Samstag, 28. Oktober 2023

I won't write anything more until tomorrow afternoon, but: I personally and alone examined the goods, as an appraiser, 300,000 euros, sales value 750,000 euros. Part of it was stolen with the help of the police and judges, the rest became unsaleable due to the international Jewish boycott campaign in Austria with the help of the Viennese "Iranian"

تمام دوران زندگی مارو این مملکت با آخوند نابود کرده، تمام دوران زندگی مارو تخریب کرده، بعد دزد قحبه نشسته به ما میگه: لمپن عوضی. منم میگم خفه شو اجنبی دزد نوکیسه، اجنبی دزد گوشت حروم، گوشت تلخ دزد جاکش، ضد ایرانی دزد نوکیسه

آقا یه کیری الان گفت: دامدار های ایران هم انقدر گاومیش نیستن از بس با گاو گشتن، انقدر گاومیش نیستن مثل تو لمپن عوضی.... ایییییششششششش نوکیسه، ایییییشششش تازه به دوران رسیده نوکیسه

This country hates regime opponents in addition to EU countries America and Israel, it even kills Iranian whistleblowers like Freydoon Farokhzad or others. because all of them, especially Vienna, were involved in mass murders from the 80s onwards. the hatred is directed against race and history: 5000 B.C.

I have to say with regret that insulting Adolf Hitler is not viewed critically, but insulting the Ayatollah regime means getting banned from Facebook. a ‌ regime and an Iran with hundreds of thousands of victims

دایی جون

من با آخوند حرفی ندارم ها، بیایین جلو مادرتون رو میگام تو وین! سر این جریان سر داییم رو هم انداختم زمین. آقا  دایی به ما زنگ زد گفت: دایی جون یه آخونده رفیق ما داره میاد اتریش، مثل خودمونه هااااا اهل همه چی هست، فقط ودکا خوب بهش معرفی کن و بقیش رو خودت میدونی جریان چیه. لول. گفتم پیش خودم: بنده خدا خبر نداری این کیرت کرده، رفیق کجا بود این اگر 3 شب پشت سر هم نره با ما جنده خونه پسر خاله نشه ول نمیکنه، بعد مارو با کیری بازی و کوس کلک بازی وپول و کاسبی و این کار و اون کار رو بکنیم و این حرفها میکشه تهرون آفتابه دهنمون کنه و از کون مارو جر بده. خلاصه خندم گرفت، گفتم دایی بیشعور تر از من وجود نداره من بلد نیستم با اینها حرف بزنم، ازتون خجالت میکشم، ضایعه میشه ها، چجوری باید با این ها حرف زد؟ گفت پس هیچی بیشعور، حرف مفت دیگه نزنی ها، اینها آدمن، آبرو مارو میبری. تق زد قطع کرد. خدا بیامرزتت دایی جون از اونور تماشا کن رفیقت کی و چی بود... 

Pedarsuckte in Persian means many things, positive or negative, vile or childish or deceitful, or being a womanizer. The Iranians say to me because of these phenomenal projects of pedarsukhte

In any case, this materialistic monkey is worse than everyone, only the asshole can't find any gold in our apartment LOL all attempts are in vain. not even half a gram

Today I noticed what the djinn stole when he was looking through my bag, a prayer scroll and curse from a Tuarek amullet. LOL apparently it caused anxiety for his companions

Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023

I have to go to bed and won't post anything else until 4 p.m. tomorrow, but the case in Vienna: Since 1998 it has been spread in Vienna: we have hidden Jews in Vienna, they came to Vienna disguised as Muslims to do business. It's all racial madness, racial hatred, anti-Semitism and fascism

I have to go, but dirtier than German fascism was always Austrofascism, it always talks about the victim role and that Austria was the first occupied country, dirtier than all Nazi animals was always Vienna, always Vienna dirtier than all other Nazis

There is cellar fascism all over the EU in all kinds of authorities with positions, EU Commission and America to my person and family: why do you think that no journalist writes anywhere in the world? there is no disenfranchisement and fascism

عجب خارکوسده بازاری، هر خلافکار عن که پلیس فاشیست اتریش بهش محل سگ نمیزاره میگه: من آدمم بابا، من آدمم. کیر تو روحتون شاشخالی های عن...

The disenfranchisement of a man at 24 with a future, a job and life is dirty National Socialism. from 1998 until today by three Viennese secret services and police,because of genes blood breed ethnicity and origin

Do you understand? WEGA , COBRA, LPD, state police, small insignificant animals are in anti-racial program 1932. insignificant evolutionary animals like 1932 against race with American Israeli and EU support

eugenics nazi america, mass murderers on a global level: We confirm 100 percent that no such action was carried out in Iran and Vienna and elsewhere.

the same with Domari tribe Rahim Amiri: we are human, we are Aryan,What are these people this native Iranian worth? the native Iranian?In Iran, 80 percent of government officials and authorities are gypsies. That's why there is chaos throughout Iran, or let's say outside Tehran

The grandmother is of the original gypsy race and she actually complained: he eats so much ginger and drinks so much ginger tea that it doesn't work, why is he still alive? What use is there if he lives? we are human, It is beneath our dignity that Azadeh still lives with him.

Nowhere in the world have these people been received with so much kindness and empathy, nowhere in any country. and today it is and is called arash amiri, azadeh amiri, rahim amiri that as "Iranian" say: we are human these people are not human

These signs have been around for over 5000 years in Great Persia, and the Americans on top of that: native Iranians are similar to Jews and Armenians. LOL Similar! Austria says with all its might with the support of Romano Aryan race Iranian from Balkan, iranian Sinti, Roma, Pakistanis and indian alliance: We are human, these people, this mother this daughter and son are not human.

Do you know who my murderer is?, international judges collective: We see nothing in the smoke and water, nothing especially in the stones! Hungriest child in Ethiopia or Africa doesn't behave like those wealth officials in Europe because of money. cheap existences and bastard scum

Does this method stop the targeting of VMAT2, genes and mass murder of the race? Viennese secret services, all three are preparing for stricter measures and more anti-racial policies. After they see: society listens to us willingly, all human rights activists and the UN support us

In the Academy of Art they would give a rating if it were painted. LOL so it just gets a stamp: what's that supposed to be? leave us alone

Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023

Stronghold of Ahrimanism Vienna has led my relatives to a thirst for blood, almost all of Iranian: why should we give up so much money and prosperity? killing is the solution

من که رفتم، ولی مشکی..... لول. خلاصه گفتیم یا امام علی، از بس کوسکش تشریف دارین،

خلاصه ما بریم، این عکس رو هم قاب کردیم چسبوندیم بالا سرمون، مشکی رنگ عشقه...

با هرچی مشکی و سیاهی و عجایب روزگار ما رفتیم تو عشق وصفا و شوخی و بگو بخند. حالا چه اینوری چه اونوری... ببین امت تو اون روحت سگ برینه که مارو به اینجا کشوندی...

well, stealing from me and plundering me is an old tradition, isn't it? fucking spirits

I think anyone else would run away from home after this experience, a paper bag moved several times and I heard the metal ringing inside. Inside was ethnic jewelry from Morocco, Ethiopia and Persia. I'm not stingy strict and said take what you want and fuck off. Well, I didn't sleep restlessly, but it was still a bit strange. Until now I haven't looked at what's missing from the bag, I don't care

خلاصه صبح بخیر، حاجی تورو به خدا نمیری این پسر عنت بیاد مارو بکشه، آقا بالا سر داریم، میگه مجتبی قاطی داره یک عالمه. حاجی مشگی رنگ عشقه آخه تو چرا رو سرت گذاشتی!