Freitag, 8. Dezember 2023

عکسی بسیار مهم، چی میزنه بیرون جون تو،

حاجی برو تو حال، چطوری رفیق؟ عادت نکن به این سایت ما، والا، کیری کیری داریم همینجوری میرم جلو کار دست خودمون میدیم، تو هم خوب نگاه نکن، نخون، برو. ول کن، بیخیال، بابا زل نزن به این سایت، عجب گیری داریم ها، آقا مگه تو هم روانپریشی؟ ول کن مارو من که ستار بهشتی نیستم یکی دیگم اون نیستم، ، ...

دیگه عاشق شدن ناز کشیدن فایده نداره ندارهدیگه دنبال آهو دویدن فایده نداره نداره
چرا این در و اون در میزنی ای دل غافلدیگه دل بستن و دل بریدن فایده ندارهوقتی ای دل به گیسوی پریشون میرسیخودتو نگه داروقتی ای دل به چشمون غزل خون میرسیخودتو نگه دار، خودتو نگه دار
دیگه عاشق شدن ناز کشیدن فایده نداره ندارهدیگه دنبال آهو دویدن فایده نداره نداره
ای دل دیگه بال و پر نداریداری پیر میشی و خبر نداریای دل دیگه بال و پر نداریداری پیر میشی و خبر نداریوقتی ای دل به گیسوی پریشون میرسیخودتو نگه داروقتی ای دل به چشمون غزل خون میرسی

I have to go and come back at 7 p.m., but I am convinced that without ghisas, Islamic laws and the death penalty, the country can no longer be controlled. only in this case: ruled by native Iranian...

Psychopathy has shown itself in the disenfranchisement system, Nazi disenfranchisement law Austria

Iran is contaminated with psychology, in my opinion 40 to 50 million are contaminated, one is Nasser Farahani, genetically and biologically sick, I noticed the extent of his illness in 2002 and gave him a kick in the ass. look at his brothers: even sicker. These groups here: innocent killers and sick biology without empathy

Cyber torture law and Stasi torture against mother and daughter is worse than Islamic stoning law, It is based on race, origin and ethnicity,

Two other artifact models answer the question: what do deer and antelope have to do with VMAT2 indigo Barbad and Rana:

There are Iranian multi-billionaires, all of them are known to the Iranian secret services, their attitude to race, ethnicity and genes is no secret, I just listened to one: I'll send bucket after bucket full of money if I can tear up and kill mother and daughter like in Iran

Cyber torture law and Stasi torture is worse than Islamic stoning law against mother and daughter. It is based on race, origin and ethnicity, supported by three fronts and poles in Iranian society: Ghazmavids, Romano Balkan Aryan tribes and Indian Pakistani tribes. mostly women than men

حاجی ما بریم چند ساعت ستار گوش کنیم: دوتا دستام مرکبی،،، لالا لالای دالای والای شازده خانم😁🤗🤗🤗

Our biggest enemies are Ghaznavi tribes, the hate against us is unlimited! sasan darvishzadeh (Iranian/Austrian archaeologist) Vienna and my person regarding Mehran Keshe. 2015

The result is: we, the special western science and human, the unique ones, found out what da Vinci's code meant when he looked at air bubbles in water. Voynich Manuscript drawing

Everything that is or will be special or has not yet been born is useless, insofar as we create the special ourselves: designer babies, "gene manipulated" babies! our unique advanced evolution.

Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2023

In the Achaemenid Empire, parents were rewarded for giving birth to special children, with vacation money and a free house or apartment. Today, western states also reward parents for children. An Aryan tradition, right? LOL son of the bitches🤣🤣

Raising children in Austria: it is illegal and criminal but funny and amusing, there are certain races and origins that have natural charisma and are naturally elegant and noble. They give us the feeling of being inferior and nothing. Us...! Vienna 90 years ago

After 22 years, the second generation and 0815 society shows muscles and moves its fingers very finely and professionally: "We can terrorize and nobody can do anything". Today the child is 22. I have been showing something different for 2 years with a smartphone. forced according to the circumstances: only monkeys become something special through terror and attempted murder

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، حاجی شماره چیز و خلاصه میگه ماده طرف جیز... شب بخیر😁

Development, fine motor skills, and social mechanisms are innate knowledge in this mind control program. fine motor skills in relation to the fact that this society is taught like a child how to move its muscles, and move its toes, hands and fingers. These genetically manipulated manilulative tribes were supposed to be wiped out but they fled in all directions

When you read Persian poetry you also have to deal with matter, which bastard he writes about, for example: Ali Gharib is an old matter and bastard in business against us, but Rahim is a different matter origin and nature: he kills with a society as a unit. lost culture in pakistan and india... Azadeh&Rahim and barbad and rana

آقا یه تیکه داره شماره فلان و بهمان، حاجی میخواستم ببندم بهت ولی گفتم میکشی مارو جون تو، شنبه بازار جام خالی میمونه.... تتلو رسید ایران؟ لول.. حاجی خیلی شوخی.... ولش کن بچسب به ما، کی بیام ایران؟

didn't you know? Whoever says I am Aryan therefore a human kills children, Austria Germany killed 1.5 million children with this statement. Iran is trying to achieve these statistics somehow, using all the possibilities that are available

All Farsi chat rooms are currently under observation, including hundreds of Viennese Iranians in chat rooms: We are Aryan, we are human, does not release any evidence because of Rana Farahani, we are Aryan, we are human, this family is not Aryan Iranian and inferior. Most women and girls are of Balkan origin and gypsy Romano Aryan. the current Iranian Nazi movement

In 1986, Rana was 3.5 years old when she came to Austria. Since the 90s, she has been spied on, manipulated and made into a Stasi target, Rana's crime: genetic DNA biology

Societies are sick, anyone who publishes laboratory reports on networks for racial murder and torture should be sentenced to 20 years in prison, academics and doctors. because of: reintroduction of racial doctrine and mass murder plan

We do not condemn anti-Semitism, minority torture, hunting and humiliation, or cyber torture has this to mean: we are all human, the indigo prehistory genes and DNA are not human. this is the second national socialism in EU and America

bubbles bubbles bubbles da vinci

I'm leaving soon, I'm still at home, but a report from orthodox science: