Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023

eugenics nazi america, mass murderers on a global level: We confirm 100 percent that no such action was carried out in Iran and Vienna and elsewhere.

the same with Domari tribe Rahim Amiri: we are human, we are Aryan,What are these people this native Iranian worth? the native Iranian?In Iran, 80 percent of government officials and authorities are gypsies. That's why there is chaos throughout Iran, or let's say outside Tehran

The grandmother is of the original gypsy race and she actually complained: he eats so much ginger and drinks so much ginger tea that it doesn't work, why is he still alive? What use is there if he lives? we are human, It is beneath our dignity that Azadeh still lives with him.

Nowhere in the world have these people been received with so much kindness and empathy, nowhere in any country. and today it is and is called arash amiri, azadeh amiri, rahim amiri that as "Iranian" say: we are human these people are not human

These signs have been around for over 5000 years in Great Persia, and the Americans on top of that: native Iranians are similar to Jews and Armenians. LOL Similar! Austria says with all its might with the support of Romano Aryan race Iranian from Balkan, iranian Sinti, Roma, Pakistanis and indian alliance: We are human, these people, this mother this daughter and son are not human.

Do you know who my murderer is?, international judges collective: We see nothing in the smoke and water, nothing especially in the stones! Hungriest child in Ethiopia or Africa doesn't behave like those wealth officials in Europe because of money. cheap existences and bastard scum

Does this method stop the targeting of VMAT2, genes and mass murder of the race? Viennese secret services, all three are preparing for stricter measures and more anti-racial policies. After they see: society listens to us willingly, all human rights activists and the UN support us

In the Academy of Art they would give a rating if it were painted. LOL so it just gets a stamp: what's that supposed to be? leave us alone

Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023

Stronghold of Ahrimanism Vienna has led my relatives to a thirst for blood, almost all of Iranian: why should we give up so much money and prosperity? killing is the solution

من که رفتم، ولی مشکی..... لول. خلاصه گفتیم یا امام علی، از بس کوسکش تشریف دارین،

خلاصه ما بریم، این عکس رو هم قاب کردیم چسبوندیم بالا سرمون، مشکی رنگ عشقه...

با هرچی مشکی و سیاهی و عجایب روزگار ما رفتیم تو عشق وصفا و شوخی و بگو بخند. حالا چه اینوری چه اونوری... ببین امت تو اون روحت سگ برینه که مارو به اینجا کشوندی...

well, stealing from me and plundering me is an old tradition, isn't it? fucking spirits

I think anyone else would run away from home after this experience, a paper bag moved several times and I heard the metal ringing inside. Inside was ethnic jewelry from Morocco, Ethiopia and Persia. I'm not stingy strict and said take what you want and fuck off. Well, I didn't sleep restlessly, but it was still a bit strange. Until now I haven't looked at what's missing from the bag, I don't care

خلاصه صبح بخیر، حاجی تورو به خدا نمیری این پسر عنت بیاد مارو بکشه، آقا بالا سر داریم، میگه مجتبی قاطی داره یک عالمه. حاجی مشگی رنگ عشقه آخه تو چرا رو سرت گذاشتی!

I will post the rest tomorrow, but I have a criminal relative in Vienna and Tehran, these criminals are motivated to murder me and my family after a reward of millions of euros. mainly motivated by Viennese judges collective. good night

خلاصه حاج آقا جریان ما امشب این شد، یا امام تشریف آوردن و بلاخره سوال کردند: چه خبر شاه پسر؟ ما هم خوب از اونجایی که میدانیم که یا امام به ادبیات ما کاری نداره بلکه به ذات پاک اینطور گفتیم:، گفتم یا امام زمونه جوری شده دختر عمه خوار مارو میگاد، بعد از رو ذات خرابش یک شوهر گرفته به اسم حامد که مارو از سر خودش وا کنه، آخه یا امام جریان حامد بیا یک دور بگامت در ایران خیلی رایج شده با این دختر عمه های امروزی

I took 60 to 80 photos again 20 minutes ago, I'm sending 4 of them today where the quality is reasonably good. photo: event

These two races mixed before Christ, Romano Aryan and Jews. both bloody enemies and against us. deeply hostile

میگم حاجی تو سند رو میکنی یا خودم سند رو کنم که این اجداد یابو از بابل بلند شدن رفتن اسراییل😂

آقا نشسته بودم آکسارای استامبول داشتم چایی میخوردم، خلاصه حوصلم سر رفت به یه رشتی که تازه آشنا شده بودم گفتم: برار سیاهی بولاهی تو را میخوام رو بخون بینم. ده بیا: بوژو بوژو تو را میخوام بقیش... خیلی جدی سوال کرد: برار بابات بابلی نیست که اینجور دستور میدی؟ گفتم نه بابا، بابام لره، تازه یه کیسه کش حموم عمومی داشتیم خیابون هدایت، بابام ازش بدش میومد. خارکوسده گفت: حرومزاده نیستی اینطوری دستور میدی کلک... گفتم کوسکش بخون خارکوسده گاییدی مارو. خلاصه شروع کرد به خوندن و ما هم هی میزدیم رو میز و میرقصیدیم

The country has the urge to torture, and for 20 years it has had international aid support and validation: because of Kristo's race and bloodline combined with VMAT2

This country is deeply sick, biologically and genetically, the brain mass is only oriented towards torture and mass murder, and from the age of 14 you can see signs of psychopathy. and now: it is being chanted everywhere that religion is responsible for wars and intrigues, and religion is genes, vmt2 genes, and it should be destroyed. with support from UN

Another stone from the 10th district, natural growth: I am your inner drive, I have to fuck fuck fuck, you schitzopherenic donkey

Here in the country, where democracy and the rule of law are shaped by capitalism, the academic's salary is 1,500 to 4,500 euros. in a few cases over 2500 euros. Without innovation and creative spirit, without inventiveness, without independence, there are academics like dog shit on the streets. Racial massacre should change that: vmat2 has inherited talent, potential, innovation, and inventiveness. The state says: but you tried hard and studied and worked for years. down and death to vamt2 and old race. Remains from prehistory Vienna 10th district Vienna Woods. 70,000 B.C.

This system with an entire society and with the presence of all hospitals and doctors and nurses is a racial massacre. racial massacre

This disenfranchisement action and cyber torture is like cutting out and operating on the sexual organ and killing those in poverty and isolation. This action has been going on for decades with Iranian Nazi Satanism, also pakistani and indian origin iranian. here in Vienna in collective with all "journalists" and "human rights activists"

حاجی خسارت کیر مارو که نمیدی، ما بریم جلو آینه باهاش برقصیم، چپ چپ راست راست، آهااااا حالا دست دست دست، هااا حالا دست

As for this breed: I proven it in 2018 with the Kristos breed. Austria researched it a long time ago through gene archeology, I proved it with stones. 500,000 years before Christ. Even this stone statue, I laid it in water and photographed it with smartphone and 5 different spotlights. The photo is in raw condition: heaven and hell, the collection of evil from four different dimensions

In this Nazi Satanism disenfranchisement system against VMAT2, more than 85% of Viennese girls and women were active, in terms of intimacy, isolation,to suppress a person's natural need