Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2023

Thousands of young people have died, including children, so that you can sit on the balcony of a cafeteria and say: My loose hair is freedom, today I will find a good fuck with this outfit. after 40 years of struggle, sacrifice and torture. aryan pigs, iran was aryan, and iran is aryan!? aryan whore pigs

The channels are open, satanist networks and our spies of God's creatures Elam's eagle, buzzard, falcon: who died and who benefits from it for what?

My political ambition included armed struggle and defense, the result of the political struggle of the reformists and monarchists leftists liberals and neoliberals abroad and at home: millions of women walking around without headscarves, after tens of thousands of deaths and victims. Pistachios are a dream, onions are a luxury for soup, meat is unattainable as food for children. Aryan pigs

Everyone in the Iranian opposition knows my activism since 2002 and everyone listened to Austria and Ayatollahs: he is a native and Jewish Armenian, a "crypto Jew" hidden Jew with VMAT2 he brings us all money. Aryan pigs

Dienstag, 26. Dezember 2023

Scum whores, dirty Aryan race dirty children sons and daughters bastard scum animals


This uterus is a symbol of Iranian mother, mother Persia, Luristan Elami artifact and very old: Austrian is inferior to anything you know to criticize this uterus or to call it superfluous not normal or a danger, and even less inferior is bastard American, bastard animal American. Stasi secret camera actions are sterilization and so genocide

I have to go, I'll take photos and post them tomorrow, but Austrian women are no less animals than American bastard women. The only difference is: concentration camp prehistory, otherwise we would be dead long ago.

That's what Viennese women and Austrian women in general establish: we don't need art, music, invention, progress, science, renewal, modernization, overhaul: we have enough people for all of that, who needs vmat2 paranormality? Ruining and killing brings billions, look at our country! my aunt TARA killed in Washington 1990

Arabs and Turks are worse than Austrians, do you know why? . Do you know: primary sector of the economy? Like Iran, they also have a lot of vmat2 raw material, they don't know what to do with raw material, so they think: let's bring several thousand to the west every year for......... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Not a single person will be punished because of two women, Austrian citizens, because this is a fucking precise murder plan and genocide plan

this is a precise genocide plan vienna, with the help of inferior Aryan Iranian scum, slaughter of native tribes, inferior Aryan trash from Iran

see what they do with the Iranian Aryan race in Austria: Azadeh and Rahim you are Aryan you are worth more than 1800 euros salary. to an accountant and German trainer. try to oppress his mother and sister with masses and kill these vmat2 elami whores

European leadership and NATO states are garbage, EU Parliament is a garbage container, European human right activists waste and garbage,International courts in Europe are garbage and shit, otherwise these genocide actions and terrorism would not be possible

Everyone asks which type of person is classified as a target? I have been writing since 2018: Elamic tribes spread in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Iran and under Arab Seyyed tribes, or Luri tribes and many other breeds were active in Bosnian pyramids, also in Vienna and parts of Austria, You will find traces from 70,000 BC. Photos from Bosnian pyramids

آقا رفتیم سر قبر بابا علی غریب بعد از 20 دقیقه دیدیم اه اه اه هی میخواد روحش بپره بیرون، جلو خندم رو با زور گرفتم چرا اینطوری میکنه، آخه یه چلوکبابی دبش واسش جور کرده بودن پره بچه های تهروون، اولی رو شنید نشست زمین، دومی رو شنید رفت هوا، سر سومی یک دفعه اومد فرار کنه بره بیرون که نشد، دیر شد.... گفتیم با اجازه زکی

میگن فقر جهان یک با جهان سه قابل مقایسه نیست. لول... برو اونور فقیر باش بعد میفهمی فقر یعنی چی: فقر ابدی. گرسنگی و تشنگی ابدی، لختی و بی آبرویی، چشمان گریان ابدی، ناله های زجر ابدی. جون تو میشینن سبزی پلو ماهی میخورن جلوت بعد تو تا ابد نمیتونی دوباره لوبیا پلو بخوری، بوش بکشی، مزش کنی، دستت بگیری، لیسش بزنی..... ماهیچه سناتوری اوووووه ه🤣🤣🤣🤣

سرور جا برای شما من تعیین میکنم، زمانی که مردید از کدوم در به کجا بروید، جواد میدونی الان کجاست با خواهرت؟ بچه بامزه ای هستم خدا هم میدونه.... جاکشیه ولی خوب مادر قحبه تشریف دارید چکار کنم. جون تو اونور هم شر بپا کردیم از بس میخندن

Iranians have been working for Austria for at least 18 years, a plan, a concept and strategy: unpunished NS repetition and impunity! why should we be punished? Was Amiri punished? or other Iranian?

International courts and all employees of international human rights authorities are a disgrace, scum and inferior filth. to the extent that only a rare breed from Middle East Africa and the Orient will be selected for the Stasi financial system, for torture and humiliation, for Stasi techniques and murder or suicide: VMAT2 race with ancient origins genes and DNA. Every second will be watched for decades for manipulation techniques and depression psychosis and murder and suicide

I uploaded this clip to YouTube two days ago, now I was back on the streets of Vienna for a few minutes, after two days: animals don't look at me like an alien, but as a Jew in 1932 who was supposed to die

The evidence of the silent Holocaust will be hidden because of mass murder and racial torture and the crime will always be glorified. Nobody wants to give up money, nobody. with further actions

One minute of secret recording of a citizen's private life, marketing it for financial gain, is legally punishable by a fine of up to 100,000 euros and a penalty of up to 2 years in prison. Isn't this anti-Semitism, fascism and mass murder?

we asked for love emam ali so that this sick brain whore will be destroyed by the millions, see what's going on again today: an Aryan sick brain whore is dragging millions of sick female animals behind her because of a mother and a daughter. With the sword of Islam there was peace until Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Khomeini came

The new phenomenon Grail with three balls is an Eylamic work, Eylamic Iranian, Elami Iran

آقا از این مارک جام ما قابلمه هم موجود است، برید کوفته شیرازی درست کنید یه تخم مرغ هم بگذراید وسطش، بعد ببینید زایشی بوجود میاد یا نه آریایی های اهورایی

من شاشیدم به کوس هرچی زن عن ایرانی آریایی:، نبوده، نبودیم، آدم نیستن اینها، ما نبودیم

Preventing and blocking dozens of human rights violations in Europe is this behavior: we reduce then we kill. Human rights are for valuable people. There is one thing: the trash can uterus sees vmat2 uterus as a trash can, its children zombies and robots as humans and vmat2 children as God's animals

آقا یه زمانی میرفتیم دیسکو هی آب معدنی سفارش می‌دادیم میخندیدیم به جاکش ها، یک دفعه کف کردم پشت سرم چی میگن: این بدبخت بیچاره شده، برید یه شیشه ودکا باز کنید بذارین جلوش، زشته با این قد قامت و سرو وضع و تیپ اومده پول نداره. حاجی ما هم 3 تا شیشه خالی میکردیم، بعد میدونی چی میگفتن؟ این بشکه عن خوار مارو گایید، این چرا مست نمیکنه؟ یعنی ما انقدر عنیم دو پیک میخوریم قبله مون رو گم میکنیم این مادر قحبه بحث فلسفی بعد از دو شیشه راه میندازه

As far as the mysterious images are concerned: solve it and tell how it happens, puzzles are expensive, unsolved mysteries are worth hundreds of millions of euros in media business

Dozens of human rights violations are not reported because the Aryan scum evolution sick animal not only has psychological problems with genes, race DNA and history, but also with our faces, Aryan scum evolution sick animal origin