Montag, 27. Mai 2024

Earliest evidence of Judaism is less than 4000 years old, why is this blood named after this religion!? or Armenian blood? you scum idiot. Elam rock art 5000 B.C.!?

Every day I deal with Viennese people who are sick, racial madness sick like in 1938, I don't take coffee, cigarettes or anything to eat from these people, nothing that will be offered to me, I'm even worried about buying tobacco. 80% sick Nazi villains these Viennese. No matter what political color or ambition they call themselves green blue red purple or other colors, Viennese are villains, liars and racial madness

The Americans deliberately report that Luris and Bakhtiarie are Jews and what is striking: all Hezbollah Ayatullahs all European and Iranian fascists and Nazis are supported in the cybertorture system and boycott system. as far as hiding evidence and black finances are concerned

In 2017 I explained who Austria always chooses as a target for cybertorture and boycott system, today the Viennese are worse than in 2014. They publicly admit to it and scream Jewish boycott system....

I have to go, but it is actually a drama what happened in Iran and this became a daily topic and conversation: anyone who has a penis over 18 centimeters or reaches 24 is a human, and which woman has this space in her uterus and vagina canal is a true Aryan queen blood. So Iran is worse than the times before Emam Ali

Sonntag, 26. Mai 2024

This extraordinary photo would be worth 50 to 150,000 euros in a workshop and studio with the right light and lens and camera if the crystal landscape and the border could also be clearly seen. It is a racial and tribal symbol of the great empire of Persia. The national sacred sign: WATER

Cyber torture Stasi system is a demonic satanic ritual, there is not a single mosque, synagogue or church that doesn't make money, participate and laugh along

دیو بالدار اینه دیگه: مگه من چکار کردم؟ میخوای چکارم کنی؟ من چکار کردم؟

In 2002 to 2003 I was ruined internationally, in 2003 to 2004 I was reduced to ashes. no career/job rights, no capital rights, existence building right international, because of special genes DNA and biology. So not just on Austrian soil

I have been going to Caritas Carla 5th district of Vienna every day for 3 years. It's been 3 years, the only reaction: he should die before he finds out something and kills us. good night

Caritas and all its employees are enthusiastic cybertorture spectators, people who definitely want to perpetuate torture, suffering and depression, psychosis and suicide, is that humane? are you human? Are you a Christian? Is your blood genes and DNA Christianity? :-)

Look at Caritas organization in Vienna: "We help, we are Christian" the donations to this organization are in the hundreds of millions of euros, everything they get is free, but: the un-Christian thing is presented with prices like: used shoes from 40 euros up to 400 euros, including clothes: 190 euros. So it means: fuck you poor man., DIVS, Ahrimanic dirty divs in all church branches and organizations

The short version of the lower story that I wrote in Persian: just like Adolf and Goebbels, Viennese police and secret services have tens of thousands of DIVS (demons) in society, even in the red light environment and drug trade, an international gang in Vienna with different nationalities. Also in churches, aslo, in synagogues also in mosques, also in parties and human rights organizations. stasi cybertorture trader


ما هم داستان زیاد داریم ها: ۱۹ سالم بود یه پیرمرد دیو شاخدار مجاری با ما آشنا شد و گیر داد به ما، اونم تازه سر چی.. لول! نشسته بودم تنهای در یک بار، هشت تا آبجو خورده بودم و 6 پیک ودکا و 4 تا پیک تکیلا، بعد که طرف اومد بیرون دید روش دارم سیگاری هم میکشم لبخند زد وپرسید: از کجا میایی؟ جواب دادم: ایران تهران... آقا بعد از دو ساعت به ما پیشنهاد داد واسش کار کنم، اونم تازه شوبرون نزدیک مرز اتریش. میگفت: چهارتا فاحشه خونه دارم و سی و دوتا دستگاه بازی قمار، تو بیا همه اینهارو بچرخون درصد بگیر.. ما هم خوب این فیلم سه ساعته رو در عرضه نیم ثانیه تا آخر خوندیم. فیلم هم اینطوری تموم شد: یکی از دختر های فاحشه خونه زن ما شده و پنج تا بچه ولدزنا دارن از سر و کول ما میرن بالا در یک ویلای هزار متری، فقط یه عیب داشت: پدر خوانده پدر خواندست، سر جوونی باهات حال میکنه ولی سنت، که رفت بالا نابودت میکنه... اون دیو بالداری که جوونیت رو نابود میکنه و سر پیری بهت حال میده یه صیغه است این دیو شاخدار یه صیغه دیگه

I have to go, I'm annoyed, I'll probably come back tonight, I'm going to sleep, but ask these Austrians, Iran's best friends: why was it a crime to own property on Austrian soil? business and existence and private life? the answer: there was nothing, there was no action what he describes

The man is an Austro Nazi, a committed psychopathic Darwinist and eugenics fascist. It has nothing to do with sport but rather mind control program manipulation and glorification of mass murder. Satanist Darwinist methods

If several houses in Europe burn down to the last brick then vmat2 torture, espionage and mass murder will stop, then human rights will prevail again

This society has been taught by the middle class and upper class: do this and we will give you power, money, work and position, respect

Every detail of this photo has a meaning, what does the offended cat say?

Samstag, 25. Mai 2024

I have to go, but a tear is also a Kirke and Ulysses story, but the story was shortened, edited and abused by Spartans.

I only have a cell phone for photos, editing this photo costs a lot of hours because of the problem with studio equipment. But I have saved a drop from this moment, the gate of this drop will always remain open. a tear on your grave!, do you know the story? a tear on your grave. good night

In the circles of civil servants and workers with salaries up to 3000 euros there is no facial change, this change in facial features happens from 5 million euros upwards. Rahim received a salary of 1900 euros until 2011 and a pension of 850 euros from 2012, there is no change, except with millions of euros in black and terror money

باب دلمی، لالا لای لالالی... لول

آقا البته راه دوری هم زیاد نریم، میگم یه کتاب خریدم صد یورو شاید چهل هزار یورو فروش بره! لول جریان این میشه: عن تو کون ناپدری جاکش خودم سفت میشه بعد از سه هفته این یه تیکه رو نمیتونه فشار بده برینه بیرون می افته بیمارستان، بعدش هم: نصف فاطی های شهر ما تا 2 ماه کونشون رو به شوهرهاشون تو تخت خواب نشون میدن و به بی لیاقتی و بیعرضه گی شون فحش میدن،بعدش هم: رحیم بابلی الان زنگ میزنه به مهین و شهین کابلی: به بچه های حزب کمونیست کارگری بگو بیان جلو، مینا احدی باید به مردم اتریش بفهمونه از این بدبخت بیچاره نباید چیزی خرید. بعدش هم: حاجی بگم پسرت چیکارست یا نه؟

A few weeks ago I was standing in front of a tobacconist at the train station, there were 6 people standing in front of me, one of them was an Asian, from the telephone conversation I found out he is an astrophysicist and a guest in Vienna. When it was his turn to buy something, he was treated aggressively by a male employee. The astophysicist laughed and left, when it was my turn his eyes were shining and he was overly friendly, exaggerated: I've already fucked you, I'm no longer aggressive

vmat2 research has become nazi racial madness: they have something inside them that we don't have, they see what we don't see, they feel what we don't feel, they dream what we can't dream, they can do a thousand things: something that we are not capable of

I have never seen this sick envy in an animal human or generally in a living being, I have never seen this envy in others that the Viennese carries within themselves: envy and racial madness

Viennese anti-Semitism and racial hatred is the cheapest and dirtiest and most disgusting thing, the Viennese anti-Semite and Nazi is so disgusting and inferior that no monkey can imitate him... not even a monkey comedian: he has things that even I don't own, why has he things that I can't own