Sonntag, 19. Mai 2024

All foreigners in this country are human and we three are the only ones not human? This disenfranchisement system is race warfare and fascism

Nobody can hold this against me: Austrians had to be treated with a chainsaw for active repeat NS crimes. you son of the bitch America Europe Türkiye Israel Russia. They took my family hostage, otherwise a fascist in the 21st century should be torn apart with a chainsaw, inferior bastard subhuman Nazi race

Xerxes army had thousands of women even women as officers and generals, I have a theory that the downfall of Daraios the Great and his leaving the battlefield was because of women and thousands of women hostages. Now apart from his family who were being held hostage. like my mother and sister

چند روز پیش یه جنایتی با دوچرخه از کنار ما رد شد، یه افه داشی ماشی چاله میدونی در پیتی با صورتش اومد و رفت. زمانی که ما تهرون بودیم خبر میومد رفتن تو نخ گنده لات و یکسری میخوان چاقو بهش بزنن در پیتی ها از کنارش رد میشدن از این قیافه ها میومدن. لول.. میخواستم پشت سرش داد بزنم: جنده خانم مگه من لاتم زنیکه کوسکش که اینطوری از کنار ما رد میشی، جاکش ترشیده گوزو. گفتم ولش کن، ما که لات نیستیم، گندش پیشکش، بیخیال

آقا قدیم ها میرفتم رستوران ایرانی، یه نگاه به برگ و کوبیده و قیمه نگاه میکردیم، یکم از قرمه سبزی میچشیدیم یکم به این آهنگ های رستوران گوش میکردیم و بعد میرفتیم و دیگه برنمیگشتیم. کونده شد ۶۰۰ ساله اومدی ایران، وقتی با کوبیده و خورشت و کباب میرینی به آبرو و حیثیت و هستی و نیستی ما، این آهنگ گذاشتن مزخرفت دیگه چیه آخه؟ چی فهمیدی، چی میفهمی؟ . لول.. اسم رستوران هم که بفرما دیگه: تخت جمشید، اکباتان، آپادانا. خارکوسده ها

Nobody in this city wants to say who I am, only the Grail says who I am

Freitag, 17. Mai 2024

ما بریم بخوابیم، والا به خدا، فردا بلند شیم ببینیم یه زن آفریقایی پیدا میکنیم یا نه، به جون تو، دستش رو ماچ کنی پاشو ماچ کنی و شکر خدا کنی فقط عن تو این دنیا نیست تو هم هستی.... آقا یه بار یه دختر سیاه رو وسط پاش رو ماچ میکردیم دیدم میخ شده هیرت زده رو زبون ما، کف کرده بود، منم خندم گرفت گفتم بی خیال ملکه خانم، خودت خبر نداری نوبری

من ریدم تو سوراخ کوس شما جنده شاشخالی ها که مشت گره کردین: ما پول میخوایم، ما پول پول پول میخوایم بدون این پول ها نمیشه زنگی کرد. کوسده قحبه های حیف نون

Ask the international psychologists and human rights observers: I am forced to live in a city and country where everyone is a criminal and has no idea about oppression, disenfranchisement and attempted murder.

It doesn't exist anywhere except in Vienna: it's none of our business that the police started looting your shop and life in 2002, even today it's irrelevant to us as far as your apartment is concerned

مثل اینکه پیر شدن ما در این دنیا یک معنی خاصی داره.... نه؟


On November 26th, 2021, I presented the first grail photos, with a lead ball and a crystal ball. It reminded me of 150 years of trade relations between Iran and Austria. Really the Farmanfarma clan was already trained by the Austrian K&K, the result was 8 million dead Iranians, and the starvation statistics in 1918 were around 8 million victims

امروز اسهال گرفته ام و به بیرون نمیروم، بیم از شورت گوهی دارم و به بیرون نمیروم، آفتابه ای در این شهر نمیبینم به شرط دستمال هم بیرون نمیروم...

I have to go, but regime opponents because of this: similar Indian caste system and hierarchy is a thorn in the side for many. This dispute and conflict is because of capital distribution and power. bye

They are prepared for every transformation, upheaval, revolution, reform, cultivation, establishment, struggle, Stasi system, even today as opponents of the regime. 15 million+ 20 million. The clients are as in 1970 CIA MI6 Europe ISRAEL

Before the revolution they were attempted murders, after the revolution they were legitimate legal murderers. Look at the position of these women today against my mother and sister, they see themselves as privileged Stasi murderers. like Ali Gharib and his siblings from Ghazvin gypsy village

Up to 80% of Iranian immigrants come from villages, provinces and mountainous areas, Just like Iran in 1980 they believe that they have become too human through the Stqsi Nazi system and disenfranchisement. LOL I'm a rare human person, they don't want to accept that. nema problema, but it was kurac reveolution. pusi mi kurac

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024

a drop of fresh water, who is well-read?

I always had strange feelings on New Year's Eve. A few months ago I took photos of the Grail for the first time. I think everyone was too busy watching it. good night

This city is also contaminated with freemasonry, so not a single lawyer will actually work for us, even if we put 30,000 euros on the table on the first day. Austrian, an incorrigible anti Semite anti VMAT2 and Nazi. No matter which one, a Nazi animal, a bastard, a fascist, a killer and a subhuman. Austrian...

Many of us have a mission, a universal task, the secret society doesn't let us live our lives, they take away all the existential foundations and basics of life, they don't let you earn any money. They pull the brakes with all their might so that you don't achieve anything and that you have nothing in hand to follow your natural path in life.

آقا هرکی با بیست سالگی قیافش مثل یه تیکه عن بود هنوز داره در این بی قانونی از ما انتقام میگیره، سریال انتقامم رو میگیم رو دیدین؟ به این سریال ما نمیرسه از بس طولانیه

Whoever buys and sells means a learned profession, Jewish boycott you bastard Viennese, on an international level with lies, fake material and clips, was I unemployed you bastard asshole? Was I unemployed without a job? you anti-Semitic dirty pig

Dirty bastard Nazi state of Austria dirty torturers murderers women torturers, dirtiest country Europe you bastard politician you scum politician you dirtiest Aryan race politician

Not a single rarity was taken up for auction because BARBAD FARAHANI from Vienna had the items. "If he has money then he can afford lawyers"

My purchases 2002-2009. Before envy/anti-Semitism ruined me. FUCKiNG TERROR NAZI STATE AUSTRIA