Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023

I will post the rest tomorrow, but I have a criminal relative in Vienna and Tehran, these criminals are motivated to murder me and my family after a reward of millions of euros. mainly motivated by Viennese judges collective. good night

خلاصه حاج آقا جریان ما امشب این شد، یا امام تشریف آوردن و بلاخره سوال کردند: چه خبر شاه پسر؟ ما هم خوب از اونجایی که میدانیم که یا امام به ادبیات ما کاری نداره بلکه به ذات پاک اینطور گفتیم:، گفتم یا امام زمونه جوری شده دختر عمه خوار مارو میگاد، بعد از رو ذات خرابش یک شوهر گرفته به اسم حامد که مارو از سر خودش وا کنه، آخه یا امام جریان حامد بیا یک دور بگامت در ایران خیلی رایج شده با این دختر عمه های امروزی

I took 60 to 80 photos again 20 minutes ago, I'm sending 4 of them today where the quality is reasonably good. photo: event

These two races mixed before Christ, Romano Aryan and Jews. both bloody enemies and against us. deeply hostile

میگم حاجی تو سند رو میکنی یا خودم سند رو کنم که این اجداد یابو از بابل بلند شدن رفتن اسراییل😂

آقا نشسته بودم آکسارای استامبول داشتم چایی میخوردم، خلاصه حوصلم سر رفت به یه رشتی که تازه آشنا شده بودم گفتم: برار سیاهی بولاهی تو را میخوام رو بخون بینم. ده بیا: بوژو بوژو تو را میخوام بقیش... خیلی جدی سوال کرد: برار بابات بابلی نیست که اینجور دستور میدی؟ گفتم نه بابا، بابام لره، تازه یه کیسه کش حموم عمومی داشتیم خیابون هدایت، بابام ازش بدش میومد. خارکوسده گفت: حرومزاده نیستی اینطوری دستور میدی کلک... گفتم کوسکش بخون خارکوسده گاییدی مارو. خلاصه شروع کرد به خوندن و ما هم هی میزدیم رو میز و میرقصیدیم

The country has the urge to torture, and for 20 years it has had international aid support and validation: because of Kristo's race and bloodline combined with VMAT2

This country is deeply sick, biologically and genetically, the brain mass is only oriented towards torture and mass murder, and from the age of 14 you can see signs of psychopathy. and now: it is being chanted everywhere that religion is responsible for wars and intrigues, and religion is genes, vmt2 genes, and it should be destroyed. with support from UN

Another stone from the 10th district, natural growth: I am your inner drive, I have to fuck fuck fuck, you schitzopherenic donkey

Here in the country, where democracy and the rule of law are shaped by capitalism, the academic's salary is 1,500 to 4,500 euros. in a few cases over 2500 euros. Without innovation and creative spirit, without inventiveness, without independence, there are academics like dog shit on the streets. Racial massacre should change that: vmat2 has inherited talent, potential, innovation, and inventiveness. The state says: but you tried hard and studied and worked for years. down and death to vamt2 and old race. Remains from prehistory Vienna 10th district Vienna Woods. 70,000 B.C.

This system with an entire society and with the presence of all hospitals and doctors and nurses is a racial massacre. racial massacre

This disenfranchisement action and cyber torture is like cutting out and operating on the sexual organ and killing those in poverty and isolation. This action has been going on for decades with Iranian Nazi Satanism, also pakistani and indian origin iranian. here in Vienna in collective with all "journalists" and "human rights activists"

حاجی خسارت کیر مارو که نمیدی، ما بریم جلو آینه باهاش برقصیم، چپ چپ راست راست، آهااااا حالا دست دست دست، هااا حالا دست

As for this breed: I proven it in 2018 with the Kristos breed. Austria researched it a long time ago through gene archeology, I proved it with stones. 500,000 years before Christ. Even this stone statue, I laid it in water and photographed it with smartphone and 5 different spotlights. The photo is in raw condition: heaven and hell, the collection of evil from four different dimensions

In this Nazi Satanism disenfranchisement system against VMAT2, more than 85% of Viennese girls and women were active, in terms of intimacy, isolation,to suppress a person's natural need

Ali Khamenei and his son owe me 10,000 a night for 3 whores, no one responds, no one blames and condemns Iran alongside Austria. Ali Khamenei is preparing for war against Israel without paying his debts: 10,000 a night for my sex life. Ali Khamenei, a stiff penis without fuck is 8 human rights violations because of your secret camera actions.

My photos have character, facial expressions, gestures, statements, meanings, a scene usually has 7 characters. the same with smoke or stones set. The state tries to reduce everything to rubbish and make it nothing, meaningless, ridiculous and of no use. Because it's about the mass murder of the race globally: everything that this race is capable of is rubbish. The billion-dollar Stasi and cybertorture business is what society wants. Amnesty staff slogan: Prosperity Prosperity The house is a human right, real estate project from torture is a human right

I still need some tools and equipment and hi-tech to prove what is being suppressed, spied on and persecuted, murdered and forgotten. as proof of this: we suffer from European-American Israeli world Nazi-Satanism. This has also been happening to us every day for 20 years

Well, in 2021 I drank water from the Grail with 6 balls, I actually wanted to fly to Strasbourg with this face and articulation, then I said leave it, Writing 1860 pages is not nerve-wracking enough.

In any case, I looked like this on September 1st, 2023, is it because of the water or the weather?, I have no idea, somehow strange

Mittwoch, 25. Oktober 2023

I have to go to sleep, goodnight. but what does IT and P mean? you baboon

You will soon experience it: a blonde baboon of origin has come up with the idea that a grail with 3 balls is a....🤣🤣🤣🤣

I rarely get clear photos with a smartphone. but only with crystal and Chinese meditation balls. The two lead balls need precision camera lenses

With hundreds of Stasi techniques and mind control system programs, these assholes prevented me from seeing Emamzadeh Bijan like a painting by Hyronismus Bosch. together with gabriel discussing barbad's situation. He should be boycotted and never get any capital otherwise he will just do nonsense and come up with stupid ideas and inventions

Ayatollahs share this opinion with Austrofascism and fascism wave in the West: nobody needs grail photos, smoke photos, stone combination photos and photos of the sky or phenomena from paintings. In reality, people pay tens of billions a year for cinema and Hollywood, for new stories, faces, worlds, new dimensions, ideas, and fantasy and science fiction. With my job as an antique dealer and antique textile dealer, I could have financed equipment for around 800,000 euros for Hollywood scenes from the Grail, smoke, water, fire, air and earth. fuck you

All evidence of terrorism, racial madness, cyber torture and racial murder program should be in files of the police, state and judges and prosecutors, the case is: murder of rare breeds and ethics with participation and silence of society, the motive is: economy, prosperity money

Someone like azadeh, if she finds access to an underground organization, kills 5,000 members. The good thing about paltalk was: her brother is a computer scientist, he tried to hack my users, who is who!? LOL, in paltalk we were all nobodies. Photo: barbad farahani 2008

These were 12 to 18 year old girls who were murdered; they did not commit treason. The fight and resistance is genetic, but Austria and Austrians are looking for their murder victims genetically in the laboratories! Even in the case of an apolitical person like my sister

The fighting spirit does not betray anyone, even under torture until death, these are the actual secret observers.

no compromise, no peace, no mercy and forgiveness is bloodline, everything else is just fake material, traitors and venal monkeys.also people who replaced me in opposition and put on my uniform. or many other people like me