Freitag, 19. Januar 2024

American dirty bastard scum: We only pay attention to the victims when they take violent revenge on society! That means: billions of euros of black money remains buried and taboo

جنده کوس لاشی های لاشخور ایرانی، شاشخالی جنده کرکس ها، جنده زن ایرانی

جریان اینه جنده کرکس رو تا نکشیش دست از سرت بر نمیداره! سرور شمس، و هم قبیله های سرورو شمس و قبیله های اروپایی مهاجر. دختر ها لاشی کرکس جنده، مادر ها لاشی لاشخورهای کوس لاشی. 90 درصد ایرانی های شهر وین

I will get the proof from 1998.34-year contract Austria with UN and international human rights authorities and courts: burning of the existence of Jewish bloodline with vmat2, cybertorture, poverty, psychological suffering, forced sterilization with secret camera actions.

Magic is abilities that are actually attributed to people with god genes: If all are of evolutionary origin, then who are so-called Magoi magicians, magic workers from Persian Greek and Roman history?

After the fall of Adolf Hitler and the fall of the Nazi regime, an even greater crime and project was started: the UN, with the justification: in the name of humanity there was only evolution and nothing else. This is how the second genocide was planned without jews mass murder panic

VMAT2 citizens disenfranchise for cyber torture economy and more consumption is fascism. With this cultural establishment, animals become pregnant, dumpster uterus

والا، هایده یه زمانی واسه جامعه ای میخونده که بیش از نصفش آدم بود، حالا ببین کی واسه کی داره میخونه و کی آورین آورین میکنه. ما رفتیم روز خوش

I'm not alone in my opinion, only future garbage comes out of dumpsters. Every day these mothers walk past me with bellies, a genetic material for future vmat2 torturers and murderers and consumerist zombies

Neoliberalism is black magic, a paranormal phenomenon, black spirit, addiction, greed and consumption. A society must be prepared for acceptance, Iran is prepared

who has studied biology, Sociobiology, physics and mathematics, psychology and sociology? Calculate the events after 30 years: you can breed and conjure up a shitty culture, genetically, biologically and psychologically.

In my opinion, there has been a 34 year government guarantee in the Middle East since 1954. because of birth control, mass murder, genetic modification through food and medication. Anyone who secures themselves and lasts more than 34 years becomes the enemy. 34 years of dictatorship is science it should be overthrown after 34 years. Kurt Waldheim 1979 iran

UN is vmat2 mass killer and gravedigger, like 1992 Balkan war

Death squad, dirtiest genetically manipulated dirt from Iran Azim Amiri, Azadeh's uncle, and dirtiest genetically manipulated dirt from Korea Kim Rosa Amiri UN employee, Azim's wife. Long live North Korea, it has separated itself from generic dirt. 4.5 million illegal capital is based on the torture and death of me and my sister

There are always references to death squads when it comes to Persian history and the artifacts. It is also currently happening in Vienna and Tehran

global vmat2 mass murder plan. Vienna is the headquarters, Tehran is the international helper, America is the remover of traces, and the UN is the gravedigger

Working eye means I see what you don't see, the smallest detail in a project. That's why I have a career or earn a lot of money.

Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2024

Last photo before I go to sleep, the fragmentary excerpt has been turned around because of the second scene

good night

well, apparently someone will get the Tzabe (Ark of the Covenant) very soon. Apparently, but who?

I think photo one is connected to photos two, I have to think and solve the puzzle

I'll be back at 11 p.m. with new photos and news, but there were shitty foreigners back then too, inferior dirty foreigners and servants like today. scum, fucking foreigners

Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2024

I have been living in Vienna since 1986, with no crimes, no convictions, no criminal records or police records, everything is white without a black dot. As a victim of terrorism, anti-Semitism, fascism and national socialist reactivation, as a disenfranchised person I have to carry a weapon to protect myself from the Stapo, from the police and secret services and judges or prosecutors. International Court of Justice has to post me a firearms license and rifle license first

The Austrian is a perfect actor, but basically even sicker than in 1932, even more animal than in 1938 and even more determined wall defender than in 1946. Today they are sending the children to the front: we can't control our children! lol

از یکی سوال کردن این چیه؟ گفت آبگوشت خوری و سوپ خوری.... حالا ما هم میگیم کاسه مغز سیار و محرک. جریان این پیغام چیه؟ تن به کی خورده و به کی تکیه داده و باطن جریانش چیه، یعنی همون کاسه

ما بریم بخوابیم. ولی این جنده خارکوسده ها اگر مهسا امینی هم افتاده بود رو غلتک اقتصاد پرت کردن میان گرگ ها با اون هم این کار رو میکردن، فقط دیدن مرد گفتن: خوب شد مردی مهسا تو گرما داشتیم خفه میشدیم با این حجاب اجباری

Understand this is about 45 years of crime and mass murder in Iran. Disenfranchisement and glorification, the trivialization is no less worse than the massacre in 1988, the point is: you are not human and not worthy of human rights

Whoever denies and calls me a liar is this dirty criminal Gene,A dumpster and a disgrace in this world: blonde evolution animal bastard breed

You understand, so far not a single woman has stood up for the rights of my mother and sister and never will stand up for them. I say 75 percent of societies, especially America, Iran and Europe, consist of genetic garbage. Bertold Brecht mentioned these women in his book as vultures, actually animals, I say a garbage container between the legs with two hanging garbage bags on the chest.

Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024

آقا ما باید بریم، ساعت چهار صبح یک خواب تخمی دیدم و خوابم دیگه نبرد، اصلا ترسیدم بخوابم، خواب دیدم یه عنی کنار آزادست هی به ما میگه باری، باری، باری! منم کفری شدم گفتم: اسمم باربد سیرابی مگه با بابات داری حرف میزنی؟ ، یه بار دیگه بگو باری تا سرت رو ببرم، دیدم آزاده وسط دعوا یه چاقو گذاشت رو میز و گفت: نامردی اگر واسه من دوباره نگی باری. خلاصه فلنگ رو بستیم رفتیم دیگه هم نخوابیدیم.....

Azadeh Amiri: you were unique in an intellectual, spiritual and emotional way

I never write without evidence, until 2018 I never showed extraordinary things and never did anything, no phenomena or unnatural phenomena. Azadeh already knew at 18 that I had old genes and VMAT2, certainly from the state. She stayed until 2017. But she never saw anything special, except my cock and my stroking with my left hand. I think my cock sometimes moved paranormally, otherwise nothing else happened

Suhwaradi killers, Ahrimanic Fatwa Whores

What Bertolt Brecht writes about is an animal, a scum and a filth, a vulture, a dirty garbage, a type of woman and a culture. This garbage also reads, for example, works by Suhrawardi, and the garbage points with her fingers: the lower light (VMAT2) fucks whores and the upper light watches, VMAT2 plays poker, he gambles, plays roulette. vmat2 trades and buys and sells. vmat2 jerks off and he borrows money, it takes his girlfriend's credit card. He hits, he shits and he eats like an animal. You are 75 percent garbage container cunts, with hanging garbage pillows on your chests