Dienstag, 28. November 2023

Every Austrian woman who is currently saying in collectives: we have rightly earned the money is the commissioner of these racial murders in Iran, actually 60% of society in this bastard biologically sick Nazi country. 15 million euros per capita, see for yourself where the black money comes from: from cyber torture murder business in Europe

On November 26, 2021, this scene was a skill, a revelation. How many people watched this? These Nazi and genocide deals and amounts are in the billions of euros, with the Ayatollah regime, even if you bring God and heaven to earth, no one talks because of extras and luxuries

illegal interference with databases by Nazi Europe, Race madness Europe and race destroyers Europe means martial law and the right to attack all authorities

I bought it 5 days ago, it's from the turn of the century or older. The signs vmat2 uterus and bloodline O+ fascinated me. I love it, the pattern is probably unconsciously a legacy from prehistory... computer science foundation and data transmission

آقا عمه ما از تهران زنگ زد به ناصر: نااااصر بگو به مقامات این رو ببرن تیمارستان نکشنش، بگو دیوونست عقلش کمه باید بره تیمارستان، نگذار بکشنش. لول.. 🤣🤣جنده ورداشته ۷ تا خارکوسده تو آریانا بزرگ کرده واسه ما خمپاره کاشته، حالا لاشی دلسوزی هم واسه ما داره. شاشیدم تو دمپایی خونت عمه، ریدم تو اون جانمازت با این خارکوسده هات عمه، شاشیدم به قبر اون ننت ملوک کوسکش، ای عمه

National socialism on race hunting or gene and DNA hunting is inferior scum even if it is 14 years old, inferior 0815 scum

Inferior scum is 20 today, this photo is from 2003, my shop in the 5th district of Vienna, in any case, this inferior scum, 20 years old today, walks past me, smiles amused and says: I'm a human being, you're not a human being, nobody has something from my private life. Inferior young scum in the Austrian national socialist system

Montag, 27. November 2023

With 500,000 euros of equipment, I put Walt Disney in my small trouser pocket. Today I'm going to do it, real, never-before-seen and true, door to other dimensions

The dirtiest scum is supported in Vienna with this statement: We will sacrifice other children for our children in order to build wealth and build a house

There are 400,000 millionaires in Austria, there are tens of thousands of companies small and large, all salary recipients like Viennese Iranian work there as employees, salaries between 1200 and a maximum of 2800 euros. Apparently I'm the only Jew: we are more valuable and more humane than Barbad Farahani and his family. Iran is infested with Nazi Aryans, infested with Nazi tribes, plundering nature, murderers and child murderers nature. Iran is Aryan contaminated

I have to go, dirtiest disease has caused two world wars, and is still causing conflicts worldwide today. and today this too: vmat2 torture stasi financial system

The dirtiest scum is supported in Vienna with this statement: We will sacrifice other children for our children in order to build wealth and build a house! You see this every day in Iran, and it is also becoming established in the West. subhuman 0815 killer race, the cannibal

From 1998 to 2017, racial persecution, espionage, torture and humiliation, disenfranchisement and attempted murder were based on laboratory reports and ethnic origin. Elamite vmat2. Today, hide evidence is for total psychological destruction and eternal Stasi system techniques without condemnation and punishment

the original photo uncut. Tablet Photo raw

our extras: you big bear (kherse gonde) you are like sun shining, is there anyone who hasn't seen you and knows you?

and I say and show behavior and belief is one thing, but the VMAT2 potential is cruel and unacceptable for many. what do I do with my children? My children are disadvantaged despite studying. They can't afford to own a house or apartment. They can't afford a nice life with extras

I have to go to sleep, but tell me shit anti VMAT2 movement Vienna and Europe: who pays millions for child murders in Iran and for ethnic cleansing and minority murders?

you shit international judge the Austrians are inferior scum, Austrofascism was and is dirtier than German fascism, that's what history says. today they are inferior than yesterday, against vmat2 breed

second national socialism is: vmat2 minorities persecution and murder, it started in iran 50 years ago in europe longer this time more effective... cyber torture and silent murder

Inferior scum, 0815 filth still wants to behave as a master race, 0815 origin: we studied and observed Rana's behavior LOL. Inferior pig, run-of-the-mill dirt

For 50 years, the attack on VMAT2 race has had devastating consequences for Iran, race and genetic politics have never been, it has never been separate from the Islamic Republic. All Stasi techniques, mind control programs were used to create psychosis and psychopathy. See examples from Vienna with my sister: Viennese women tried to make my sister a suicide candidate with strong psychotic behavior. with 140 Stasi agents, mostly Austrian girls

بیا اینم واسه شماها، چی شد اینطوری شدید؟ بگم چرا؟

مرکز پژوهش‌های مجلس ايران با انتشار گزارشی، از تحقيق بر روی ۱۴۱ هزار و ۵۵۵ دانش آموز خبر داده که بر اساس آن ۱۷.۵ درصد دانش آموزان همجنس‌گرا بوده‌اند و ۷۴ درصد نيز با جنس مخالف رابطه جنسی داشته‌اند.
بر اساس اين تحقيق، ۸۰ درصد دختران مورد پرسش در چند دبيرستان دخترانه تهران گفته‌اند که رابطه با جنس مخالف را تجربه کرده‌اند

I've been an embarrassment to every VMAT2 woman for decades! in Austria since 1998. The only woman who could be bought was Azadeh Amiri, the pimp father and mother collected money for 15 properties

My action was to throw two metal balls into a grail, then a crystal ball, fill it with mineral water (shaked 26 times beforehand in the name of Moses), and then turn the grail with my left hand. the reaction of the audience: 🚮🛂📵✡️🚷

Europe is the 4th Reich, Europe is National Socialism involved in all wars where masses have been killed or will be killed. or what has it been since the beginning of the 90s? the support of the ayatolahs is the tip of the iceberg: we wash your black money and kill the children of the tribe of jesus christ for us

Vienna was actually supposed to become a battlefield, but the Germans and Austrians chose Ukraine as a battlefield. Second National Socialism Europe against Russia. and Ukraine is full of German Austrian Nazi mercenaries

Nazi calls towards the Spö and social democracy Europe are not the cause of schitzopherenia or paranoia! These are animals, or animal origins, sickly anti-Semitic, disgusting race fanatics and mass murder organizers.


For decades, the SPÖ has been promoting potential forces alongside the Greens:found a cultural association, organize a human rights organization or an institute for foreigners, organize German courses, organize festivals and street parties, go to baricades and protests, political actions are a necessity in our democracy, and send us the invoice. The anti-human illegal capital should be distributed fairly.

The sick Austrians cry in front of international networks in chat rooms: please please, we didn't do anything, we didn't do anything... until the police show up, arrest me because of lack of evidence, and kill me as a Jew in a cell. then everyone cries again: please please we don't know why he died, please please forget everything, it's over, please please we don't know anything about it

I have to go again, but son of God story was our genes project and genes politics. a bilakh made in persia, from persian magoi

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...