Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024

خلاصه ما رفتیم، ولی کونده ها، سپاه معنی عمیق داره، اتریش صد میلیون دور خودش جمع کرده واسه ما چهار پایی بیاد، شما هم از اتریش عن تر مادر قحبه های مرغ های یه پا

I have to go, but Joe how many billions in debt to China? Cambodia is laughing at you

My library is the data stored in my bone crystal, in my genes and brain, also in my left hand

Die japanische Anthropologin Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney erklärt die Redewendung saru wa ke ga sanbon tarinai (猿は毛が三本足りない, „ein Affe ist [ein Mensch] minus drei Haarsträhnen“): „Die wörtliche Bedeutung dieses Sprichworts ist Folgendes.“ Der Affe ist ein niedriges Tier, das versucht, ein Mensch zu sein, und deshalb muss man darüber lachen. [1]

There are corpses in Iran every day with a note on the files: perpetrator unknown. Most of the victims are women and girls, including minors. the money and order: Vienna. As in the case of my mother and sister: no evidence, no perpetrators


Thousands of websites warn about anti-Semitism and the current National Socialist movement, Vienna says: the virus is our relatives, friends and partners

Fascism in Iran has its own logo and symbol, 80 percent of Viennese protect this organization in Vienna, thousands of Viennese Iranians are members, with the slogan: Iran was Aryan and should be ethnically cleansed

Vienna police work closely with thousands of Iranians, current fascism, not a single call for murder in Vienna chat rooms was taken seriously, threats were never registered or prosecuted.Nazi movement evidence is hidden to this day! Current Iranian fascism and National Socialist Aryan movement has freedom in Austria

Prosperity with zero investment without risk and effort: Vienna after 85 years of National Socialism, still the same dirt in its veins and meat

where did the Amiris live until 2003? Prager Strasse 21st district? shabby house? State-subsidized workers' apartment? working class area? Azadeh saved you from poverty, the dowry was 26 million euros... good night

This family alone should be punished for 26 million euros in illegal money. punishment 20 years

این مادرجنده یه خون کثیفیه که به ایران هم سرایت کرده: یه کیسه سکه بهار آزادی رو به اجرا میذارم، کوسم دو سال کیفیت داشت. هزینه صفر یعنی همون کپک، برد یه کیسه سکه بهار آزادی. حالا وین شد جریان ۲۴ سال حکایت دیگریست، با یه کیسه راضی نبود

Onsori Balkhi also mentioned somewhere: investment zero profit billion. That's why the Nazis had a hard penis whenever they translated Onsori Balkhi. scum pigs

You can plant a bomb in a Viennese nightclub and kill 500 clubgoers, then in another and kill 300, it makes no sense, no one cares and no one will be impressed by it. The animal only becomes wild when you pull down his pants and find the gold. In this case the animal is vulnerable. This is a disease, deeply rooted sick behavior

The reason why I'm ranting shouldn't be strange: Vienna promotes and motivates and ambitious Iranians for innocent murders, child murders in Iran and outside Iran. The sterilization method is for educated targets

این قبیله مادر جنده میاد ایران واسه پول بچه 3 ساله میکشه، همین ایرانی مادر کونی وین

It's about so much money that our relatives want to see innocent rana dead, actually a crime one to one like child murder, innocent children or girls and women makes no difference

مادر جنده خارکوسده ایرانی شهر بمیر مادر کونی شاشخالی، ایرانی شهر بمیر مادر جنده, بمیر کوس مادر

Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024

These methods are forced sterilization and therefore genocide and torture

Austrian government or state never wants to give up racial trafficking. an illegal economy that is only possible with ayatollahs

Austria will never, I say never, release the illegal money from race trafficking and will never admit guilt. as you know it between 1946 and 1960

twice yellow and a crystal and a shaman

I have 38 projects and look what this country is doing: silver water exists as far as we can see only who is the maker? can anyone find the maker? is there anyone in Tyrol?

These dirty Austrians murdered 1.5 million children in the 20th century. Do you think the bastard has changed? or no hatred against race exists? They send Austrian Iranians from Vienna to Iran to murder children, this dirty Austrian. As far as my mother and sister are concerned, the state behaves like it did in 1943

این مادر جنده میاد ایران واسه پول بچه 3 ساله میکشه، همین ایرانی مادر کونی وین

مادر جنده خارکوسده ایرانی شهر بمیر مادر کونی شاشخالی، ایرانی شهر بمیر مادر جنده بمیر کوس مادر

Austria will never, I say never, release the illegal money from race trafficking and will never admit guilt. as you know it between 1946 and 1960

Austrian government or state never wants to give up racial trafficking. an illegal economy that is only possible with ayatollahs

مادر جنده ایرانی وین

با یه ایرانی که از قدیم میشناختم دارم یه دو هفته ای حرف میزنم، میدونی چی فهمیدم؟ خوار مادر جنده تر از ایرانی سیاسی و فرهنگی هیچکس نیست، طرف 30 سال تریاک و شیشه فروشه شهر وینه حالا شده سرنگونی خواه و ضد اسلام، میدونی کی بهش میگه آدم حسابی؟ توده ای، اکثریتی، چپی، شاهی و جمهوریخواه، مجاهد،،حزب دمکرات کردستان و غیره. طرف تا به امروز یک شب هم زندان نخوابیده. حالا آ جمال بیرجندی بیا ما با هم بریم سر خلاف، 8 سال زندانی اگر بهمون ندادن

These methods are forced sterilization and therefore genocide and torture. bastard monkey international judges and other authorities

All Viennese authorities have this opinion with hide evidence: you are not human

The fact is that Iranian gypsy tribes have only one thing on their minds: total destruction of Iran. Since 1979 acting in all positions until today in Sepah Basij Hezbollah organization or as ayatollah. Example: Iranian gypsy collective tribes in Vienna:, native Iranian are not human

میگه: فکرش را که بکنی هیچ مرده ای از مرده بودن خود دلگیر نیست!