Dienstag, 23. Januar 2024

45 years of crime and mass murder in Iran and outside Iran, terrorism, poisoning, terror murder, persecution, espionage, stalking because of this origin in us: Elam Empire. fucking europe dirty america asshole israel blonde blue eyed nazi scum

Austria has 400,000 millionaires, all involved in this business. Was that poverty or envy, inferiority and murderous desire?

During 2012 to 2017 he (Nasser Farahani) and his wife (Veronika Farahani Douda weiss) profited 5 million euros from this race and private life trade. The woman had 12. million euros in real estate in 2012. Was that poverty or murderousness?

Personal opinion of international judges is a sign of great personality disorder, feelings of inferiority to no end, these officials are illegal at the workplace. Nazi pigs, European pigs

Check out my posts and statements today: I can prove dozens of magic practices as a Magoi race. in front of the camera. magic stories, miraculous events from history and reports. The European bastard journalists are even inferior. journalists the bastard lackeys of Zionism

Austria and large parts of Europe suffer from inferiority, genetic research is making progress, so do feelings of inferiority. Israel worse than others

As far as we Iranian are concerned, there is fascism in the West, anti-Semitism and mass murder plans, by Iranian I mean the native race and Magoi race: they say we are not humane! There is illegality and fascism, torture, humiliation

There is evidence year after year of what Vienna has been doing to us, at least since 2001, year after year. Nobody has protested, not a single Iranian since 2001, because of this SPÖ statement: Jews, this is a hidden Jewish family

My sister and I are also confronted with monkey origins here, monkeys in UN, Amnesty, monkeys in Vienna, America and elsewhere: should we kill Rana first or the mother so that we can legalize the money

the difference is: In Iran the punishment for murder is death, or for protest, or for anti-Islam stance. But in Europe, with the help of America, genetic superiority will be met with death/torture/humiliation. Worse than in Iran, the country has laws good or bad. but in the west there is only illegality and fascism

حاجی آفرینشیم دیگه، چکارتون کنیم

آقا گیر کردیم، اون موقع گیر داشتیم الان هم گیر داریم: کوسکش میمون به من گیر نده مادر جنده، خوارکوسده به تو چه من کجا میرم کونی شاشخالی عن، دنبال من راه نیفت من چکار میکنم کوس ننه عن میمون جاکش

I can prove dozens of magical practices with a video camera and photo camera. But read the history, a scientific work, based on evidence and documents: magic history is the Persian prehistory and everything points to ancient Persia, my race.. I am not a Jew and an Armenian, but I have an origin that a story has at least 500,000 years before Christ


the statement there is no evidence for victims, without dead and injured and crimes there will be no evidence, is a psychopathic act of revenge: evolution and creation conflict

That's why Michael Häupl and the Nazi Party Spö wanted to kill me in front of the world. Beforehand, they got signed contracts from international authorities, UNO and Amnesty International: whoever stays silent gets money

This is what the bastard race wanted to know: POUHHH, we are a Zaratostan Magoi race and not a Jew or an Armenian

The photo below is from 1991, I didn't ask for a cent from the state from 1991 onwards, not a dime, nothing until 2009. No social benefits or unemployment benefits, never asked for anything from this shitty state, never asked for anything from this dirty bastard race, what do you want from me? except that you call me saujude?

The case was: from 1986 to 2002 no Austrian saw me as a foreigner or behaved like that, no one called me foreigner or stranger, I was Bari and an Austrian. The hate began in 2002 with the SPÖ and MICHAEL HÄUPL'S hate campaign, with fake clips, dolpelgänger, and fake documents and fake shows

آقا یکی از دلایلی که ما هنوز زنده هستیم میدونی چیه؟ چاله میدون منطقه ۱۰ وین و لات و لوت ها اون زمان هنوز باری فراهانی رو میشناسن.مرام لاتی به اتریشی ها یاد دادیم ها. لول.... هی میگیم کوس خوارت، میگه چشم، تو بگو

اومدم خونه یه چایی بخورم و بگم:، حاجی هیچی به دل نگیر ما دیوونه ایم،

Montag, 22. Januar 2024

والا حاجی رهبر اگر ما میشدیم، ویگن رو میکردیم وزیر نفت، داریوش رو وزیر بهداشت البته بعد از ترک هرویین. ستار هم میکردیم وزیر امور خارجه، خلاصه عشق و سرود و ترانه. چیه این احمدی نژاد و ظریف و روحانی و کوفت و زهرمار، ریدی به همه چی رفته! مسخره بازی ما هم بلدیم... میگم گوگوش اگر رئیس شیلات جنوب میشد جریان چی میشد؟ میدونی چی میشد؟، خوزستان و اهواز آباد میشد. کوسکش مملکت یه گوگوش نداره همش ریش و پشم کیری

Nazi Jews are actually genetic remnants of DAN antichrists and black magicians and have an old pact with gypsy antichrists and gypsy black magicians. Look at Vienna and Tehran: they pull each other up. stone from Vienna 10th district

تمام عن ها و سنده ها و تاپاله های شاشخالی سیاسی خارج از کشور رو جمع کنید، سازمانی گروهی تشکیلاتی و حزبی و بعد بگویید: آقای جازمن یک ساعت حرف میزند از پوزیسیون سوم و چهارم و ایران، اگر یکی اومد. مادر جنده های کوسکش خواب دیدن واسه ایران و نژاد بومی ایران! . ،

This dirty bastard Austria has an upper class race full of inferior genes DNA biology and brains. inferior scum. A mass murdering colony, a dirty Neanderthal shit. without empathy, without a soul, just dirty meat, dirty blood and dirty veins. I am the what?

I live in a bubble that was created for me, isolation camp, sterilization camp, and insults from this camp: Aryan race is a dirty, inferior scum race like it was in 1932 to 1946. Scum animal killer society. inferior dirt origin

Many books lose their value, but other new ones become more valuable. Nazi think tank Austria linked to America was at work from the 1950s with Otto Habsburg and the Esterhazy clan and others. Today people insult me as a crazy person: Barbad Farahani the paranoid, Barbad the crazy one insults us as fascists, Aryan pigs Aryan dirt, aryan pigs and Nazis.

I have to go to sleep, but the best amok is: slowly fucking the Aryan bastard race in the ass at a snail's pace. without a moistened penis. I'll soon start gate projects with the construction of one meter gate I'm currently creating, 24 meter gate another time, I don't have the money

A normal scenario: a man ran amok and killed 78 people! Apparently a nervous breakdown and defeat in life. no one writes anything different. Not a single journalist writes about the facts and events. everyone is silent and will remain silent forever

80 percent of society looks at dealers with envy: why do you have the testicles and we don't. Without vacation pay and salary they see no chance in life! Then they see what the police do to someone, someone who is 27 and at the start of his career, he deals in world art in his business, and they become animals, real animals

At that time the rent for an antique shop was 600 euros, fucking Viennese police. I only fed dogs and pigeons in front of the shop because of shitty Stasi cameras., eviction notice because of two overdue rents, well until 2006, I stayed in the shop