appointment was announced on 8 July 2022 and her tenure begins on 1 August. A highly skilled lawyer,

Everything that is unconstitutional is sick, sick flesh and blood, sick biology. good night

I have to go to sleep, by the way, Austria and Israel have also produced children in the last 80 years: a collective of cyber terrorists with fake material, a collective action that promotes mass murder and torture, for manslaughter with financial advantage

I won't take any photos, no urgency today, look at the old photos. Christ body mating necessity. Reclaiming the Christos for your Ancestral line, and opening the Aqua portal to help transit ancestors from past, present or future that choose this option of alignment through the Cosmic Mother Arc.

I have to go and post new photos at 10:30 p.m., but show the evidence of 24 years of Zionist women's network Vienna and my family. til today

As Brecht says: there is a reason for the joyful dance on the vulture's corpse: there is always mother courage in society that acts for profit and wants war.

In Bertolt Brechts „Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder“ wird die Protagonistin als
rücksichtslose Kriegsgewinnlerin dargestellt, die zwar den Umständen
entsprechend, aber nichtsdestotrotz gewinnorientiert handelt und sich nichts
sehnlicher erhofft, als das Eintreffen des Kriegs. Die Figur der Mutter Courage, die
bis heute die Vorstellung der Trosserinnen des Dreißigjährigen Kriegs prägt, wird
dementsprechend als „Hyäne des Schlachtfeldes“

The situation escalates, and it can be compared to my case: after 6 years of living without sex, I have forgotten how to find the vagina hole in the dark, the inner drive is ruined to the point of absurdity, the desire is dull, the psychological side effects are devastating , Do you understand what I mean?You then drop your rockets and bombs in a different way for ecstasy in a different creative way, surprisingly and suddenly

This disease is DAN tribe disease, the monkey fuckers in Austria Germany 70,000 B.C.. The hair color and eye color just didn't happen according to plan because of ice age and sunlight scarcity

Torturing people with poverty and scarcity goes wrong at some point, in my case with sex and women, with capital and success and career, in the case of Palestine and Lebanon a little harder. I have been considered a potential danger and suspected of terrorism for 6 years now.

Well, in 2003 I bought a music system for the antique shop, I think the reason why Vienna and especially the police were never afraid of me was: he mostly listens to Jacques Brel, Edith Piaf or blues, Diana Krall is definitely his type, he is harmless and He probably kills himself before he harms others

Between 2006 and 2010 I tried to rebuild 7 times, each time prevented with theft, fraud, espionage, manipulation techniques and all other stuff, because of genes, race, ethnicity, origin, because of vmat2

In 2002, I sat in my shop with a thousand plans for my life.I wanted to do water twists and produce cartoon movies? no! I wanted to give a smoke signal like an Indian? no.I wanted to expose paintings? no.Did I get into a decent job? Yes. fucking Naziland Austria with your genetic labs and Stasi system for race and VMAT2

I have to go again, but: the admiration and attention of the ABC economy for us was: how is this possible?Which school did you attend?

I bought this photo yesterday, I don't know who he is, but he's so cute that I can look at him every day and fall into dreams and nostalgia. So in the 1960s I would have become a multi-billionaire with his that there were no genetic laboratories at that time and as an Iranian anti-Zionist and bohemian bourgeoisie, I would get a high position in Europe. Without laboratories we are credible, with all that shit: crypto-Jews, hidden Jews

Montag, 9. Oktober 2023

آقا ما بریم، ولی جاکش ها، ما میریم کوس هم میکنیم توکل میکنیم به خدا مریض نشیم، به تو چه؟ مادر جنده های بی خدا

The Faculty of Theology at Harvard University says: Spirituality and religiosity are deeply rooted in the brain, and they also have to do with fears, illness and health. what is your proboem SPÖ atheist? or satanist

Neurospirituality, brain research and spirituality research can perhaps prove who healed atoosa from her breasts suffering. Those who were responsible for gods and spirits in earlier societies often also cared for the sick. fuck yourself Herodotus

Stasi Romeo and Venus are a systematic destruction machine, a strategy and tactic that has proven itself for thousands of years, in that money kills empathy and the good in people

Many Viennese Roma are convinced Christians and listened to Old Big Mama. we are friends.why are you colluding with fascists?

This is a photo from last night. Iranian society is characterized by superstitions, illusions and mirage sightings. Especially in Ramedan month, where a noodle soup with the smallest characters like Ali letters is seen as a miracle. Really, there are offerings for poor people in Ramedan, a month where many people prepare food for hundreds. Ashreshte sign is just a common phenomenon at this time. I bring out Emam Hussein's head accompanied by Emam Zaman and everyone wants to kill me. go fuck yourself

Many died with the curiosity, they always want to know what importance does an Ali, a Hussein or an Azadeh and Rahim and the brothers of Azadeh have. Why shouldn't anyone come close to these criminals, to judge them or arrest them? Mojtaba Khamenei doesn't want to give reasons, I'll prove why. fresco italy, stone vienna,

HUPS, long dream

I've been sleeping until nowm
Long deep sleep and the dreams were just as deep. When a German woman sneaked up to me and pretended to be new love and wanted to come to my house, I remembered: no one is allowed into our apartment. behind her were dozens of German djins. The concrete skyscraper in Berlin disappeared like a miracle, the earth opened up and it sank into the ground, the three pillars remained upright until the end, then they fell following the skyscraper and covered what was inside: scum. I went to the oracle and wanted to thank her for telling me, namely: what was. It was just funny, she kept showing me tongue weights, Egyptian. metal blocks that she carried with her tongue. She showed me her whole collection, one she got because of Paris, another because of Titanic, and many other weights too. 9/11 was not there. If I keep writing it will turn into a love novel, I'll only write briefly! LOL