Dienstag, 2. April 2024

This is the action of: Persian salami roll in cucumber country

I have to go, but that's really the Austrian psyche: these cucumbers are from Austrian farmers, we will never never never use inferior salami from abroad as a description

A few days ago I walked past a snack bar that was offering: pumpkin bread cucumber sandwich with salami! I immediately thought about it, it can't be that salami is inferior to cucumber, why is cucumber so prominent? is that salami from China? In any case, this sandwich is of Persian origin: worthless

In any case, every movement I make has a meaning, a ritual with a purpose. like a penis in a wet vagina, spontaneously flexible and wild. The crystal placement is a sensation like ecstasy: the holy altar and holy water. Stones collected in Vienna's 10th district

Well, I look good, but I wake up every day with a sugar level of 300 to 400, apparently the spiritual roller coaster is so stressful and the journey is so annoying that my sugar levels are going up. LOL.. let's see, if something small bursts in my brain, I might become a prophet and walk on water, really this paradox is common with vmat2: not paralysis but supernova

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، اینها کار امروز و دیروزشون نیست، بیژن رو هم با دسیسه کشتن......

کونده سر ابرمرد مشرقی مخش تاب داره، چوس مغز میگه: این دستش به پول نرسه بره پنجاه هزار دلار دوربین بخره، این از ما نیست ایرانی نیست، این معلوم نیست از کجاست از ایران نیست. کوس کون لاشی های لس آنجلس و لندن و وین و تهران و قزوین

یه خاطره دارم از یک شبی که آتیلا پستیانی با آزاده و خالش هماهنگ مارو کشیدن به رستوران، البته غافلگیرانه شب زنگ زد و اسرار داشت تو هم بیا! یه یک ساعتی طول کشید بعد از تلفن و اسرار و گفتم باشه. آخه جریان جالبی برای من نبود، والا وسط جریان مرگ بر رژیم و زنده باد آزادی اومده بگم بهش چند منه؟ تو چه گوزی هستی سینما ایران که بشینی جلو من؟ کیری که به مردم زدی ۴۰ سال تمام از پسش بر میای چندتا سوال کنم جواب بدی؟. خلاصه: آخرش فهمیدم جریان چیه، یه نگاه به صورت همشون کردم و به دختر پسر های هنرپیشه هم که باهاش اومده بودن دیدم منظور دارن: منم آزاده رو کردم، زنت رو، آزاده جونت رو، اگه گفتی کی دیگه نکرده...... لول." عکس امشب هرچه گفته بود بیشتر از اینها گفته بود..." لول: داریوش تو هم کوسکش اونم کوسکش، زر مفت زیاد نزنید

Today I went to the doctor after 8 months, an Austrian doctor and not an Iranian doctor, everyone was very friendly, accommodating, helpful and of course caring. I gave blood for a blood test checkup. When it comes to my medical examinations, I don't have any data protection either, in the sense that the police handle everything with state authority and distribute it into networks for mental wankers: what's wrong with him? When will he die? Why is he still healthy despite diabetes and 15 years of secret insulin poisoning. 15 years of insulin poisoning.... by Iranian Ali Gharib his friends Azadeh and family Amiri

I have been living in Vienna with my family since 1986 with no criminal records, no previous convictions, no conflict with the law, no convictions, no car fines: tens of thousands of criminal foreigners in this city are more protected than myself and my family: data protection, freedom, civil rights , democracy

A doctor means being a NAZI trash in this country, like 1932 to 1946, it becomes NAZI trash when he researches our genes and DNA and finds out and describes our origins exactly

The Viennese are killing us all with their silence, with their dirty nature, with their doctors and hospitals. If not today, maybe in 6 months or 18 months or maybe next week: Vienna is VMAT2 mass murder plan

Isn't this statement a second Holocaust statement: We earn billions from you but give you 4th class medical care and a minimum pension of 1100 euros!?

Every Austrian citizen has an electronic card for medical care, today I observed the computers in the doctor's office again: red for undesirable citizens, which means 4th class treatment and lies, missing formations, fake laboratory report. thus: torture and murder. and yellow for normal ape origins, green for noble ape origins. red for us

I have to go, but there are only a handful of us left, according to my calculations: 8,000 out of 5 million.

Elamite god genes with luri mixed race is the answer. Have you cracked da Vinci's code of creation?

Montag, 1. April 2024

بکن کیه، مریم کیه، جک و جونور کامل جریانش چیه، عمووووووو زنجیر باف: انجیر من جریانش چیه؟ زنجیرت و انجیر من رو بنازم

All international nazi wave networks: if your father wasn't alive, we would have killed you back then. I am the flesh and blood veins of Iran

Because of this action and appointment and advertising with me as a Stasi torture and cyber torture target, he should have been imprisoned for 15 years with his Nazi wife. BASTARD FASCIST INTERNARIONAL JUDGE AND COURT

So, I have to go to sleep now, a Chinese woman who saw me yesterday and today said today: You look better than yesterday, healthier, I pointed my finger at fresh lemon juice and a bottle of apple cider vinegar and said the magic formula. well, she doesn't know my grail like others do....

I was in the inner city today from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., so I realized that some 50 to 80 year olds had known me since 1998, knew my genes, my DNA and my origins. They read my blog and Facebook page every day: 38 projects? you have 38 projects? What is so special about you that we believe it?

UNO city is the second national socialism protector and Göring's secret society for the millennium Reich

Sonntag, 31. März 2024

I have to go, but a huge part of the Aryan evolution branch is workers, civil servants, employees, unemployed or social recipients, look at Vienna: state employees and sewer workers, street sweepers claim: we as Aryan Austrians have a higher position: we are the majority Society and democratic decision! This statement is from the Vienna Academy after 12 years of study! LOL

You have to be an incomprehensible son of the bitch and whore with these genes and race politics: Iranian Aryan race has no chance in the West, Iranian DNA Jews and Armenians Useless material, only useful for one case: Stasi actions and cyber torture

This sick country with its international network friends are so hideously psychopathic that when I even fly to Amsterdam, all the secret services put the brothels under surveillance: where and from which whore does vmat2 messiah come out

کونده ها از زمانی که شاه ما از ایران رفت بیرون با عقده گشایی اهریمنی شروع کردن: شما چرا انقدر کوس میکنی، اینجا هم چسبیدن به تخم ما ول نمیکنن: چرا هی رفتی کوس کردی

اوا سلام، راستی روسپی خانه بودم، جریان رو تعریف کنم چرا من سمبلیک امروز رفتم جای دیگه؟ این دیوونه های ضد ما مشکل بزرگترشون اینه:، چندتا زن حامله میکنید شماها؟ چقدر آخه زن زمین میزنید، آخه جاکش ها چندتا چندتا زن! ؟ یکیش همین ناپدر عنم، مرتیکه پفیوز

You dialogue-incapable scum, you anti-democratic and anti-human rights movement?

This is an insane event in the Grail, the bastard fucking journalist looks at his Mercedes and Porsche in the garage: I'm a luxury person, I'm a wealth person, leave me alone with your nonsense

I wanted to go to sleep, but in vain! And I actually live in a world where a political activist has no other option than to use voodoo and shout: Will you leave me alone now, you monkey of origin? You dialogue-incapable scum, you anti-democratic and anti-human rights movement?