Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2024

Look at the crowd in Vienna: the money collected is more important than the lives of three people, in the sense that general prosperity is a necessity

What UN fraudsters and fascists don't write: cyber torture is a financial system where the masses kill the masses. For example, through nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and in general academic networks. either you are being treated with the wrong medication,or you will not be treated properly. or you will be poisoned and turned into a cancer patient. It is 100% physical suffering and torture, risk of murder, sterilization, isolation, risk of poisoning, slavery. as soon as the target is VMAT2

From 2002 onwards I was politically active as a loner and promoted the armed struggle for freedom to stop mass murder in Iran. I have a death sentence from Iran. Cyber torture is a system where perpetrators and terrorists kill the target with police, with hide evidence

what are you waiting for? I have to go to sleep. In every Austrian database, Azadeh Amiri is registered with a single condominium, one in the second district. another 5 does not exist. This is racial murder and mass murder politics in front of hundreds of millions of viewers

You can only kill masses with masses, hence the economic plan cybertorture

The fact is vmat2 mass murder began with gene research technology, worse than in 1932. You can only kill masses with masses, hence the economic plan cybertorture

Scheiss österreicher islam aaaaaa oida? sand ma net mehr des oder wos? oarschi bastard nazi kiwara. oarschi drecksau nazi kiwara

In Hitlers Augen war das Christentum eine Religion, die nur für Sklaven geeignet war; er verabscheute insbesondere deren Ethik. Ihre Lehre, so erklärte er, sei eine Rebellion gegen das Naturgesetz der Selektion durch Kampf und das Überleben des Stärkeren.

I never talk nonsense and never without evidence: the goal is vmat2 eradication and destruction and to murder old tribes en masse, today more than yesterday with Germany and Austria in the EU. We will be genetically analyzed, whatever our religion and destroyed

millennial empire means total annihilation vmat2 and reduction of messiah risk. extinction tribe jesus christ.We live in a National Socialist Europe, in a thousand-year Reich, with VMAT2 Holocaust system and mass murder

The Iranian scream kills him and then the sister kills him! including Nasser Farahani and his brothers. It's about billions of euros!

آقا فرق ما با اینها میدونی چیه؟ اینها هیچوقت گوگوش و هایده قبل از انقلاب رو گوش نمیکنن... فقط شهرام ناظری جدید و موزیک کلاسیک ملاسیک غربی. لول... اونم تازه چی: ما بلدیم تو خونه چکار کنیم، موزیک کلاسیک منطقی درش هست که ارزش والایی به زندگی میده! خلاصه همون جریان خری که میگوزه میگه من تق.... مادر قحبه ها

Only a Nazi pig that ate money in a human rights activist costume says today: we can't do anything for this family, it's too late! Prosperity and millions of euros rich life from Aryan perpetrators still exists? or not?

including international judges, all human rights organizations want me to get the evidence out through violence and murder, just because of one thing: our money and prosperity should not be endangered. The money remains protected

This Austrian garbage and Iranian dirt has been distributed all over the world: a music producer is garbage, an antique dealer is garbage, a carpet dealer is garbage. not true? a garbage that wants to buy houses and has no potential: Aryan garbage Vienna Tehran

Doomsday software in us is no joke, Imam Zaman actually exists. We are genetically anti-pollution and climate change

Rahim Amiri and many Iranians are polluting the world, soroor shams is an environmental polluter, her friends relatives and tribes are environmental polluters: we need money, innocent murder is justice

Rana should have her freedom to show her potential, as a producer she is a productive behavior, every citizen can freely exercise careers: this is fascism: we decide who does something, fascism insofar as all the rights of a citizen have been made powder because of her ethnic and racial origin

I noticed in 2003 that Iran Air employees were looking at me strangely, Sepah has been in our lives since 1998 and earns millions through NS repeat Austria

میگم برادر ژاک برلی بلدی دولا بشی کون بدی؟ اینطوری: بیا تو سپاه، نگو نه به سپاه، بیا بریم دفاع، بیا تو سپاه بیا تو سپاه نه نگو به سپاه، بیا بریم دفاع بیییییا بریم دفاع ب. ب. ب ییا بریم دفاع. ببخشید سر رفاء نداشتم وفا، نداشتم وفا، خوب حالا صفا بدون رفاء بدون رفاء بیا برییم صفا بیا بریم صفا بیا برررررییییم صفا

Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024

خلاصه ما رفتیم، ولی کونده ها، سپاه معنی عمیق داره، اتریش صد میلیون دور خودش جمع کرده واسه ما چهار پایی بیاد، شما هم از اتریش عن تر مادر قحبه های مرغ های یه پا

I have to go, but Joe how many billions in debt to China? Cambodia is laughing at you

My library is the data stored in my bone crystal, in my genes and brain, also in my left hand

Die japanische Anthropologin Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney erklärt die Redewendung saru wa ke ga sanbon tarinai (猿は毛が三本足りない, „ein Affe ist [ein Mensch] minus drei Haarsträhnen“): „Die wörtliche Bedeutung dieses Sprichworts ist Folgendes.“ Der Affe ist ein niedriges Tier, das versucht, ein Mensch zu sein, und deshalb muss man darüber lachen. [1]

There are corpses in Iran every day with a note on the files: perpetrator unknown. Most of the victims are women and girls, including minors. the money and order: Vienna. As in the case of my mother and sister: no evidence, no perpetrators


Thousands of websites warn about anti-Semitism and the current National Socialist movement, Vienna says: the virus is our relatives, friends and partners

Fascism in Iran has its own logo and symbol, 80 percent of Viennese protect this organization in Vienna, thousands of Viennese Iranians are members, with the slogan: Iran was Aryan and should be ethnically cleansed

Vienna police work closely with thousands of Iranians, current fascism, not a single call for murder in Vienna chat rooms was taken seriously, threats were never registered or prosecuted.Nazi movement evidence is hidden to this day! Current Iranian fascism and National Socialist Aryan movement has freedom in Austria

Prosperity with zero investment without risk and effort: Vienna after 85 years of National Socialism, still the same dirt in its veins and meat

where did the Amiris live until 2003? Prager Strasse 21st district? shabby house? State-subsidized workers' apartment? working class area? Azadeh saved you from poverty, the dowry was 26 million euros... good night

This family alone should be punished for 26 million euros in illegal money. punishment 20 years

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...