Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2024

ما بریم بخوابیم. ولی این جنده خارکوسده ها اگر مهسا امینی هم افتاده بود رو غلتک اقتصاد پرت کردن میان گرگ ها با اون هم این کار رو میکردن، فقط دیدن مرد گفتن: خوب شد مردی مهسا تو گرما داشتیم خفه میشدیم با این حجاب اجباری

Understand this is about 45 years of crime and mass murder in Iran. Disenfranchisement and glorification, the trivialization is no less worse than the massacre in 1988, the point is: you are not human and not worthy of human rights

Whoever denies and calls me a liar is this dirty criminal Gene,A dumpster and a disgrace in this world: blonde evolution animal bastard breed

You understand, so far not a single woman has stood up for the rights of my mother and sister and never will stand up for them. I say 75 percent of societies, especially America, Iran and Europe, consist of genetic garbage. Bertold Brecht mentioned these women in his book as vultures, actually animals, I say a garbage container between the legs with two hanging garbage bags on the chest.

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024

آقا ما باید بریم، ساعت چهار صبح یک خواب تخمی دیدم و خوابم دیگه نبرد، اصلا ترسیدم بخوابم، خواب دیدم یه عنی کنار آزادست هی به ما میگه باری، باری، باری! منم کفری شدم گفتم: اسمم باربد سیرابی مگه با بابات داری حرف میزنی؟ ، یه بار دیگه بگو باری تا سرت رو ببرم، دیدم آزاده وسط دعوا یه چاقو گذاشت رو میز و گفت: نامردی اگر واسه من دوباره نگی باری. خلاصه فلنگ رو بستیم رفتیم دیگه هم نخوابیدیم.....

Azadeh Amiri: you were unique in an intellectual, spiritual and emotional way

I never write without evidence, until 2018 I never showed extraordinary things and never did anything, no phenomena or unnatural phenomena. Azadeh already knew at 18 that I had old genes and VMAT2, certainly from the state. She stayed until 2017. But she never saw anything special, except my cock and my stroking with my left hand. I think my cock sometimes moved paranormally, otherwise nothing else happened

Suhwaradi killers, Ahrimanic Fatwa Whores

What Bertolt Brecht writes about is an animal, a scum and a filth, a vulture, a dirty garbage, a type of woman and a culture. This garbage also reads, for example, works by Suhrawardi, and the garbage points with her fingers: the lower light (VMAT2) fucks whores and the upper light watches, VMAT2 plays poker, he gambles, plays roulette. vmat2 trades and buys and sells. vmat2 jerks off and he borrows money, it takes his girlfriend's credit card. He hits, he shits and he eats like an animal. You are 75 percent garbage container cunts, with hanging garbage pillows on your chests

I have to go to sleep, but: only in illegal situations and disenfranchisement of citizens do women show themselves: we are animals with garbage containers between our legs. this affects 75 percent of women

آقا ما رفتیم، انقلاب اسلامی عن بار اورده اسمش هم گذاشته پرستو، سگ برینه تو اون روحتون، حالا ببین این لولو ممه رو چجوری بخوره، تا بحال ندیدی

چلچله لاشی

یک دیو دیشب اومد و گفت:
سلام من یک دیوم
بنده: سلام من با یک دنیا درگیرم ولی فکر مکن از زندگی سیرم
گفت: چطور شد بهت ریدن؟
بنده: چلچله زیر بارون پول نداشت مرا گاییدن..
گفت:پس تورا گاییدن
بنده: بله این زلزله از آه چلچله بود، چنان با روان ناپاک ما را گاییدن

پیداتون میکنم جنده لاشی ها با کوسکش تاکسی روناتون، کونکش های تاکسی رون شاشخالی

Alireza pahlavi said the same thing just not LASHI jendeh. He said today's Iran has nothing to do with race during the time of Daraeus and Cyrus. He didn't say scum either. I say ajnabi lashi jende scum

My mother worked in Iran for 18 years in the Ministry of Culture and 10 years here in Vienna, 5 years in my shop, for a prosperous life she worked 10 hours a day. Thousands of LASHI Jende and whores from Iran have come to Vienna with only one mouth, one asshole and one cunt, thousands, only 10 out of a thousand are able to work. Today they say: we are the right against Jews

When we become poorer and sicker due to psychological stress, when depression and psychosis afflict us, when the world becomes a melancholy landscape for us, then these perpetrators become richer and wealthier. a lifetime of joy, laughter and excitement.

The police chief and the police elite should work, no one works, the public prosecutor has all the options, judges and the government and secret services should work and they have all the evidence! for more than 24 years Austrian constitutional protection officers have become millionaires

The Vienna police are Buchwald perpetrators, the whores in police service are Ilse Koch and Azadeh Amiri the Adolf whore

When we become poorer and sicker due to psychological stress, when depression and psychosis afflict us, when the world becomes a melancholy landscape for us, then these perpetrators become richer and wealthier. a lifetime of joy, laughter and excitement.

For almost seven years she has lived with her networks in a euphoric paradise, an earthly paradise built on my ruin. Actually, Iran has been a ruin with skyscrapers and villas for 45 years. genetically Koch Ilse from Iran.

I don't have a tanakh at home.I don't feel like leafing through the book

Today I swallowed two nerve tablets and two antidepressant tablets for the first time in my life, LOL I slept afterwards. the eye is annoying

We have been confronted with this for decades: the police are screaming: we don't work for vmat2 rasse from Iran.

What happens if I don't manifest my name on it and don't save the photo? Was it then an Indo-Aryan race that can do it too? I can take a thousand photos in one night

I have to go and come back at lunchtime, what women in Iran and in Vienna the Viennese women do with my mother and sister is Ahrimanic anti vmat2 fatwa.

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2024

Were 12 to 15 year olds political activists? or was it an ahrimanic women's FATWA. Whoever comes out of this pussy is a walking fatwa being. a rubbish existence

I'm waiting for a message with perfect scene and quality, maybe I'll get it today. I will post the photos tomorrow at lunchtime. like this photo. good night

fatwa report of the 21st century. Not a single European country, America, Israel or Asia has anything against it because it only affects us, and it brings in billions of euros in sales every year. The glorification: one brings 5 billion, there are 15,000 Magoi race! there are a hundred million viewers

Iran rock art and bronze figures 1000 B.C. Luristan: Jende and Madajendeh prosperity and luxury life at our expense. actually prosperity for entire networks and their tribes: Aryan and Romano Aryan

rock painting iran ahrimanic ambush: no evidence and denial

This fatwa is a 5000 year old bloodline from Pakistan and India, i say both leaders, Ali Khamenei and Khomeini were this Ahrimanic line. During Sasanian rule they killed thousands, we killed millions with the help of Arabs. Today he presents himself with his son as Seyyed, I think he is right, he is the Ahrimanic Seyyed line! no prophet line

این اتاق فکر خبرگان هم یه سور زده به خر، والا.. لول.. آخه کیر ما تو سوراخ شما رفت چرا کون جنده کونده به مردم نشون میدید، حالا که چی؟ عقده ای کونده ها... سوژه به ما میدن برای تفریح سیاسی بعد میگه: ببین سوراخ کی رو داره جر میده!