Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2024

This is a racial murder program against our tribes and race with UN as the main supporter. In Iran and outside Iran, you see terrorist Ghalibaf, terrorist Ahmadinejad and terrorist Ali Rahimi. Billion euro contracts like the 1988 mass murder of children, women and men

How is racial murder and vmat2 murder, family murder and murder of children and women possible again after 1946!? after so many contracts from the 50s onwards. How will the Austrians and the state manage it again? with billions of euros from secret camera action?

Nasser Farahani robbed my mother's company in 2002, he also stole everything from the apartment, all the antiques, jewelry and paintings.there are court documents and conviction. Since 2002 I haven't had a single contact with this thief and charlatan, what the state is doing with his help is an attempted murder against his daughter and ex-wife

آقا مگه ما از این مملکت نازی های بیشرف بیست سال پول خواستیم؟ مگه ما چیزی خواستیم؟ مگه وام گرفتیم یا پول گرفتیم؟ مگه بیکار بودیم؟

100 million viewers drawn to Vienna with lies, rumors and false documents, clips and files because of what? because: some humans are unbearable?, better dead than alive? Where was my unemployment between 1989 and 2009? Where did the state spend a cent for me?

What Vienna does is deep faith and religious behavior: without vmat2 death or concentration camp murder or arrest, we won't let anyone call us guilty and let us be punished!

Neo-Nazis and Austrofascism are incapable of murder and torture without a position of power, no one is fired, no criminal and murderer and fascist wants to leave their job, no judge, no police officer, no secret agent and no politician. This also applies to UN employees and Amnesty International employees. they are all illegal

I have to go, but the prophets pronunciation, articulation and writing was a hundred times more profound than Blakhi, Hafiz Saadi and Shirazi, these were literary miracles. In this sense, Prophet Muhammad was not an illiterate, but not a poet until the event

In any case, the grail is the first step to healing the blind, a bunch of idiots that say there is nothing, there can be nothing! Otherwise my eyes are also getting weaker, I've been putting my hand on them for a year and I keep coming to the conclusion: I need glasses

What's looking at me says qismet, what was my qismet? what people did to me or something else? I believe more what I find under every stone or in rivers or on mountains, or under the ground. Now if I go looking for the Ark of the Covenant and let myself be guided, is it qismet or not? Stop the police, fuck the police, fuck the police and CIA

آقا بچه بودیم صبح میرفتیم مدرسه، هفته ای سه یا چهار بار هم سر راه مون در خیابان هدایت اوس ابرام رو میدیدم، یادم نمیاد یک بار هم با هم حرف زده باشیم، ولی یک نگاه بهم هزار گفته ها بود: بی معنی شده زندگی ما.. اوس ابرام رو دوسش داشتم، یک پیرمرد غریبه سر راه ما که دیدنش امیدی بود، آخرش هم دیدیم جفتمون باید بریم بیرون از ایران. یک به یک هم شکل ولف مسینگ بود هم قد هم اندازه با همین چشمان نگران... روز خوش روحش هم شاد

I have to go, in any case the Turk agrees with Vienna: gizemli yahudi, Kız kardeşini sikiyorum, bunda da Ermeni kanı var

At some point there was something in the Bible, the missing 80%. Monkey can only be accepted in society when it is freed from 7 demons. Today you don't become an insider without 7 demons

Dienstag, 2. Januar 2024

Mariette Rousseau wove and weaved Rothko's works of art, she said: you are the sender, I am the receiver and data processor, I am your IT specialist. Well Mariette of the 21st century, this picture is my message or am I the mediator?

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی میکشنتون ها، چومبول های بچه هاتوون هم از ته پوستش رو میبرن ختنه میکنن که بعد بگن 14 تا 16 کمه، زیر 19.5 سانت آدم نیستی. حالا مشکل حجاب که برطرف شد خدارو شکر، بریدبه مسیح علینژاد بگید برش اجباری هم جلوش رو بگیره، مرگ برختنه اجباری.. نه به ختنه اجباری، زنده باد پوست دودول! چیزه بزرگ زندگی آزادی

I have been posting pictures from the Grail since August to prove our native tribes, the indigo human and children, because of mass murder plan on a global level not even AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL or international judges show any reaction

The slogan nationalism and patriotism in the sense of supporting the perpetrators against the victims is NS repetition and old fascism

Vienna has financial plan with Iranian vmat2 murders, children women men and no one says no: UN says even more vmat2 child murders, sterilization and femicides

I film the Grail live in front of cameras and show a pigeon, vienna doesn't see anything, do you know why? It says these things and actions are inferior, do you know why inferior? That means your death, the family death is not a drama, you are nothing.

Vienna wants to kill me and says unanimously we see nothing, no woman, no helmet, lips teeth and face. Do you understand why? blood money, murder money, femicide money, child murder money, vmat2 murder money.

These skills and potential murders are not new, Vienna has always been what it is today. This bounty was also placed on Wolf Messing. good night

حاجی گیزملی یهودی نه ه ه، چوخ سنا نمنه این سنه کیر میر یوخ یالان چاخان کی زیر میز نه

حاج علی میگم یه تلفن بزن با لهجه خونگی با هم حرف بزنیم، آخه لهجه رهبریت رو قبول ندارم. میگم خداییش جریان چیه؟ خدا به ما میگه از کشتار دست جمعی جلوگیری کن، به تو میگه چی؟ میگه برو کیر مردم رو ببر بعد بهشون بگو حالا برو زندگی کن؟ یک بار ختنه بس نیست واسه خدا؟ لهجه خانگیت خترناکه ولی مرا باکی نیست جیگر

The slogan nationalism and patriotism in the sense of supporting the perpetrators against the victims is NS repetition and old fascism

Austria has presented a billion euro economic concept for the beginning of the second National Socialism with the approval of all international authorities: vmat2 torture murder financial business, ours from Iran, with the participation of the Islamic Republic of Iran

old race and vmat2 human has hidden abilities, show it before they kill you all. Vienna as the center and headquarters of fascism began with the implementation of mass murder plans

This will be my only post on Facebook for the next four weeks: Austria, the entire society is a Nazi animal with a culture of racial torture

I shit on my Austrian passport, citizenship, the red white red flag and dirty Austrian animal origins and bastard origins. I am a great native Iranian. bastard nazi animal creatures. dirty scum Austrians. Shit country, shit culture and tradition, shit brains and shit biology, shit existence

Everything I do: photography, producing, inventing, building and setting up is in honor of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, he couldn't create a Switzerland in Iran, but that's what I do: we are the great iranian master race. He married the wrong woman with a false identity and birth certificate, so only in honor of Mohammed Reza, Pahlavie and his father Reza Shah Gholdor

The slogan nationalism and patriotism in the sense of supporting the perpetrators against the victims is NS repetition and old fascism