Donnerstag, 21. März 2024

Below the photo of Iranian artifacts is the explanation of a society, a criminal syndicate, a belief. anti vmat2 human movement, so far I have identified 22 Amnesty International women as killers and 9 men as killers, only as far as Viennese Amnesty employees are concerned

تقسسیم کار، سازمان و تشکیلات، قوانين و مقرّرات، جامعه شناسی خوندی؟ پایه اساس میدونی چیه؟ جامعه ایرانی وین میدونی کیه؟

From 2002 to today I have been politically active, what have you done with my family and my person?

Look at our situation in Europe with the UN, and amnesty and international courts: these are all contract killings. all contract killings, orders from European networks 2009-2022

In the 21st century, 22 year olds to 26 year olds sit in police stations, worse than Hitler's youth and scream: we are human, vmat2 is worthless dead or alive, supported by a neoliberal federal president, actually a Nazi pig with the wish: vmat2 sacrifice, stasi torture financial business vmat2 global. good night

Viennese police are anti VMT2 and terror unit, killers and terrorists, a mass murder plan, with 500,000 Viennese, see who I am confronted with and for whom I am writing: immigrants from third world that see themselves as higher beings with Viennese

به جون تو حاجی ناصر اگر کوس بود نگهش میداشتم، خارکوسده کوس هم نیست، ما هم کوس رفیقت رحیم رو نگه داشتیم، با کوستون به ما ضربه بزنید مادر قحبه ها، هی برید کوس بدید بگید باری ضربه خورد، "چون آزاده کوس داد باری ضربه خورد" . چی بگیم دیگه

In 2002 I had the feeling that a piece of shit was sticking to me, I kicked him in the ass so that I wouldn't smell like shit. I was right,He also rubs himself on Nazi fat to say to me I am a high being, on Nazi whore fat

بی خاصیت کوسکش، شاشیدم به کوس ننه خودت و جندت که فکر کردی آدم شدی با دوربین مخفی، بی قابلیت بچه کون... شاشخالی های بی نهایت بی ارزش.. مادر جنده های نوکر صفت ضد بشر

I am confronted with Turks and Arabs every day, I don't even look at the "Iranians" on the streets, but with Austria you are more joke figures than before, jokes who rub themselves on Viennese fat and see themselves as higher beings, Turks Arab Iranian. You are more joke than these Nazi pigs

Austria was a joke before the Second World War, a joke during the Second World War, an inferior joke in the post-war period to this day, an inferior joke that still calls itself the "master race" today! That's a joke, the whole country is an inferior joke, an inferior monkey theater

I have abilities that no Austrian has, have you convinced society to carry out human experiments? bastard doctors, bastard judges, bastard police officers,, bastard politicians and military, bastard president

I have abilities that no Austrian has, have you convinced society to carry out human experiments? bastard doctors, bastard judges, bastard police officers,, bastard politicians and military, bastard president

I was an asshole Barbad Farahani because of my genetic and DNA data, what am I today? you bastard nazi, you killer race, you inferior origin

All three poles, satanism, fascism and atheism justify: God Gene is responsible for this nonsense in this world. Therefore we condemn the penis and vagina, mass sterilization is the best solution, so wars, conflicts and massacres will also be stopped LOL.

For VMAT2 from the Orient, Vienna means lynching, a collective unity: atheists, fascists, satanists

Vienna police organization is uniformly vmat2 mass murder plan

To this day, I had never had myself tested for genes and DNA, never visited any laboratory, never talked to anyone about VMAT2 until 2017, but apparently Azadeh knew about it from the 90s, with the city of Vienna, with Iranian and others. Illegal government DNA and genetic testing make it possible

For years, the Turk has been sitting in chat rooms with the police, the Arab, the Afghan, the Iranian, and other nationalities, the result: VMAT2 corpse means even more money, until then with torture the smaller money, but better torture and making a small profit in the long term than a lot Earn money only once with three corpses

the murder plan of the vienna police happened with these bastards, general vmat2 mass murder plan of vienna and europe happened with this bastards

Last week 78% of Iranian men over 65 said: you shitty face, one died at 69, a singer, before he died he said: you bastard child, you should die before me. new iranian are a centerpiece for europe, new human. as well as Turkish meyman hassan abe quality

آقا امروز مادرم خبر داد: خواننده مرد! دلم سوخت حرفی هم نزدم. فقط وقتی که رفت گفتم تو اگر میدونستی این کوسکشی که مرد تا آخرین لحظه چی فکر میکرد میگفتی ریدم تو دهن داریوش اقبالی، والا، مرتیکه مار خورده مهاجر اژده ها شده حتی وقتی سرش رو گذاشت مرد با نفس آخرش گفت: باربد فراهانی کیر تو فلانت، کوسکشی که قبل از من نمردی. مادر قحبه سه سال نشسته بود هی میگفت: تو از من زودتر میمیری، تو از من زودتر میمیری! لول شاشیدم به اون لوس آنجلس شاشخالی. کوسکش ها

Austria is uniformly anti vmat2 human and ethnic groups, uniformly torturers and murderers, poison murderers, as was uniformly anti deeply religious Jews from 1929 to 1946. deeply religious was sought. what does deeply religious mean?

A fascist is a fascist and should be punished for activities, which means: one lash is worse than a hundred lashes, and ten is worse than a thousand. Fascism is to be punished with maximum punishment

Austria is uniformly anti vmat2 human and ethnic groups, uniformly torturers and murderers, poison murderers, as was uniformly anti deeply religious Jews from 1929 to 1946. deeply religious was sought. what does deeply religious mean?