Samstag, 1. Juni 2024

I have to go to sleep, but Vienna has proven it itself: Austrians have killer sects, killer tribes and killer races in Iran. They are supported and protected with all their might. the case of my mother and sister is the proof

the public prosecutor said: get the evidence yourself, then we will deal with the matter

آقا ما بچه بودیم این پدیده و جریان جوراب سفید رو میدونستیم چیه، هیچکس خبر نداشت به غیر از خود من، با کت شلوار سیاه جوراب سفید، با کت شلوار خاکستری جوراب سفید، با کت شلوار قهوه ای جوراب سفید با.... . تو روح و روانتون سگ برینه.... لول. به خدا ما جوراب سفید پامون میکردیم بدشون میومد: اه اه اه کف جورابات چقدر کثیفه، خونتون جارو ندارید؟

my criminal complaint in the 21st century had almost with every corner and edge to do with mass immigration from the 18th and 19th centuries: today's respectable Iranian citizens in Vienna, today's Ali Shahrokh Parviz and Dariush and rahim, Azadeh and Parisa: home invaders, looters and cyber torture millionaires, iranian national socialist and nazis. :-)

in a few months it will be 7 years

this is the message and opinion of all international judges, officials and human rights activists and journalists, from UNO and Amnesty International: kill some and get the evidence and report crimes against humanity from a cell in prison!

First and foremost: Vienna is afraid because:, in Vienna lives a human

ok I'm back. the photos and Grail are also the problem:

First and foremost, Vienna is afraid because:, in Vienna lives a human

Freitag, 31. Mai 2024

آقا ما بریم، ولی جون تو این آلمانها یه زمانی چوب بستنی که برای هم زدن مغز ترک دستشون گرفته بودن فرو کردن تو کونشون ببینن این آلاسکا خشک شده رو میشه کشید بیرون یا نه!، آدولف زنگ زد گفت: مادر قحبه ها ما گفتیم نژاد و برتریت و اخلاقیات تمیز و سالم، این چه گوهی شما دارین ترکیه میخورین با این بدبخت بیچاره های ارمنی.. و روز خوش

the water bubbles are being pulled towards a gap. strong gate. last night I heard Turkish suffering, Murat Gögebakan. some in Turkey say: here the people are more merciless than anywhere else

آقا ما بریم یکم مراد گویه باخان گوش کنیم بعد بگیریم بخوابیم، سفارشات داش ممد امشب عجیب غریبه

my History is not aryan and mass murder, your brains are aryan and mass murder, aryan history is sick and mass murder. I am elamite purity, you are something unnatural disgusting and sick paranormal

مغز یه طرف خیانت و یه طرف نجاست... اصلا رشد فکری فرهنگی آداب و رسوم اخلاقيات و همه چیت ریدمون، رشته مغزی ترکمون، ریشه و مرکزیت روشنفکریت: کشتار دست جمعی.

نجاستی که تو خون تون رفت بهش میگن خیانت ای کثافت، خیانت شما به داریوش بزرگ ما سر این بود: با اسکندر سر مارو مثل خیار ببرید... شمشیر اسلامی تو ماتحت همتون کردیم که هنوز که هنوزه میگید آخ. جنبش عن جنده لاشی رسوایی.... و البته این رژیم هم اسلامی نیست همون جنده و همون رسواییه، چادری های اجنبی نجاست

since austro sick nazis have reported that our mother and we have 70 percent jewish blood and 30 percent armenian blood, Nasser Farahani binamus has married a nazi woman and says: I have my own 5 children, these two, barbad and rana are subhuman and the mother (ex wife) is an animal

آقا یکروز داشتیم نهار میخوردیم، یک دفعه لوبیا قرمه سبزی تو گلوم گیر کرد، دیدم یه کرد وایساده وسط اتاق، یهو دیدم ناصر هم پرید همینطوری با لگد پرتش کرد از خونه بیرون کشیدش مثل جنازه تو خیابون، کمی گذشت و ما فهمیدیم یارو امین بود، سر کارگر این یکی بیناموس. آقا ما بچه بودیم ولی خیلی زود فهمیدیم جریان دهاتی نو فاشیست و بیناموس شهری فاشیست چیه، بزرگتر که شدیم تازه فهمیدیم به رضا شاه بدبخت اصلا چرا میگفتن رضا قلدر... خوار جفتتون رو من گاییدم ... والا خیلی مادر قحبه ای

how often should i post this? in kurdistan and in iran and in many countries in the region there is a national socialist wave concerning genes race and blood, taught and instructed by the CIA and european basement nazis

you Austrian fascist Nazi racial madness and mother and daughter killer, you Austrian from Kurdistan, you vmat2 hunter and killer

my grandfather bagher ethiopian elamite: ashkenazim/mizrahim armenian blood and vmat2. dirty fascists in iran in irak in turkey in austria and in israel

A JASH KURD is a national socialist, racist and fascist! no matter in Vienna, London, Iraq or Iran, a paranormal genetic Nazi and fascist Like Alev Korun in Austria: ANTI VMAT2 NAZI

apparently I live in a city where all women have a 24 caliber hole

Viennese Nazi women whatever nationality and origin: men who have a penis under 18 centimeters can't talk about human rights violations when it comes to depriving them of sex! Cyber ​​torture and disenfranchisement system doesn't destroy their sex life.

every UN employee, every employee in international court, in Geneva and in all human rights organizations that have joined this denial are ready to die for this goal and final solution: VMAT2 STERILIZATION AND MASS MURDER

for 7 years my sex life has become a daily human rights violation and torture, because of disenfranchisement no chance of having a wife, girlfriend, family and healthy sex life

This should be the most incredible thing that every person between the ages of 7 and 90 has ever seen in their lives, phenomena in a grail and the grail cinema project with a 4 meter diameter gate. What Austria is doing is what the whole of Europe is doing: we cannot afford to be enthusiastic, it will cost us hundreds of millions of euros. This means the illegal cyber torture money, not the national capital, tax money and assets.

Give me the evidence of what the ayatollahs and hezbollah have done to me and my family, a journalist should write!

Austro nazi cockroaches : we work together with our friends Islamic Republic of Iran. inferior cockroaches