Donnerstag, 16. November 2023

In 2006 in AKH hospital I was examined a hundred times: how does a cancer tumor disappear from the lower leg without treatment. I'll tell you what: we don't cut ourselves open and take the tumor out, but we twist and move our feet like the grail until the tumor moves up and we shoot it out of the asshole. well, Elam magic

The death sentence had already been signed in 2005 between the UN Iran and Austria, so at this time Azadeh Amiri also left me and ended the relationship. for a year. I survived and she came back... because of theft with perpetrator protection

In any case, he threatened: I'll either send you to the cemetery or to the insane asylum, I'll see you hanging from the gallows. My long, L. O. L back then was: Do you think I'll play volleyball with crazy people in a madhouse? So I visited so many brothels and played volleyball hundreds of times with big and small tits, until these old dogs went crazy: you asshole, you asshole, how many tits were there? You asshole, how much money was that? you asshole, how many women have you fucked? You asshole, why don't you ever get sick? Why don't you get AIDS and hepatitis, syphilis or herpes. Well, it's only the Viennese police who are to blame, all the crazy gypsies in Iran became more psychopathic because of the secret project Barbad fucks where

Mittwoch, 15. November 2023

I had death threats from Mohsen Darzi and Heshmat Reysi in Paltalk, because of: armed defense strategy and combat, from 2003 to 2012

The police don't have anything to prove, for example the connection between Rahim Amiri and Mohsen Darzi in the cybertorture system. Both were in prison in the 80s, as firing squads, responsible for murders with pistols in their hands. Rahim Amiri was active in prison for 12 months

Today it is final, the Austrian state has announced that we cannot prove anything to ourselves! It is not a situation of hide evidence but total data destruction of the cyber torture and Stasi system against VMAT2, data destruction of anti-Semitism, racial madness, racial hatred, persecution of minorities, and ethnic cleansing, mass murder and racial torture in the EU. Proof of Vienna's involvement and activity in mass murder in Iran

A photo of this moment and second with good equipment costs over 500,000 euros. The camera lens alone costs 75,000 euros

Fascism was always an inferior childish complete idiot: are 4000 photos fake material? 4000 photos? Apparently 1000 people work for me every day and produce the fake

Are metaphysics photos sensation and business judge? or worthless counterpart? because it is done by ethnicity and semite? something that you are not, creation origin!

80 years ago, being Jewish was a crime, an atrocity, with a life sentence and forced labor. Today it is no different than yesterday with our race in Europe, only this time the state and police say: his crimes are more than ours, there is only evidence when there are dead, injured and victims, his prison sentence should be longer than ours, lifelong . Until then we had done nothing

I have to go and will post again tomorrow. But: from 1946 onwards, no Jew got their property back, society always emphasized: we have been ruined and we need the money for reconstruction. In many cases it takes up to 60 years when ex-concentration camp inmates got their property. Today the country needs money again for reconstruction, apparently I was worse than the Russians the way I ruined the country: 2009-2023 unemployment salary 950 euros

The Vienna police are absolute fascism and society is completely behind the police because of: hundreds of millions of euros in income! They say: the money belongs to us. which money?

80 years ago, being Jewish was a crime, an atrocity, with a life sentence and forced labor. Today it is no different than yesterday with our race in Europe, only this time the state and police say: his crimes are more than ours, there is only evidence when there are dead, injured and victims, his prison sentence should be longer than ours, lifelong . Until then we had done nothing

This Matahari espionage operation is what you have seen in the last 15 years: a deep crater caused between tribe and relatives, for our death and their death. Viennese Alexander women with Azadeh. Stones found in the Favoriten district, under a tree. It starts with: what are they doing at home? What kind of “secrets” do they have?

جنده لاشی حالا دکتر شده با سرنگ میره لردگان، لول... نکنه ایدز گرفتی نه. ه.ه. ه، ایدز بد بید ولی ببین ما ژن خوب بید، نگی تو خونم ایدز بید

Persian Abrahamic common origin, Abraham, was also 175, right?

So God said to Abraham: kill forbidden birth (mating with evolution) Isaac and worship the goat. Abraham and Moses were both executed; he should have lived to be 800 years old, but at 175 he was killed. viennese stone from the river 14th district, the common place of residence of the Persian Magoi and Abraham, Chelsea, Atlantis or... other names

The most inferior and unnecessary tribes, existence and people has set up gas chambers and today it is not ashamed to continue the system of the 20th century with cyber torture and the Stasi system and with rogue states support. For 40 years, all UN employees, Amnesty employees and all other organizations were occupied by costumed Nazis for the second race extermination program

What kind of plan Vienna and Tehran have is: forced sterilization because of our genetic superiority. If murder is not possible then racial extermination with cyber torture and Stasi camera financial system

آقا امروز از عصبانیت پف کردم، حاجی میدونی چرا؟ تو زندان شماها مجانی کون گیر میاد، ولی تو این شهر واسه ما فقط تو سطل زباله جوراب شلواری گیر میاد.... لول

Dienstag, 14. November 2023

i have to go, but: In second National Socialism and racial madness it is no longer about sausage and salami, but about racial extermination for excessive consumption, luxury, and a standard above the legally prescribed salary. Dirtier murderers and mass murderers than in 1938

With American support, Vienna has put a bounty on my head because of my genetic, DNA, race and origins, Vienna has been killing people in Iran for 40 years, genetically selected and justifying murders with: political opinion and protest and incitement to unrest

Every person who can do something special will be hung on the big bell in the west. Currently, with regard to my origins, tribe and ethnic group, I only take smartphone photos of the Grail, a tribe-specific old tradition and ritual. Vienna says: We killed you, your family and your name internationally, even if you build a Stargate with a diameter of 24 meters. nobody cares

good night

Does anyone see woman (geisha) dog demon? huhu, hello? bubu huhu, dali dali, azadeh you Mata Hari, the spy for pauli and harry and alli, do you see something?

the hatred against Iran and its primal native race is so great that the Austrofascist doesn't even see this:

Over a thousand years ago, i.e. 1400 years ago, Islam in the Oriental Asian region also referred to telekinesis; it also included the Grail ritual and the incense and myrrh smoke ritual. it is permitted in Islam. The incompetent Aryan race so the Viennese judges point out in the 21st century: this race is unnecessary, its abilities too and it is better that the world is free of this race. Vienna is in racial murder mode, it will continue to do so as long as everyone stays silent internationally,And if someone protests, then Vienna sends 20 people to prison with sentences of 1 to 3 years, after our murder and billions of euros in Stasi revenue

شاعر هم میگه: دو قطره اشک و کمی بغض ناگهان شعر است

تو بی دلیل به دنبال شعر تازه مگرد
همین که می چکد از چشم آسمان شعر است

حاجی، کارگردان فیلم علی سنتوری رو هم کشتن، محسن چاوشی حواست رو جمع کن، نمیری

What is the ruling of telekinesis (in which a person has the ability to move objects by psychic energy) according to Islam?

این‌ قبیل امور، به خودی خود جایز است، مگر اینکه همراه با کاری خلاف شرع – مانند سحر و جادو -  بوده و یا موجب ضرری قابل توجه، نسبت به خود فرد یا دیگران باشد.
پاسخ مراجع عظام تقلید نسبت به این سؤال، چنین است:[1]
حضرت آیت الله العظمی صافی گلپایگانی (مد ظله العالی):
به طور کلی چنانچه موجب ضرر معتدبه برای بدن شخص نشود و یا مستلزم حرامی نباشد فی نفسه مانعی ندارد.
حضرت آیت الله العظمی مکارم شیرازی (مد ظله العالی):
اگر در حد معقول و مفید باشد اشکالی ندارد مشروط به آنکه همراه با کاری خلاف شرع نباشد.
حضرت آیت الله العظمی نوری همدانی (مد ظله العالی):
چنانچه مصداق سحر باشد حرام است