Sonntag, 28. April 2024

The deep camaraderie, friendship, the deep love of the Iranian 68s intelligenzia is so foul smelling, so dirty deep and scary so disgusting that it only causes vomiting and spitting. Toudeh Party/Aksariat party and dozens of other party organizations and connections are murder business, mass murder business. Vienna is a current example, UNO city participation is an example

آقا مملکت ژنتیک مریضه ما هم مریضیم هی میگن چرا با بیل میپرین وسط خیابون، چرا هی شعار جنایت جنایت راه انداختید، هی به ما فحش میدید هی به ما متلک میگید. حاجی یک روز فحش ندیم این صدا ها صبح تا شب نمیذارن ما بخوابیم به حضرت عباس، خواب و آسایش رو ازمون میگیرن. هی داد میزنه تو سرمون هی داد میزنه تو سرمون، هی میگه بگو: آخوند کوسکشه، مهران مدیری جاکشه، اصغر فرهادی کونکشه، نظام از بیخ سیراب شیردون و جاکشه، خلاصه این جریان ها. توماج هم مریضه بنده خدا، حالا اعدام سرچی؟ اول مشخص کنید شیزوفرنی و اسکیزوفرنی جریانش چیه بعد بکشید مارو بابا... اه. ه

Samstag, 27. April 2024

I'll show you where the voices come from that scream non-stop: inferior subhumans, scum race, low beings, bastard race, mass murderers, non-empath animals... shit country shit Austria, friend all rogue states, fascist animals

Americans are the main protagonists of vmat2 mass torture and vmat2 mass murder, stasi torture economy silences everyone, cybertorture economy makes everyone a murderer. where is the evidence from 1998 to today fucking america?

There is not a single judge in Vienna without 20th century psychopathy, absolute scum fascists. This repetition is the dirtiest action of the second republic: we have victims again, we have freedom again, we are POWER again

آقا خبر جدید: دختر های زیر بیست و پنج‌سال همه من رو میشناسن، دیوونه پارانوئیده، شیزوفرنه اسکیزو فرنه. خوشم اومد دختره امروز کونش رو انداخت بالا تکون تکون داد یعنی بیا برو تو کونم. بهم برنخورد ولی خواستم سوال کنم بی سندی یا با سند دیدم داره لبخند میزنه و میخنده، منم رفیق بی سند به دردم نمیخوره... یکی دیگه هم چیز کرد، همون جیز، از اون کار ها زشت وسط خیابون.. نگم بهتره.. بی پدر این هم دعوت نامه داد بی سند

Freitag, 26. April 2024

I have been writing for 7 years, I live in Vienna and post from Vienna on Facebook and Blogspot. com, there is not a single psychologist, therapist or government scientist who knows me: what are your names?, where do you come from? Are you married or do you live alone? These conditions are a hundred times the violation of human rights that one believes

آقا ما بریم بخوابیم، ولی یه روز یکی از این بچه مخفی سازمان اطلاعاتی از ما سوال کرد: این پول هایی که دستت میاد در میاری و میری میخری و میفروشی چکار میکنی؟ جواب بنده هم این بود: میرم سه تا دختر با خودم میبرم تو اتاق میگم تو واسه اون رو بخور تو هم واسه این رو منم واسه تورو... چی بگیم دیگه به این مردم چوس خور.... خوارتون رو گاییدم مادر قحبه ها

99% are concerned with this topic: get rich before you get old. psychopathy, which is also what Nasser Farahani is: when I was young I suffered, now you suffer too, you should suffer in poverty. 88% of people over 60 in Iran and Austria have this shitty brain.

Society has used up all illegal Stasi torture money for prosperity and excessive consumption is the start of mass murder and torture, mass suffering and psychological war and sterilization

Many GWAS studies and related studies have detected genetic factors may be associated with SCZ, which indicates a genetic background of schizophrenia [2-4]. One of these genes is the VMAT2 gene, which is located at 10q25. A suspected locus of schizophrenia detected by a systematic genome wide linkage study had a LOD score of 3.87 [5]. VMAT2 is an integral membrane protein that transports 

I have proven the cabling and networking, right? Luristan/Elam artifact to many B.C.! you are a disgrace in America Europe Israel, fuck you nazis and zion nazis

Dirty mother fucker american, dirty bastard american, dirty animal american, scum, garbage, bastard american what do you support? Nazi regime Austria and fascist Republic of Iran? dirty whore american, dirty bastard american in UNO AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL and elsewhere

Dirty american bastard, dirty american bastard animal, fuck america

I am permanently disabled because this action did not take place in Vienna, I am sick with false claims and have crazy voices in my ears. I am sick, Austria is innocent. This is murder and sterilization, this is torture and suffering, this is concentration camps of the 21st century with psychological war

The mother of all Nordic Americans was an animal whore, that's why they say: Austria is innocent after 24 years of race trafficking, bastard American, European bastard nazi dirt in America

خاروکسده ها کیر کردن مارو با این ایران آریایی، همه هان جون جان کونگ کینگ کوگی تو هم بودیم، ولی ایران آرایی بوده

fuck you in israel america or anywhere else, vmat2 schizophrenia was mass killed worldwide without correct statistics, millions of people, charlatans, inferior assholes

The Gene Polymorphism of VMAT2 Is Associated with Risk of Schizophrenia in Male Han Chinese

I found the stone in the tenth district of Vienna, it grew naturally! elami vmat2 schitzopherenia, we are semites and minorities

Donnerstag, 25. April 2024

Many GWAS studies and related studies have detected genetic factors may be associated with SCZ, which indicates a genetic background of schizophrenia [2-4]. One of these genes is the VMAT2 gene, which is located at 10q25. A suspected locus of schizophrenia detected by a systematic genome wide linkage study had a LOD score of 3.87 [5]. VMAT2 is an integral membrane protein that transports monoamine from the cytoplasm to the vesicles [6]. VMAT2 protein mainly expresses in the brain and plays an important role in the transmission of monoamineC:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalYodaoDeskDictframe20140816171600javascript:void(0); including dopamine

زامبی های آدمخوار ولش

آقا ما بریم، میگم ۲۰۲۰ یه چنتا شعر و کنایه واسه علی دشتی ها نوشتم، اومدم بخونم گفتم ولش، دشت و رشت و پاسبان ولش، داس و چکش و فرغون ولش، حمال و رمال و ولش... کونی بازی بهتره، محسن چاوشی میخونه بسه، ما دیگه بیخیال

I didn't talk to anyone about my schizophrenia for 40 years, my mother didn't know it until 2018, but Vienna and Vienna Iranian and Azadeh Amiri did, without a medical diagnosis file, she sent an email to my sister in 2017: your brother is seriously ill, he is schizophrenic psychopathy. I have the email as proof

I have to go to sleep, Mother fucker subhuman Austrians, VMAT2 doesn't suffer from this, these are the guardian angels, you subhuman killer race, you bastard mass murderer

bastard aryan subhuman: psychological war against god genes? mass destruction and mass murder vmat2? bastard subhuman Aryan Austrian and Aryan Iranian, you inferior than shit, you and your tribes, subhuman killer animal, Nazi asshole

whore child bastard race Austrian, come to me as an innocent victim, show me my scolding, and I'll show you what it means: I am something that no one is. inferior bastard Aryan submhuman race

Right now 168,000 Viennese are reading my blogspot. com and report to another hundred thousand: tomorrow behave completely normally and untouched until we are 100 percent innocent. This is a human rights violation 400 times over the last seven years and worse than from 1998 to 2017

Well, the A team too, but ask Michael Häupl a student of Heinrich Gross: who was called a paranoid schitzopherenic and why was that an immediate death sentence by lethal injection in Austria

Austria has killed dozens of thousands of paranoid schizophrenics, I'll show where the voices come from: I have guests

cowardly dogs, cowardly animals, officially acknowledge yourselves like 1932 to fascism and then kill me and my family, cowardly dogs, cowardly Austrians not as democrats but as fascist dogs