Montag, 11. Dezember 2023

I am a medium, my work is a miracle and a media bomb, do you know what the government says? This can only inspire homeless people and beggars! LOL Austrians are more deeply ill than 90 years ago, sicker and more psychopathic than before

لول، جاسوس کوسکش میخواست ببینه منه جاکش با کی با کدوم بیشعور لوند کیر به دنیا میزنم...... لول... خوارت رو گائیدم کوسکش با اون بابات

I brought you, your mother and sister to suffering and poverty and prepared you for sacrifice, for this I bought my family and relatives dozens of beautiful houses, I have six. This is a genocide plan in Iran and outside Iran

In Austria there is an upper class with worse racial madness than in 1942. With a dirtier racial theory and racial madness: everything that is not part of evolution should be destroyed en masse

Inclusion of "Iranian", in secret camera espionage action in shop and apartment was as Austria says: years of genetic research: they can do something supernatural and special, but they don't show us anything

The downfall of Daraios the Great and his dynasty began with this: Siamak tried to imitate what the child of Sam had mastered. The mother cried and dragged him away: Don't look, let's go, never watch again. The father was the traitor on the battlefield

حاجی فردا صبح کیر به آدولف بزنم و سیاه بشم چکار میکنی؟

Viennese barbarism has built up global networks over the last 50 years and has established this: anyone who is not genetically or biologically part of evolution is not human! We never allow the old one to insult us as monkeys and present itself as a perfect human being

This work with two stones and a crystal, a flashlight and tablet was a sensation in 2018, only caveman origins pass by it unaffected: the white bloodline and ascension through the gate

I have to go again, but I personally am a Messiah and Emam Zaman worshiper because I can no longer live with cavemen, and there are millions of people like me. it is unbearable

bastard ahrimanism also called satanism will kill us and kill us all: the creation. The main perpetrators are based in Vatican Qum and Jerusalem, not only in the UN, but also in international authorities and human rights organizations

The meanings of capitalism, free market and democracy, equal opportunities were bombed in Vienna and reduced to ashes because of race and ethnicity, iranian monkey origins talk about racial business and stasi economic like a monkey origins:

The conversations that you hear from Iranian evolutionary origins today, these statements: We taught our children to learn then to study and then to work and have a career, what should we do with others!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1500 to 2200 euros salary academics😂😂😂.

Racial business with my mother and sister is the second Nazi mass murder, restoration of Mauthausen with cyber torture and Stasi techniques

I can bring out these holograms with detailed scenes and visual language clearly and sharply, after weeks of work with expensive equipment. what I have been saying and doing since 2018. it warns: bastard ahrimanism also called satanism will kill us and kill us all: the creation. The main perpetrators are based in Vatican Qum and Jerusalem, not only in the UN, but also in international authorities and human rights organizations

Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023

I have to go, but Gasset wrote uprising of the masses without testicles, he was heavy but with few testicles. He only claimed the term "barbarism of socialism" without addressing Jezebel (Scarlet women) and her network. You see: a hundred million viewers for Stasi and cybertorture camera ritual vienna

This fairy tale doesn't have a happy ending, because in the end the scarlet woman did it: it's over 8 billion

In any case: zimzalabim, the ritual sacrifice knife. good night

میگم مرجان چت رومی ننه جندت هم ژنتیک اینطوری به ما مستقیم نگاه میکرد ها، چشماش رو هم ارث بردی لاشی

I changed the smartphone light and color option and photographed the Flintstone (bought today) with flashlight without camera flash. That's actually what I see: the scarlet priestess, master of ceremonies. Unfortunately I don't have a better camera, good work costs money, which I don't have

Azadeh Amiri belongs to a network that sacrifices creation to feed evolution

حاجی امشب عکس بندازم؟ میندازم، ولی ببین جیگر کاتیوشا از اول انقلاب جن داشت، تا به امروز که میبینی، فقط با مارمولک خودشون رو لو نمیدادن، اونم با دغل بازی نماز ظهر به وقت مکه

I bought a prehistoric tool at a flea market today, I think a relative of Aron was fucked by this djinn and Esther too. The meat and sacrifice was processed with this stone, which was actually a meat knife, and given to the evolution to eat. Today in Iran they say: SAWAB and Nazri, as in our case. Tablet photo

The long story was probably found in one place: Aron the cow farmer was fucked by Esther the Anunnaki bird carrier, the tools of her intrigue were what:......? deep strategic demonic inside

austro fascism Nazi state Austria has hezbolahi in vienna: reza malahi, ali sadegh, ali and hussein gharib for dna jews extermination, Who does the Austrian government have in Iran? for the mass racial murders and planning?

How Austria worked in this story was like Iran in the 80s: Khalil Katyusha look at your DNA Jews who believe they can build a life like before 1979. photo 2002

خوب ما از خواب بلند شدیم

 آقا ۸ سالم بود کوچه سید صالح میشستیم، یه خلیل کاتیوشا اومد طبقه هم کف رو از خانم قاجار صاحب خانه اجاره کرد، مصیبت شروع شد! دیدم این ناصر کم بود یه عنی دیگه اومد روش. جالبی جریان هم این بود: با ناصر دشمنی ذاتی غیرتی داشت، ناصری که بچه شهر ری بود. حاجی جریان اینطوری شد که لامپ ما روشن شد: امت به چه معنا اون یکی حاجی اولی ازش حرف میزد، یعنی واضح واضح ریدمون و ترکمون یعنی چی!؟ یک روز عقل سلیم و سالم بنده، بچه هشت ساله اف. ام. تمام ساختمان که ۳ ماهی بود خراب بود با یک میخ ریز درست کرد، جوابش هم داشت آقای کاتیوشا دروغگو میگرفت که بنده هم جلوش رو گرفتم. ایشون جلوی خانم قاجار به پیر و پیغمبر قسم و آیه میخوند من درست کردم، بنده هم هی سوال میکردم: چجوری مرتیکه چوس مخ، عوضی چوس مخ چه جوری عوضی بسیجی؟ مگه تو بلدی بیشرف؟ البته خانم قاجار هم ترسی از این نداشت که آقای کاتیوشا بنده رو بکشه یا چلاغ و معلول کنه، بلکه ایشون هم از این ناراحت بود خون بنده بریزه به زمین و زمینه خانه اش رو کثیف کند، از بس خانم قاجار مارو کثیف میدانست، وچند بار بنده رو اینطور خطاب کرد: نجس. خلاصه این گفتگو و متلک با این تهدید به اتمام رسید، کاتیوشا: خانم قاجار خانم قاجار من بلدم واسه باباش پاپوش درست کنم، بلدم پاپوش بدوزم، این توله سگ بچه اونه، این سگ توله اونه! لول لول...

Monkey evolution bloodline has nothing to do with God, religion and the world, get out of this house, batard empathyless scum

Every synagogue, mosque and church that has willingly received money from the sacrifice of our bloodline is an Ahrimanic church. Ahrimanic church

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...